Oct 2, 2010


表達 有禮的 可用 polite [pəˋlaɪt],比如表達 對某人有禮的,可用 polite to someone,表達 某人做某事是有禮的,可用 it is polite of someone to do something,表達有禮的,還可透過 manners [ˋmænɚz] (「禮貌」) 這個字,比如表達 某人有禮的,可說 someone has good manners,表達 做某事是有禮的,則可說 it is good manners to do something,表達 要是有禮的,就應該知道該做某件事,可用 have the good manners ( have the courtesy [ˋkɝtəsɪ]) to do something,另外,表達 有禮的 有一個比較正式的用法是 well-mannered [͵wɛlˋmænɚd] It is good manners to cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing. (打噴嚏或咳嗽時摀嘴是有禮貌的。) He should at least have the courtesy to tell me beforehand that he would not attend the meeting. (他要是有禮貌的,就至少應該事先告訴我他不會出席會議。)表達 為某人做某件事,以示有禮的,可用 do someone the courtesy of doing something,表達 文雅有禮的,可用 refined [rɪˋfaɪnd],表達 男人對女人彬彬有禮、殷勤的,如騎士般的,可用 chivalrous [ˋʃɪvḷrəs] ,表達 友善有禮的,可用 gracious [ˋgreʃəs],表達 恭敬有禮的,可用 courteous [ˋkɝtjəs] deferential [͵dɛfəˋrɛnʃəl],表達 有禮、守規矩的,可用 well-behaved [͵wɛlbɪˋhevd],表達 禮貌得體的,可用 decorous [ˋdɛkərəs],表達 有禮、正經的,但不見得友善的,可用 civil [ˋsɪvḷ],表達 只是出於禮貌的、客套的,可用 just ( only) being polite ( 口語 ),表達 有禮但油滑虛假的,可用 smooth [smuð]suave [swɑv]oily [ˋɔɪlɪ]smarmy [ˋsmɑrmɪ] ( 口語 ) 等: The flight attendant did her the courtesy of putting her luggage in the overhead compartment. (那名空服員禮貌性的幫她把行李放到座位上方的行李艙裡。)