Oct 7, 2010


表達 害羞的或腼腆的,可用 shy [ʃaɪ],比如表達 對某人害羞的,可用 shy with ( of) someone,表達 做某件事會害羞的,可用 shy to do something 或是 shy about ( of) doing something,表達 突然間變的很害羞的,可用 go all shy (英式用法),表達 極為害羞的,則可用 desperately  [ˋdɛspərɪtlɪ] ( painfully [ˋpenfəlɪ] ) shy He used to be a shy adolescent, but now he’s an adult oozing with confidence . (他過去是個腼腆的青少年,但現在則是個自信洋溢的大人。) She went all shy when running into the guy she had a crush on. (她在巧遇她所迷戀的男人時,突然羞怯了起來。)表達 害羞的或腼腆的,也可用 bashful [ˋbæʃfəl],表達 害羞的或裝害羞的,可用 coy [kɔɪ],表達 害羞、沒自信的,可用 diffident [ˋdɪfədənt],表達 害羞寡言的,可用 withdrawn [wɪðˋdrɔn],表達 害羞內向的,可用 introverted [ˋɪntrəvɝtɪd],表達 害羞孤僻的,可用 retiring [rɪˋtaɪrɪŋ] (正式用語),表達 羞怯膽小的,則可用 timid [ˋtɪmɪd] She likes to play coy and use her femininity to make men fall under her spell. (她喜歡裝靦腆並利用女性特質來使男人為她著迷。) He feels diffident about giving an impromptu speech in Portuguese. (他對於要以葡萄牙文發表即席演講感到羞怯沒自信。) After attending acting classes, the withdrawn man gradually came out of his shell. (那個害羞寡言的男人在上了表演課後漸漸變得沒那麼害羞了。)