Sep 1, 2016

表達辦公室相關用語 (工作篇)

1.  辦公室工作、文職工作  desk job
2.  文書工作  paperwork = clerical work
3.  白領工作  white-collar job  (白領工作者:white-collar worker)
比較: 藍領工作  blue-collar job (藍領工作者:blue-collar worker)
          粉領工作  pink-collar job (粉領工作者:pink-collar worker)
4.  工作、職業  job = work = occupation (偏正式或書面、常用於表格中) = vocation (其也可指「志業、使命」= calling ) = trade (尤指「需要用手工技巧的工作,如木工、水電工等」)
: 全職工作  full-time job ( 兼職工作 part-time job )
      高薪工作  well-paid/paying job (= high-paid/paying job)
( 低薪工作 low-paid/paying job )
      勞力工作  manual job
補充:你是做什麼的? What do you do (for a living)?
            你是做那一行的? What line of work are you in (= what type of work do you do)?
            各行各業  every walk of life = all walks of life
5.  稱心的工作、適合自己的工作  niche
6.  實習工作  (work) placement = internship
: 實習中  on placement
補充:實習生  intern
7.  按件計酬的工作  piecework
8.  專業 (的工作)  profession
例:他的職業是律師。 He is a lawyer by profession.
9.  職業生涯、事業  career
補充:事業狂 ()  careerist
10.  職位、職務  position = post
11.  職位空缺  (job) vacancy = opening
: 填補職位空缺  fill a vacancy
12.  找工作、求職  look for a job = look for work/employment = seek employment =
try to get/land/find a job
13.  求職者  job seeker
例:(英國的) 求職者津貼、失業補助 ()  Jobseeker's Allowance (= JSA)
14.  職業介紹所、就業服務中心  employment agency = job center/centre =
job placement service
15.  就業顧問  guidance counsel(l)or
16.  人力銀行  job bank
17.  徵才廣告、求職廣告  job ad(vertisement)
18.  (報紙中的) 徵才廣告欄  Situations Vacant
19.  分類廣告  classified advertisements/adverts/ads = classifieds = want/small ads
20.  招募  recruit
21.  獵才、延攬  headhunt
比較:物色 (優秀運動員、表演人才等)  scout (其也可指「星探」、「球探」等 = talent scout)
22.  挖角  poach
例:他們有好幾個員工被對手公司給挖走了。Several of their employees were poached by a rival firm.
23.  留住 (員工)  retain
24.  申請工作  apply for a job = put in for a job
25.  申請 (/)  application
例:申請表  application form
        (填寫申請表格  fill in/out an application form = complete an application form)
26.  工作申請人、應徵者  applicant = candidate
27.  履歷 ()  resume (= résumé) = curriculum vitae (= CV) = vita
28.  推薦信、介紹信  reference = testimonial
29.  推薦人、介紹人  reference = referee
30.  面試  interview
例:獲邀 (參加) 面試  be called/invited for (an) interview
        參加或接受面試  have/attend an interview = go for an interview
        主持面試  conduct/do an interview
31.  面試官  interviewer
32.  (參加或接受) 面試者  interviewee
33.  雇用 ~、聘用~  employ/engage ~ = take ~ on = give ~ a job = give ~ employment
34.  簽約雇用 ~、簽下 ~  sign ~ (up/on) 
35.  試用 ()  probation/trial (period)
: 三個月的試用期  three month probation period
      在試用期間  on probation
36.  任命、委派 A B   appoint/designate/name A (as) B
例:我們任命他做人事經理。 We appointed him as personnel manager.
37.  ~ 工作、受雇於 ~  work for A~ = be employed by ~ = be in ~’s employ (= be in the employ of ~)
比較:自雇/營的、自由業的  self-employed
            (如作家、記者、攝影師、翻譯等) 按件計酬的、自由業的  freelance (其也可指  
從事這類工作性質的人 (= freelancer ))
            約聘的  contractual  (例:約聘人員  contract(ual) employee
            臨時的、零工的  casual = temporary = jobbing (例:臨時工  casual worker)  
38.  有工作、就業中、在職中  have a job = in employment/work
39.  有一份穩定的工作  have a steady job
40.  在職訓練  on-the-job training = in-service training
41.  (公司或機構的) 內部培訓  in-house training
42.  保住工作或飯碗  hold (down) a job = keep a job
43.  兼職作 ~、以 ~ 為副業  work as ~ on the side = moonlight as ~
44.  兼職的工作、副業  sideline
45.  使A 升遷到B這個職位   promote/upgrade/elevate A to B  ( 使A 降職到B這個職位   demote/downgrade/relegate A to B  )
46.  (使) 調職  transfer
47.  遞交辭呈  hand/give/turn in one’s resignation/notice = submit/offer/proffer/tender one's resignation/notice
48.  離職、辭職  leave = resign = quit = pack/jack it in
49.  (使) 退休  retire
50.  提早退休  retire early = take early retirement
51.  已退休的  retired (= ret(d) )
52.  退休人士  retiree
53.  退休金、養老金  (retirement) pension
例:領退休金  get/receive/draw/collect a pension
54.  退休金計畫、退休金制度  pension scheme/plan = retirement plan
55.  解僱 ~、開除 ~  dismiss/fire/sack/ax(e) ~ = lay ~ off = give ~ the sack/boot =
make ~ redundant = terminate ~
56.  解僱通知 ()  notice of severance/dismissal/termination  = pink slip
57.  解僱金、遣散費  severance (pay)
58.  失業、沒工作  unemployed = jobless = without a job = out of work = idle
例:失業者們  the unemployed/jobless
(長期失業者們  the long-term unemployed/jobless)
59.  領失業補助金中  on welfare/benefit/unemployment =
on unemployment benefit/compensation = on the dole
60.  工作場所  workplace
61.  打卡鐘  time clock
62.  上班打卡  clock in/on = punch in ( 下班打卡  clock out/off = punch out)
63.  正在工作的地方、工作中  at work
64.  值班中、執勤中  on duty
比較: 沒在值班、下班  off duty
65.  輪班  shift
: 做輪班工作  work shifts
      輪早////大夜班  be on the early/day/late/night/graveyard shift
      輪班八小時 do/work an eight-hour shift
66.  上班時間彈性  work flex(i)time
67.  無固定辦公桌制 (員工沒有自己固定的辦公桌,看哪個辦公桌沒人用就用)  hot desking = hoteling
68.  電話待命中、隨叫隨到  be on call
69.  出差中  on business = on a business trip
70.  ~ 代班  cover for ~ = sub(stitute) for ~
71.  加班  work/do overtime = put in overtime
例:加班費  overtime (pay(ment))
72.  工作量  workload
73.  過度工作、過勞  overwork
74.  補休 comp time
75.  ()   leave
        be on sick/personal/bereavement(funeralcompassionate)/
maternity/paternity/parental/educational(study)/special/annual leave
        (休事假也可用  take a personal day)
        獲准休假  be given/granted leave of absence
        有薪假  paid leave/vacation/holiday  ( 無薪假  unpaid leave/vacation/holiday)
(例:休一個月的無薪假  take a month's unpaid leave)

76.  缺勤、礦工  be absent from work
77.  (經常性無故) 缺勤  absenteeism
78.  (尤指按時、日、周等發放的) 薪水、工資  wage = pay
例:時//周薪  hourly/daily/weekly wage
        法定最低工資  minimum wage
        薪資凍漲  wage freeze
79.  (尤指按月或年發放的) 薪水、工資  salary = pay
例:起薪  starting salary
        底薪  base/basic salary
        六位數薪水  six-figure salary
        薪水是 ~  be on a salary of ~
        (換工作時) 接受較低的薪水  take a drop in salary
        他要求預支薪水。 He asked for an advance on his salary.
補充:領薪水的、支薪的  salaried  (例:支薪雇員  salaried employee)
earningsremunerationemolumentcompensation及下列 83~84中所提到的字
80.  (扣稅和保險後的) 實領工資  take-home pay
81.  計件工資  piece rate
82.  佣金、回扣、抽成  commission
例:靠賺佣金  work on commission
83.  薪水 ()  pay/wage packet = pay envelope
84.  薪水 (支票)  paycheck (= pay cheque)
85.  薪資單  payslip (= pay slip)
86.  發薪日  payday (= pay day)
87.  欠薪  back pay
88.  加薪  (pay) raise/rise
89.  (付給加班者的) 雙倍工資  double time
比較:一倍半的工資  time and a half
90.  福利  benefit  (其也可指「補助金」,見59)
例:附加或額外的福利 (如公司配車、餐費補助、免費健保等)  fringe benefits = perks =
       福利配套  benefit(s) package
91.  獎金、紅利  bonus
例:績效獎金  performance/productivity bonus
        年終獎金  year-end bonus
92.  分紅制  profit-sharing
93.  股息、股利、紅利  dividend
94.  補貼、津貼  allowance
例:交通補貼  travel allowance
95.  (因在某個生活費用高的地區工作而獲得的) 生活加給  weighting
96.  危險加給  danger/hazard pay = danger money
97.  (報銷費用或報公帳用的) 核銷帳目  expense account
例:他給這頓午餐報了公帳。 He put this lunch on his expense account. =
He charged this lunch to his expense account.
98.  ~ 報銷費用、償還  reimburse
例:公司給我報銷了旅費。 The company reimbursed me for my travel expenses.
99.   (包含薪水、投資、做生意、業外等所有的) 收入、所得  income
例: 所得稅  income tax
        (稅前) 總收入  gross income
        (稅後) 淨收入  net income
        (稅後) 可支配所得  disposable income
        (稅後且扣除必要生活費後的) 可支配所得  discretionary income

        固定收入  fixed income