Nov 19, 2016


1.  乳製品、奶製品  dairy/milk products = dairy produce
補充:乳品場、乳品公司、乳品店  dairy = creamery       
2.  (牛、羊等的) 奶;擠奶  milk
例:全脂 ()   whole milk = full-fat milk = full-cream milk 
        低脂 ()   low-fat milk = semi-skimmed milk = reduced-fat milk
        脫脂 ()   skim(med) milk = fat-free milk = non-fat milk
        (給乳糖不耐症者飲用的) 無乳糖 ()   lactose-free milk
        (補充:乳糖不耐症  lactose intolerance)
        (未經巴氏德消毒法殺菌過的) 生乳  raw milk = unpasteurized milk
       (比較:經巴氏德消毒法殺菌過的 ()   pasteurized milk)
        鮮奶  fresh milk
        保久乳、經超高溫殺菌處理過的 ()   UHT (ultra heat treated) milk = long-life milk 
        奶粉  dried/dry/powdered milk = milk powder
        (用來替代母乳的) 配方奶、嬰兒奶粉  formula (milk) = baby milk
        (比較:母乳、母奶  (breast/human) milk)
        煉乳  condensed milk
        (例:一罐煉乳  a can/tin of condensed milk)
        營養強化 ()   fortified milk
        調味乳  flavo(u)red milk
        麥芽 ()   malted milk = malt
        豆奶、豆漿  soy(a) milk
        椰奶  coconut milk
        奶昔  milkshake
        牛奶盒  milk carton
        你喝茶加奶嗎? Do you take milk in your tea?
        覆水難收  It's no use crying over spilt/spilled milk.
補充:() 奶的、像奶的  milky
            (例:奶茶  milk(y) tea = tea with milk)
            送奶員  milkman
            乳牛、奶牛  dairy cattle = dairy/milk cows 
3.  奶油、黃油、牛油;給~塗上奶油  butter  (其作名詞時,也可指「質地像奶油的醬或脂」,如  peanut butter  (花生醬)   cocoa butter  (可可脂))
例:無鹽奶油  unsalted butter 
        加鹽奶油  salted butter
        奶油麵包  bread and butter
        ~ 塗上奶油  butter ~ = spread ~ with butter
        (例:給一片吐司塗上奶油  butter a piece/slice of bread = spread a piece/slice of bread with butter)
        奶油糖、牛奶糖  butterscotch
比較:人造奶油、乳瑪琳  margarine = marge
4.  鮮奶油、克林姆  cream 
例:(被攪打成蓬鬆半液態狀的) 鮮奶油  whipped cream
        酸奶油  sour(ed) cream
        凝脂奶油、凝塊奶油  clotted cream
        奶油泡芙  cream puff 
        冰淇淋  ice cream
        (例:一球冰淇淋  a scoop of ice cream
                 一杯/盒冰淇淋  a tub of ice cream
                 一桶冰淇淋  a carton of ice cream
                 你喜歡什麼口味的冰淇淋?  What flavor of ice cream do you like?
                 義式冰淇淋  gelato
                 冰淇淋甜筒  ice cream cone/cornet
                 冰淇淋店  ice-cream parlor)
5.  優格、酸奶  yogurt (=yogh(o)urt)
例:原味優格  plain yogurt
        低脂優格  low-fat yogurt
        零脂優格  fat-free yogurt = non-fat yogurt
        優酪乳  drinking yogurt
補充:益生菌  probiotic    
            菌種、培養菌  culture
6.  起司、乳酪、乾酪、乳酪、芝士  cheese
例:奶油起司  cream cheese
        (用來做提拉米蘇的) 馬斯卡邦 () 起司  mascarpone
        羊起司  goat('s)/sheep('s) cheese = feta (cheese) (其指「希臘的羊起司」)
        切達起司  Cheddar (cheese)
        帕瑪森起司  Parmesan (cheese)
        莫札瑞拉起司  mozzarella
        藍帶起司  blue cheese
        布里起司  Brie
        碎起司、乳酪絲  grated/shredded cheese
        起司蛋糕  cheesecake
        起司通心麵  macaroni (and) cheese
        把起司灑在~上  sprinkle cheese over/on ~
        截然不同  be like chalk and cheese = be as different as chalk and cheese
7.  蛋、卵  egg
例:下蛋  lay an egg
        (例:殺雞取卵、竭澤而漁  kill the goose that lays the golden egg(s))
        孵蛋  hatch/incubate an egg
        (比較:蛋孵出、蛋孵化  an egg hatches = an egg is hatched)
        把蛋打破  break/crack an egg
        (補充:蛋殼  eggshell)
        把蛋白和蛋黃分離  separate an egg
        (比較:把蛋黃從蛋白中分離出來  separate the yolk from the white
         補充:蛋黃  (egg) yolk = the yolk of an egg
                     蛋白  (egg) white = the white of an egg)
        打蛋  beat/whisk an egg
        (補充:打蛋器  egg beater = (egg) whisk)
        水煮蛋  boiled egg
        糖心蛋  soft-boiled egg
        水煮荷包蛋  poached egg
        煎蛋  fried egg
        炒蛋  scrambled egg
        雞蛋美奶滋、雞蛋沙拉  egg mayo(nnaise)
        班尼迪克蛋、火腿蛋鬆餅  eggs Benedict
        () 蛋卷  egg roll
        不要把所有的蛋都放在一個籃子裡、不要孤注一擲。  Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
        先有雞還是先有蛋?  Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
補充:歐姆蛋、煎蛋餅  omelet(te)
            (例:有失才有得  You can't make an omelet(te) without breaking eggs.)
            舒芙蕾、蛋奶酥  soufflé (= souffle)