Mar 12, 2011


表達 限制,可透過 limit [ˋlɪmɪt]limitation [͵lɪməˋteʃən]restriction [rɪˋstrɪkʃən] ( 主要指「法規限制」)constraint [kənˋstrent] 等,表達 上限、最高限度、最大限量,可透過 (upper) limitmaximum [ˋmæksəməm] (limit)ceiling [ˋsilɪŋ] 等,表達 下限、最低限度、最低限量、門檻,可透過 lower limitminimum [ˋmɪnəməm] (limit)threshold [ˋθrɛʃhold] 等,表達 最上限、最高極限,可透過 absolute maximum,表達 最下限、最低極限,可透過 absolute minimum bare minimum;此外,表達 某事物 (Y) 有所限制,可透過 there is a limit tothere is a limit on Ythere is a limitation tothere is a limitation on Ythere is a restriction tothere is a restriction on Ythere is a constraint tothere is a constraint on Ythere are limits to Ythere are limits on Ythere are limitations tothere are limitations on Ythere are restrictions to Ythere are restrictions on Ythere are constraints tothere are constraints on Y 等,表達 在某個限制範圍 (Z) 內,可透過 be within the limits of Zbe within the limitations of Zbe within the constraints of Zbe within the bounds of Zbe within the confines of Z (正式)be within the parameters of Z 等,表達 超出某個限制範圍 (Z),可透過 be beyond the limits of Zbe beyond the limitations of Zbe beyond the constraints of Zbe beyond the bounds of Zbe beyond the confines of Z (正式)be beyond the parameters of Z 等,表達 某處 (Y) 不准某人 (X) 進入,可透過 Y is off limits to X ( 也可說 Y is off limits for X ) Y is out of bounds to X ( 也可說 Y is out of bounds for X ),表達 某議題 (Y) 為禁忌話題,不准談論,可透過 Y is off limits Y is out of bounds,表達 某人 (X) 的某個特點 (Y) ( honesty [ˋɑnɪstɪ] (誠實)generosity [͵dʒɛnəˋrɑsətɪ] (慷慨、大方)enthusiasm [ɪnˋθjuzɪ͵æzəm] (熱心、熱忱)arrogance [ˋærəgəns] (傲慢、自大) ) 是沒有極限的 ( 意即某人極為 .. ),可透過 X’s Y knows no bounds ( 也可說 X’s Y knows no limits ),表達 知道自己的能力限制,可透過 know one’s limits ( 或說 know one’s limitations );還有,表達 限制某事物 (Y)、對某事物 (Y) 做出限制,可透過 limit Yrestrict [rɪˋstrɪkt] Yput a limit on Y ( 這裡的 put 可用 placesetimpose [ɪmˋpoz] 等替換,而 limit 則可用 limitationrestrictionconstraint 等替換 ) 等,表達 將某人 (X) 或某事物 (Y) 限制在某個範圍 (Z) 內,可透過 limit X/Y to Zrestrict X/Y to Zconfine [kənˋfaɪn] X/Y to Z 等,表達 限制自己在某個範圍 (Z) 內,可透過 keep to Z keep within Z;另外,表達 有限制的、有限的,可透過 limited [ˋlɪmɪtɪd]restricted [rɪˋstrɪktɪd]finite [ˋfaɪnaɪt] 等,表達 無限制的、無限的,可透過 unlimited [ʌnˋlɪmɪtɪd]limitless [ˋlɪmɪtləs]unrestricted [͵ʌnrɪˋstrɪktɪd]boundless [ˋbaundləs]unbounded [ʌnˋbaundɪd] (正式)infinite [ˋɪnfənət] 等,表達 沒有上限的、無限的、有任何可能性的,可透過 the sky’s the limit (非正式、口語)