Sep 10, 2010


表達 賣光(某樣東西),可用 sell out (of something) be sold out (of something),比如指商店賣光某樣東西或售票處賣光門票, something sells out something is sold out 則是指 某樣東西被賣光,而要形容某個東西 被賣光的,可用 sold-out ( sold out),比如 a sold-out performance 就是指票被賣光的一場表演,而若要指 一樣被賣光的商品或一場門票售光的演出、比賽等等,可用 a sell-out/sell out/sellout,比如: The pharmacy is sold out of pain relievers and antibiotics.(那間藥房的止痛藥和抗生素賣光了。)The latest Andrew Lloyd Webber musical is expected to be a sell-out.(安德魯·勞埃德·韋伯最新的音樂劇門票預料將銷售一空。)表達 某樣東西賣光,店裡已沒有存貨或庫存 ( stock ),可用 something is out of stock [stɑk],如: Some deodorants and antiperspirants are temporarily out of stock.(某些體香劑和止汗劑暫時缺貨。)英式英文中表達 為了搬到別的地方或國家,或為了退休等,賣光或賣光大部分的家當,比如像房子、公司、所有物等, 可用 sell up,比如: He advised her to sell up and move to Argentina.(他建議她把家當賣光搬到阿根廷。)表達 飯店房間、餐廳座位、飛機機位等等被訂光,可用 be booked upbe fully bookedbe fully reserved [rɪˋzɝvd] be booked solid [ˋsɑlɪd],比如: All BA flights in and out of Johannesburg are booked up until next Sunday.(所有進出約翰尼斯堡的英航班機到下週日前都被訂滿。)