Oct 16, 2010


表達 批評 某人事物,可透過 criticize [ˋkrɪtɪ͵saɪz] ( 英式拼法為 criticise ),比如表達 因某個事由 (Y) 而批評某人事物 (X/Y),可用 criticize X/Y for Y criticize X/Y on the grounds that S + V ....,其中後者是透過 that 引導的名詞子句來表達 某個事由,此外,表達 批評 某人事物,也可透過 criticize 的形容詞 critical [ˋkrɪtɪkḷ],比如表達 批評某人事物 (X/Y),可用 be critical of X/Y;表達 (某人事物) 受到批評,可透過 come in for criticismcome under criticismmeet with criticismmeet criticismbe the subject of criticismbe subjected to criticism 等等;另外,表達 批評、貶損某人事物 (X/Y),可用 knock X/Y (英式口語),表達 批評、貶損某人 (X),則可用 slag X off (= slag off X ) (英式口語),表達 不斷批評、數落某人 (X),可用 get at X,表達 當眾批評某人 (X)、使某人難堪,可用 put X down (= put down X ),表達 為批評某人事物 (X/Y),故意挑錯找碴,可用 find fault with X/Y      The Chancellor of the Exchequer was roundly criticised for changes to the tax regime. (英國財政大臣因稅制的變革而受到了嚴厲的批評。)  The Obama administration came under a barrage of criticism for its handling of the Gulf oil spill. (歐巴馬政府在墨西哥灣漏油事件上的處理,受到了一連串的批評。)  Some nit-picking critics found fault with his latest novel for its politically incorrect depictions of autistic children and the mentally challenged. (一些吹毛求疵的評論家挑剔他最新的小說中對於自閉症兒和心智障礙者的描述是政治不正確的。)