Nov 9, 2010

表達審判相關用語 (上)

表達 審判、審理、審訊,可用trial [ˋtraɪəl],表達 某人 (X) 因涉嫌某罪 (Y) 而接受審判、受審,可用X is on trial for YX is tried for YX stands trial for YX goes on trial for YX goes to trial for YX comes to trial for Y,表達 某人 (X) 因涉嫌某罪 (Y) 而被送交法院審判,可用 X is put on trial for YX is brought to trial for YX is sent for/to trial for YX is committed for trial for YX is brought before the court for YX is brought to court for YX is sent to court for Y 等,表達某人 (X) 因涉嫌某罪 (Y) 而正等候審判,可用 X is awaiting trial for Y,表達 某人 (X) 因被控某罪 (Y) 而接受審判,可用 X is on trial accused of YX is on trial charged with YX is on trial on Y charges,表達 某個案件 (Y) 受到審理,可用 Y goes to trialY comes to trialY comes to courtY comes before the courtY is brought before the court 等,表達 某個案件 (Y) 受到聽審、審理,可用 Y is heard,表達 某個案件 (Y) 不公開審理,可用 Y is heard in private [ˋpraɪvɪt],表達 審判程序,可用 trial procedure [prəˋsidʒɚ] trial proceedings [prəˋsidɪŋz],表達 做個樣子、判決已事先決定的審判 ( 其不是為了要查明真相,而是為了政治目的 ),可用 show trial,表達 速決、草率的審判,可用 summary trial;還有,表達 出庭,可用 appear in court appear before a court,表達 一張傳喚某人出庭的傳票,可用 a summons [ˋsʌmənz] a summons to appear in court,表達 一張傳喚某人出庭作證的傳票,可用 a subpoena [səbˋpinə] a subpoena to appear in court,表達 某人 (X) 被傳喚出庭,可用 X is summon(s)ed,表達 某人 (X) 被傳喚出庭作證,可用 X is subpoenaed,表達 對某人 (X) 發出傳票,可用 issue a summons against/to X issue a subpoena to X,表達 把傳票送到某人 (X) 手上,可用 serve a summons on X serve a subpoena on X;另外,表達 庭上的證據,如人證、物證、證詞等,可用 evidence,表達 一項證據,可用 a piece of evidence,表達 證人、人證,可用 witness,表達 物證,可用 exhibit,表達 證詞,可用 testimony,表達 旁證、間接證據,可用 circumstantial evidence,表達 初步的證據、表面證據,可用 prima facie evidence,表達 在庭上可被採納、接受的證據,可用 admissible evidence,表達 重要、相關的證據,可用 material evidence,表達舉證責任,可用 burden of proof,表達 提出不利於某人 (X) 的證據,可用 give evidence against X,表達 提供其他共犯的罪證,以換取減刑,可用 turn King's evidence (英式)turn Queen's evidence (英式) turn State's evidence (美式) ......... ( 未完,續「表達審判相關用語 ())