Mar 20, 2011


表達 X 是和 Z 相反、相對立的人事物 ( 或說 X Z 相反、相對立 ),可透過 X is the opposite of Z (= X and Z are opposites ) X is the antithesis of Z (正式),表達 X 是和 Z 完全相反、相對立的人事物 ( 或說 X Z 完全相反、南轅北轍、天南地北 ),可透過 X is the polar opposite of Z (= X and Z are polar opposites )X is the complete opposite of Z (= X and Z are complete opposites )X is the exact opposite of Z (= X and Z are exact opposites )X is at the opposite end of the spectrum from Z (= X and Z are at the opposite end of the spectrum )X is at the opposite end of the scale from Z (= X and Z are at the opposite end of the scale )X is at the opposite end of the continuum from Z (= X and Z are at the opposite end of the continuum )X is poles apart from Z (= X and Z are poles apart )X and Z are at opposite poles (= X and Z are on opposite poles) 等,表達 兩個看法、意見等 ( X Z ) 完全相反、相對立,可透過 X and Z are diametrically opposed (= X is diametrically opposed to Z ),表達 ( 和另一事物 ) 相反、相對立的的某個事物 (Y),可透過 Y to the contrary ( 比如 evidence to the contrary 指「相反的證據、反證」),還有,表達 相反的、相對立的,可透過 opposite [ˋɑpəzɪt] (也可唸 [ˋɑpəzət])reverse [rɪˋvɝs]contrary [ˋkɑntrɛrɪ] (也可唸 [ˋkɑntrərɪ])converse [kənˋvɝs] (也可唸 [ˋkɑnvɝs]) (正式)inverse [ɪnˋvɝs] (也可唸 [ˋɪnvɝs]) (專業用語) 等,表達 ( 意見、看法等 ) 相反的、相對立的,也可透過 opposing [əˋpozɪŋ],表達 和一般看法相反的是,……,可透過 Contrary to popular belief, …… (= Contrary to popular opinion, ……),表達 正好、恰好相反的是, ……,可透過 On the contrary, ……,表達 完全相反的是,……、另一個極端是,……,可透過 At the opposite extreme [ɪkˋstrim], …… (= At the other extreme, …… ),表達 事實或情況正好相反、恰好相反,可透過 (it’s) just the opposite ( 這裡的 just 可用 quiteexactly [ɪgˋzæktlɪ]precisely [prɪˋsaɪslɪ] 等替換,opposite 則可用 reversecontrary 等替換 )(just) the opposite is true (= (just) the opposite is the case ) ( 這裡的 just 可用 quiteexactly [ɪgˋzæktlɪ]precisely [prɪˋsaɪslɪ] 等替換,opposite 則可用 reversecontrary 等替換 )(it’s) the opposite way around ( around 也可拼為 round (英式為主) ) 等,表達 ……,且反過來也一樣、反之亦然,可透過 ……, and vice versa [͵vaɪs ˋvɝsə];此外,表達 做相反的事、反著做、反其道而行,可透過 do the opposite ( 這裡的 opposite 可用 reversecontrary 等替換 ),表達 反轉、逆轉某事物 (Y),可透過 reverse Y put Y into reverse,表達 開始反轉、逆轉,可透過 go into reverse