Oct 30, 2010


表達 禁止、不允許、不准某人 (X) 做某事 (Y),可用 ban [bæn] X from doing Yprohibit [prəˋhɪbɪt] X from doing Yforbid [fɚˋbɪd] X from doing Yforbid X to do Ybar X from doing Ynot let X do Ynot allow [əˋlaʊ] X to do Ynot permit [pɚˋmɪt] X to do Ysay X can’t do Ysay X is not to do Y 等,表達 某事物 (Y) 是被禁止、不被允許的,可用 Y is banned[bænd]/prohibited[prəˋhɪbɪtɪd]/forbidden[fɚˋbɪdṇ]/barred[bɑrd] Y is not allowed[əˋlaʊd]/permitted[pɚˋmɪtɪd],表達 對某事物 (Y) 實施或頒布禁令,可用 impose a ban on Yenact a ban on Yplace a ban on Yput a ban on Yimpose a prohibition on Yenact a prohibition on Yplace a prohibition on Yput a prohibition on Y等;此外,表達 某處 (Y) 禁止某人 (X) 進入,可用 Y is out of bounds to XY is out of bounds for XY is off limits to XY is off limits for X 等,表達 禁止飛機 (Y) 或飛行員 (X) 飛行,或表達 父母禁止小孩 (X) 出門,將其禁足,可用 ground [graʊnd] X/Y ( 其中表達禁飛一義時,常用被動態,即 X/Y is grounded [ˋgraʊndɪd] ),表達 對某國 (Y) 實施禁運、禁止和某國進行貿易 (Y) 或禁運某物 (Y),可用 impose an embargo on Yplace an embargo on Yput an embargo on Y 等,表達 禁止某本書 (Y) 被販售、某部電影 (Y) 被放映、某齣戲劇 (Y) 被演出等,可用 ban Y,表達 對影片 (Y)、書籍 (Y)、信件 (Y)、言論 (Y) 等行審查制度 (censorship [ˋsɛnsɚ͵ʃɪp]),禁止其中出現被認為傷風敗俗或有政治危險的部分,並將之刪除,可用 censor [ˋsɛnsɚ] Y       A federal district court issued an injunction prohibiting a tabloid from publishing further details of a homicide case . (一家聯邦地方法院發出禁令,禁止一家小報刊登一樁命案的詳情。) Consumer watchdogs urge the government to impose a blanket ban on food additives and preservatives. (消保團體呼籲政府全面禁止食品添加劑和防腐劑的使用。) The U.S. threatened to put an arms embargo on the authoritarian regime. (美國揚言要對該獨裁政體實施武器禁運。)