Oct 14, 2010


表達 宣布、宣告、聲明等,可透過 announce [əˋnaʊns] declare [dɪˋklɛr],如 announce an amnesty [ˋæmnəstɪ] ( 宣布大赦 )announce a ceasefire [ˋsis͵faɪr] ( 宣布停火 )declare martial law [͵mɑrʃəlˋlɔ] ( 宣布戒嚴 )declare a curfew [ˋkɝfju] ( 宣布宵禁 ) 等等,表達 對某人 (X) 宣布某事 (Y),可用 announce/declare Y to X announce/declare to X (that) S + V ....,其中後者是透過 that 引導的名詞子句來表達 某事;此外,表達 宣布、宣告、聲明等,還可透過 pronounce [prəˋnaʊns] (偏正式用語) ( 比如 pronounce sentence [ˋsɛntəns] 表「宣布判決」、someone is pronounced dead 表「某人被宣告死亡 」、pronounce you man and wife pronounce you husband and wife 「宣布你們正式結為夫妻 )state [stet] (偏正式)proclaim [prəˋklem] (正式)promulgate [prəˋmʌl͵get] (正式) ( 特別指公布、頒布新法或新體制 )issue [ˋɪʃjʊ] ( 比如 issue Y to X issue X with Y 皆表 對某人 (X) 宣布某事 (Y) ) 等等:      She is expected to announce her intention to resign as Secretary of State and run for presidency. (她預料將宣布自己有意辭去國務卿一職並競選總統。)  He stated unequivocally (that) he was not involved in drug trafficking. (他明確聲明自己沒有參與毒品交易。)  Croatia, Slovenia and Macedonia proclaimed their independence from Yugoslavia in 1991. (克羅埃西亞、斯洛維尼亞和馬其頓在1991年宣布從南斯拉夫獨立出來。)  Regulations prohibiting discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation will be promulgated in the immediate future. (禁止以性取向為由進行歧視的法規將於不久的將來公布。)  The majority leader said issued a statement saying that he was neither anti-Semitic nor Islamophobic. (多數黨領袖發表聲明說他既沒有反猶,也沒有恐伊斯蘭。)