Nov 24, 2016


1.  (一根) 頭髮  hair   (當其指「一個人所有的頭髮」時,為不可數名詞,但當其指「一根頭髮」時,則為可數名詞,例如  get a few grey/gray hairs  (有幾根白頭髮  pluck (out) a grey/gray hair (拔掉一根白頭髮);此外,hair  也可指「頭部以外的毛髮」,例如  facial/body/chest/pubic hair (臉毛/體毛/胸毛/陰毛))
例:一根頭髮  a (strand of) hair
        一撮頭髮  a lock of hair
       稀疏/濃密的頭髮  thin/thick(=bushy) hair
       凌亂的頭髮、一頭亂髮  messy/untidy dishevel(l)ed/tousled/unkempt hair
        被風吹亂的頭髮  windswept hair
        細軟易亂的頭髮、飄拂/逸的頭髮  flyaway hair
        難整理的頭髮  unruly hair
        打結的頭髮、糾結的頭髮  tangled hair
        粗糙的頭髮、毛躁的頭髮  coarse hair
        纖細/細緻的頭髮、細髮  fine hair
        無光澤的頭髮  dull hair
        烏黑 (發亮) 的頭髮  jet-black hair
        () 頭髮、銀髮   grey(=gray)/grizzled/silver(y) hair    
          金髮  blond(e) hair
        (補充:金髮女郎  blonde
                     金髮男子  blond
                     深褐色頭髮的白人女子 brunette)      
         用手指撥 () 頭髮  run one's fingers through one's hair
         不動某人一根毛髮/汗毛  not harm/touch a hair of/on sb's head
         面不改色、不動聲色  not turn a hair 
         令某人毛骨悚然  make sb's hair stand on end
          (補充:令人毛骨悚然的  hair-raising)
2.  髮型  hairstyle = (hair)do (其尤指「女生的髮型」) = (hair)cut = coiffure (其尤指「特別或精心設計的髮型」)
補充:直髮/捲髮/波浪髮  straight/curly/wavy hair
             (補充:自然捲的頭髮  naturally curly hair
                           一撮捲髮  curl)
             香菇頭  bob = bobbed hair
           (黑人) 爆炸頭  Afro
           刺蝟頭  spiky hair
           龐克頭  Mohawk = Mohican
             胭脂魚髮型 ( 頭頂及兩側短、後面長的髮型)  mullet
             長髮/短髮  long/short hair
             (補充:長髮的/短髮的  long/short-haired
                      留著長髮/短髮、留長/短頭髮  wear one's hair long/short)
             及肩/及腰長髮  shoulder/waist-length hair
             很短的頭髮/髮型  crop = cropped hair 
           (比較:如表比這個還要短的「超短髮」,則可用  closely cropped hair = close-cropped hair)
           平頭  crew/buzz cut = flat-top
           (比較:如表「剃到可見頭皮的平頭」,可用  close haircut)
           光頭  shaven/shaved head = skinhead 
           (比較:禿頭 (見本篇最後一點))
           剃度的頭  tonsured head
3.  頭髮分線  part(ing)
例:中分/旁分  center(=centre)/side part(ing)
         (補充:「中分」的動詞為  part one's hair in the middle;「旁分」的動詞則為  part one's hair on the side)
4.  瀏海  bangs = fringe
例:留瀏海  wear one's hair in bangs = have bangs
5.  辮子  braid = plait = pigtail
例:綁辮子  wear one's hair in braids
補充:辮子頭  braided/plaited hair
比較:(辮子) 綁兩邊的髮型  pigtails = bunches
           法式辮  French braid/plait
           馬尾  ponytail         
6.  圓髻  bun = chignon = knot
例:將頭髮挽成一個圓髻  wear  one's hair in a bun
補充:把頭髮往上盤或往上梳  wear one's hair up
7.  (自己) 做頭髮、弄頭髮、給頭髮定型  do/fix/style/dress one's hair  (若表「在頭髮濕時定型」,則用  set one's hair)
比較:給人做頭髮  have/get   one's hair   done/fixed/styled/dressed  (若表「給人在頭髮濕時定型」,則用  have one's hair set)
8.  (平坦的) 梳子、(用這樣的梳子) (頭髮)  comb
例:把頭髮往後梳  comb back one's hair
        細齒梳  fine-tooth(ed) comb
比較:(有把手、 像刷子的) 梳子、髮刷  (hair)brush  (其中  brush  也可做動詞,表「(用這樣的梳子) (頭髮))
9.  髮箍  hairband = Alice band
比較:(簡易) 髮夾  hairpin = bobby pin = (hair)grip
           (兼有裝飾作用的) 髮夾  barrette = (hair)slide
10.  髮膠  hair gel = jell
比較:定型噴霧  (styling) hairspray = (hair) styling spray = (hair) lacquer
           (定型) 慕絲  (styling) mousse
11.  (傳統的男士) 理髮店  barbershop = barber('s)
比較:髮廊、美髮店  (hairdressing) salon = hairdresser's
補充:(傳統的男士) 理髮師  barber
           美髮師、髮型 (設計)   hairdresser = (hair)stylist
12.  剪頭髮  have/get a haircut = have/get one's hair cut
比較:(稍微) 修剪頭髮  have/get one's hair trimmed
補充:(頭髮) 剪層次  layer one's hair
            剪刀  (a pair of) scissors
            電動剃刀、電動理髮器  electric (hair) clippers
13.  洗頭髮  wash one's hair
比較:用洗髮精洗頭髮  wash one's hair with shampoo = shampoo one's hair
補充:洗髮精、用洗髮精洗  shampoo
           (比較:潤髮乳、護髮乳  conditioner)
           油性/中性/乾性洗髮精  a shampoo for oily(=greasy)/normal/dry hair
           抗頭皮屑洗髮精  (anti-)dandruff shampoo
           藥用洗髮精  medicated shampoo
           在頭上抹上洗髮精  apply the shampoo to one's hair
           沖掉洗髮精  rinse the shampoo (off/out)
           洗加造型  a shampoo and set        
           洗剪吹 500   $500 for a shampoo, cut, and blow-dry 
14.  吹頭髮  blow-dry one's hair
補充:吹風機  hairdryer (= hairdrier)
比較:用毛巾擦乾頭髮  dry one's hair with a towel
15.  燙頭髮  have a perm(anent (wave)) = have one's hair permed 
例:她的頭髮是自然捲還是燙捲?  Is her hair naturally curly or has she had a perm?
補充:髮捲  curler = roller
           電燙棒  curling iron = (curling) tongs
16.  染髮  dye/colo(u)r one's hair
例:把頭髮染成    dye/colo(u)r one's hair ~
        頭髮被染成   one's hair is dyed/colo(u)red ~
比較:挑染  highlight  (表「挑染過的頭髮」,則為  highlights)
補充:染髮劑  hair dye/colo(u)r = tint = rinse
17.  頭皮  scalp
補充:頭皮屑  dandruff
           毛囊  (hair) follicle
           髮根  root
           髮梢  end
           (例:(髮梢) 頭髮分叉  split end (常用作 split ends))
18.  禿頭  bald head
補充:全禿  be completely/totally/quite  bald = be as bald as a cue ball = be as bald as a coot
           禿一塊、禿頭處  bald patch/spot
        頭髮越來越少、持續掉髮、漸禿  be losing one's hair = be going bald = be getting thin on top = be balding
            漸漸稀疏的頭髮  thinning hair
            髮線越來越高、髮線後移  have a receding hairline
            雄性禿、地中海禿頭  male-pattern hair loss  (表「地中海禿頭」,也可用  Hippocratic wreath)
            圓禿、鬼剃頭  spot baldness
            (遮禿的) 髮片  hairpiece
            假髮  wig
            (比較:接髮  (hair) extensions)
            植髮  hair transplant(ation)
            生髮水  hair (re)growth oil/tonic/lotion

            (補充:落建  Rogaine)