Nov 3, 2016


1.  商店  store = shop
例:經營商店  run a store
2.  連鎖店  chain/multiple (store)
3.  加盟店、特許經營店  franchise
比較:批發店  wholesaler's = cash-and-carry
4.  零售店  retail outlet/store/shop = retailer
5.  銷售處、銷售點  point of sale/purchase
6.  一元商店、一鎊商店  (類似台灣的十元商店)  dollar store = pound shop = variety store
比較:(舊時的) 五分、十分商店  five-and-dime store = dime store = five-and-ten
7.  街頭小店  corner store/shop
8.  (夫妻經營的) 家庭商店  mom-and-pop store/shop
9.  雜貨店、超市  grocery (store/shop) = grocer’s (表「超市」時,也可用  supermarket)
比較:(尤指小鎮或村子的) 雜貨店  general store
            (軍中或監獄的) 雜貨店、福利社  commissary
10.  超商、便利商店  convenience store = minimart
11.  大型商店、專賣店  emporium (表「專賣店」時,也可用  special(i)ty store/shop    stockist)
12.  旗艦店  flagship (store)
13.  大賣場、量販店  superstore = megastore = hypermarket = big-box store
比較:(採會員制的) 量販店、倉儲式量販店  warehouse store/club
14.  百貨公司  department store
15.  精品店  boutique
16.  購物中心  (shopping) mall = shopping center = retail park
比較:(有拱廊的) 購物中心  (shopping) arcade
            (由一整排商店並排而成的長條形) 購物中心  strip mall
17.  暢貨中心  outlet
比較:(販售工廠直送的庫存、瑕疵或過季品的) 暢貨中心  factory outlet/store/shop
            折扣商店  discount store/shop
18.  免稅商店  duty-free (shop)
19.  當舖  pawn shop = pawnbroker(’s)
20.  寄賣店  consignment store/shop
21.  二手店  secondhand store/shop
比較:二手義賣店  thrift store/shop = charity shop = opportunity shop (= op-shop)
22.  古董店  antique(s) store/shop
23.  珠寶 (鐘錶)   jeweler(’s) (=jeweller(’s)) = jewelry(=jewellery) store/shop
24.  () 工藝品店  craft store/shop
25.  書店  bookstore = bookshop
比較:書報攤  newsstand = newspaper stand = newsagent('s)= paper shop = bookstall
            漫畫店 comic book store/shop
26.  影印店、影印行  print/copy shop
27.  () 相館  photo(graphy)/portrait studio
28.  文具店、文具行  stationer('s)
29.  禮品店、紀念品店  gift/souvenir shop
30.  唱片行  record store/shop
補充:KTV   karaoke box = KTV (= karaoke television)
31.  花店  florist('s)
32.  蔬菜水果店、蔬果店  greengrocer('s)
33.  魚舖、魚店  fishmonger('s)
34.  肉舖、肉店  butcher('s)  
35.  (賣醃製肉品、冷盤、乳酪、異國食品、三明治、沙拉等的) 熟食店  deli(catessen)
36.  餐廳、餐館  restaurant = eatery
例:速食餐廳、速食店  fast food restaurant
        (補充:得來速餐廳  drive-through (= drive-thru) (restaurant)
         比較:漢堡店  burger bar/joint)
        自助餐廳  self-service restaurant = buffet restaurant
        (比較:(尤指學生、員工等的) 自助餐廳  cafeteria = canteen)
        高檔餐廳  fine(-dining)/fancy/high-end/upscale/upmarket/posh restaurant
        (比較:廉價餐館、廉價酒館  joint
                     廉價法式餐館  brasserie)
補充:小餐館、外型像餐車的餐館  diner
            小餐館、小酒館  bistro
37.  牛排店、牛排館  steakhouse
38.  燒烤店  grill
39.  披薩店  pizza parlor = pizzeria
40.  麵包店、烘培坊  bakery = bakeshop = baker('s)
比較:糕點店、糕餅店  pastry store/shop
            (法式) 糕點店  patisserie
            甜甜圈店  donut/doughnut store = donut/doughnut shop
41.  咖啡店、咖啡館  café (= cafe) = coffee bar/house/shop = caff
例:網咖  Internet café = cybercafé
42.  茶館、茶店、茶室  tea shop/room = teahouse
例:飲料店  bubble tea shop
43.  冰淇淋店  ice cream parlo(u)r
44.  酒吧、酒館  bar = pub (= public house) = tavern (其常用於酒吧名稱中)
例:高級酒吧  lounge/saloon (bar)
比較:夜店、酒店  (night)club = nightspot
            脫衣舞俱樂部  strip club/joint
45.  酒類專賣店  liquor/package store = off-licence = offie
46.  煙草店  tobacconist('s)
47.  糖果 (巧克力)   candy store = sweet shop = confectionery = confectioner('s)
48.  (電影院、遊樂園、體育館等地賣吃的販賣部  concession (stand) = snack bar
49.  外帶店、外賣店  takeout = takeaway = carry-out
比較:(販售炸魚、薯條等的) 外帶店  (fish and) chip shop = chippy
50.  藥局、(商店的) 藥品部  pharmacy
比較:藥妝店  drugstore = chemist('s)
51.  理髮店  barbershop = barber('s)
比較:髮廊、美髮店  (hairdressing) salon = hairdresser's (此外,salon也可指「高級時裝店」)
52.  美容院  beauty parlo(u)r/shop = (beauty) salon
53.  按摩店、按摩院  massage parlo(u)r
54.  三溫暖  sauna
55.  刺青店、紋身店  tattoo parlo(u)r
56.  眼鏡店、眼鏡行  optometrist('s) = optician('s)
57.  香水店  perfumery
58.  服裝店、服飾店  clothing store/shop = clothes store/shop
59.  (男裝) 裁縫店、西裝店  tailor('s)
比較:(女裝) 裁縫店  dressmaker('s)
60.  布店  fabric store/shop
61.  自助洗衣店  laundromat (= Laundromat) = laund(e)rette
62.  乾洗店  the (dry) cleaner(’s) = the cleaners
63.  鞋店  shoe store/shop
64.  體育用品店  sports store/shop = sporting goods store/shop
65.  戶外用品店、旅行用品店  outfitter (其也可指「男裝店」)
66.  園藝用品店  garden center(=centre) = nursery
67.  五金行  hardware store/shop = ironmonger(’s)
68.  家具店、家具行  furniture store/shop
69.  玩具店  toy store/shop
70.  電動遊樂場、電子遊樂場  (video/amusement) arcade
71.  電子產品店、電器行  electronics store = electrical store/shop
72.  手機店、通訊行  cell(ular) phone store/shop = mobile phone store/shop
73.  旅行社  travel agent('s) = travel agency/bureau
74.  房仲店  (real) estate agent(’s) = (real) estate agency/office = realty agency/office = realtor('s)
75.  汽車經銷店/  car dealership
補充:汽車展示中心  car showroom
76.  加油站  gas/petrol/filling/service station = garage
77.  汽車修理廠  garage = car/auto repair shop
78.  鎖店、鑰匙店  locksmith('s)
79.  寵物店  pet store/shop
80.  投注站、彩券行  betting shop = bookmaker('s) = bookie('s)
81.  情趣用品店  sex/adult shop