Nov 8, 2016

表達各種地形地貌 (上)

1.  地形、地貌  topography (其也可指「地形學」) = landform = geographic(al) feature  (此外,表「地形」也可用  terrain,如  rough terrain (崎嶇不平的地形  mountainous terrain (多山地形))
2.  平原  plain(s)
例:氾濫平原  flood plain
3.  沼澤 ()、濕地  swamp (= swampland(s)) (其一般指「有樹的沼澤」) = marsh (= marshland(s)) (其一般指「無樹的沼澤」) = wetland(s) = bog = morass = (quag)mire =
fen (= fenland(s))  (其尤指「英格蘭東部的沼澤」)
4.  森林  forest
例:茂密的森林  thick/dense forest
        砍伐森林  cut down a forest
        砍光 (某地的) 森林  deforest/disafforest
        見樹不見林  not see the forest/wood for the trees
比較:( forest 小的) 樹林、林子  wood(s) (= woodland(s))
            熱帶雨林  (tropical) rainforest
            (尤指熱帶) 叢林  jungle
            (例:都市叢林、水泥叢林  the urban/concrete/asphalt jungle = the city)
            灌木叢 ()  brush = scrub (= scrubland(s) = shrubland(s)) = thicket
            () 樹叢  grove
補充:樹冠層  canopy
5.  草原、草地  grassland(s)
比較:(常指長有野花的) 草地、牧場  meadow
            (尤指北美) 大草原  prairie
            (尤指非洲的) 稀樹草原  savanna(h)
            (尤指東南歐、俄羅斯和北亞的) 無樹大草原  steppe(s)
            荒野、荒無人煙之地、未開墾之地  wilderness = wastes          
            (雜草和灌木叢生的) 荒野  heath (= heathland(s))
            荒野高原、高沼  moor (= moorland(s))      
            (尤指美國南/北達科他州及內布拉斯加州一帶的) 荒漠高原  badlands
6.  沙漠、荒漠  desert
例:撒哈拉沙漠  the Sahara Desert
        文化沙漠  cultural desert/wasteland 
補充:(沙漠或海邊的) 沙丘  (sand) dune
            綠洲  oasis
            海市蜃樓  mirage  
7.  冰原  ice field (= icefield)
例:哥倫比亞大冰原  the Columbia Icefield
比較:(南北極的) 冰帽、冰蓋、冰冠  ice cap/sheet 
            凍原、苔原  tundra
8.  高原、臺地  plateau = tableland(s)
例:青藏高原  the Tibetan Plateau
比較:高地  highland(s) = upland(s)
            (例:蘇格蘭高地  the (Scottish) Highlands)
9.  ()   mountain = Mount (其用於山名中 = Mt (= Mt.),如  Mount Fuji (富士山) (Mount) Everest (聖母峰、珠穆朗瑪峰 ))
例:爬山者、登山者/  mountain climber = mountaineer
        去爬山、去登山  go mountain-climbing = go mountaineering      
        爬山、登山、上山  climb a mountain = go/walk/come up a mountain =
ascend a mountain
        下山  go/walk/come down a mountain = descend a mountain
        在山間、在山區  in the mountains
        洛磯山脈  the Rocky Mountains = the Rockies
補充:山脈  (mountain) range = mountain chain = a range/chain of mountains
            (尤指西語國家和美西的) 鋸齒山脈或山脊  sierra
(例:內華達山脈  the Sierra Nevada)
            山脊  ridge
            山頂  mountaintop = summit = (mountain) peak  (其尤指「有尖峰的山頂」) =
the top/summit/peak of a mountain
            (例:白雪覆蓋的山頂  snow-capped mountain peak = snow-covered mountain peak)
            山腰、山側、山坡  mountainside = the side/flank/slope of a mountain
            山腳  the foot/bottom of a mountain
            山洞、洞穴  cave
            (例:山洞口  the mouth/entrance of a cave = the entrance to a cave
                      (史前) 穴居人、山頂洞人  caveman
             比較:(尤指) 大山洞、大洞穴  cavern
             補充:鐘乳石  stalactite
                         石筍  stalagmite)
            山泉  mountain spring
            (比較:溫泉  hot spring
                         間歇泉  geyser)
10.  冰山  (ice)berg
例:冰山一角  the tip of an/the iceberg
11.  火山  volcano
例:活//死火山  active/dormant/extinct volcano
        火山爆發  a volcano erupts (名詞為  volcano/volcanic eruption)
補充:火山口;(隕石)   crater
            火山灰  volcanic ash
            (火山噴出的) 岩漿、熔岩;火山岩  lava
            (比較:(地表下) 岩漿  magma) 
12.  丘陵、山丘、小山  hill
比較:小 () 丘、土墩  mound = knoll = hillock = hummock
            山麓丘陵  foothill (其常用複數)
            (例:喜馬拉雅山脈的山麓丘陵  the foothills of the Himalayas)
            (常見於美國西南部的平頂山丘、桌子山、方山  mesa
補充:蟻丘  anthill  
13.  (/)   valley = vale = dale (其尤指「英格蘭北部的山谷」)
例:裂谷、地塹  rift valley
比較:(兩邊有峭壁、谷底常有溪流的) 峽谷  canyon (其常用於美洲的峽谷名稱中,如 
the Grand Canyon (大峽谷)) = gorge (其常用於歐洲的峽谷名稱中) = ravine =
gulch = gull(e)y
             (尤指蘇格蘭或愛爾蘭的) 峽谷  glen
             (長有草或樹的小山谷  dell
14.  瀑布  waterfall = falls (其尤用於瀑布名稱中,如  Niagara Falls (尼加拉瓜大瀑布))
比較:大瀑布  cataract
            小瀑布、大瀑布或瀑布群的分支  cascade
15.  盆地;流域  basin
例:亞馬遜河流域  the Amazon basin
16.  ()  lake = loch (其指「蘇格蘭的湖」,如  Loch Ness  (尼斯湖)) = lough (其指
「愛爾蘭的湖」)  (其中  loch    lough 也可指「狹長海灣」,見下)
例:安大略湖  Lake Ontario
        密西根湖  Lake Michigan
比較:瀉湖、() 礁湖  lagoon
補充:湖邊、湖濱  lakeside
            (湖或河的) 集水區  catchment area

17.  池塘  pond