Mar 5, 2011


表達 X Z 好、X 優於 ZX 勝過 Z,可透過 X is better than Z (= Z is worse than X )X is superior to Z (= Z is inferior to X )X is a cut above Z (非正式)X is more than a match for ZX beats Z (非正式) ( 此句也可解釋為「 X (在比賽、競爭、選戰中等) 打敗 Z ) 等,表達 X Z 好,或 X Z 更稱心、更可取、更適合,可透過 X is preferable to Z,表達 X 在水準或品質上高於 Z、比 Z 好,可透過 X is of a higher standard than Z (書面語) X is of a higher quality than Z (書面語),表達 X 領先 ZX Z 先進或好,可透過 X is ahead of Z,表達 Z 佔有優勢、優於 Z,可透過 have an advantage over Z have an edge over Z ( 也可說 have an edge on Z ),表達 X 領先 Z 一步、X 略勝 Z 一籌,可透過 X is one step ahead of Z,表達 X 比起同類型或同性質的人事物都要來得更好、更高一等或更勝一籌,可透過 X is a cut above the rest (非正式) ( 或說 X is a cut above the others ),表達 X 領先或優於其他競爭對手,可透過 X leads the pack X is ahead of the pack;此外,表達 X Z 好得多或優得多、X 大大勝過 Z,可透過 X is much better than ZX is far better than ZX is a lot better than ZX is a great deal better than ZX is a good deal better than ZX is head and shoulders above Z (非正式) ( 或說 X stands head and shoulders above Z )Z is not in X’s league [lig]X is out of Z’s leagueZ is not in the same league as XX is in a different league from ZZ is not a patch on X (英式、非正式)X runs circles around Z (非正式)X runs circles round Z (英式、非正式)X runs rings around Z (非正式)X runs rings round Z (英式、非正式)X leaves Z standing (非正式)X outclasses Z 等,表達 Z 先進得多、好得多,可透過 be way ahead of Zbe far ahead of Zbe miles ahead of Z (非正式)be streets ahead of Z (英式、非正式) 等,表達 X Z 好得多,或 X Z 稱心得多、可取得多、適合得多,可透過 X is infinitely preferable to Z ( 這裡的 infinitely 也可用 farmuchhighlygreatly 等替換 ),表達 使 Z 黯然失色、相形見絀,可透過 put Z in the shadeovershadow Zeclipse Z 等,表達 使 Z 自愧不如、相形見拙,可透過 put Z to shame,表達 X 相比顯得遜色、相形見絀、小巫見大巫,可透過 pale in comparison to X ( 或說 pale in comparison with X ),表達 X Z 兩者無法相比、沒得比,其中一個明顯好過另一個,可透過 there’s no comparison between X and Z X and Z are not in the same league,表達 比起相對應的人事物都要好得多、出類拔萃、鶴立雞群、獨領風騷,可透過 be head and shoulders above the rest (非正式) ( 其也可替換為 be head and shoulders above the othersstand head and shoulders above the reststand head and shoulders above the others )be miles ahead of the rest (非正式) ( 其也可說 be miles ahead of the others )be streets ahead of the rest (英式、非正式) ( 其也可說 be streets ahead of the others )be in a league of one’s own 等。