Sep 9, 2010


表達 大量購買某樣東西,特別是因為這樣做價格比較便宜,可用 buy something in bulk [bʌlk] to bulk buy something,另外表達 大量購買某樣東西貯備或囤積,可用 stock [stɑk] up on something 或在英式英文中也可用 buy in something (buy something in)。如: It is much more economical to bulk buy basic necessities.(大量購買基本必需品更加省錢。)Many people stocked up on surgical masks for fear that the swine flu might become a pandemic.(許多人囤積手術口罩, 擔憂豬流感可能變成大流行病。)表達 大量購買、盡可能地把某樣東西全部買下,比如像土地、 商品、食物等,可用  buy up something (buy something up),如: Almost all of the land on the peninsula was bought up by developers.(半島上幾乎所有的土地都被開發商收購。)表達 從製造公司或批發商直接以較便宜的價格大量購買某樣東西,可用 buy something wholesale;若表達 從別的國家,特別是大量地,購買商品至本國銷售,可用 import [ɪmˋport],即進口。如: The company imports propolis capsules from Canada.(那家公司從加拿大進口蜂膠膠囊。)He buys textiles wholesale and sells them to retailers for a profit.(他批發買進紡織品,再賣給零售商獲利。)