Jan 28, 2011


表達 忍住不笑,可透過 keep a straight face try not to laugh,表達 忍不住、情不自禁地笑了起來,可透過 can’t help but laughcan’t help laughingdissolve into laughterdissolve in laughter 等,表達 突然笑了起來,可透過 burst out laughingbreak out laughingbust out laughing (美式、非正式)burst into laughter [ˋlæftɚ]break into laughterbust into laughter (美式、非正式) 等,表達 自己對自己笑,可透過 laugh to oneself,表達 因某人事物而發笑,可透過 laugh at someone/somethinglaugh about someone/something have a laugh at someone/somethinghave a laugh about someone/something,表達 使某人發笑,可透過 make someone laughget a laugh out of someonedraw a laugh from someoneamuse someone 等,表達 使某人大笑不止,可透過 crack someone up (非正式)have someone in hysterics [hɪsˋtɛrɪks] (非正式)have someone in stitches [ˋstɪtʃɪz] (非正式)have someone in fits (英式、非正式),還有,表達 輕聲地笑,可透過 chuckle [ˋtʃʌkḷ],表達 因緊張、尷尬而咯咯地笑、嗤嗤地笑、傻笑等,可透過 giggle [ˋgɪgḷ] titter [ˋtɪtɚ],表達 竊笑、暗笑、偷笑、暗自竊喜等,可透過 snicker [ˋsnɪkɚ] (美式)snigger [ˋsnɪgɚ] (英式)laugh up one’s sleeve [sliv] (非正式) 等,表達 自滿、自鳴得意地笑,可透過 smirk [smɝk],表達 假笑、做作虛偽地笑,可透過 simper [ˋsɪmpɚ],表達 勉強擠出微笑、強顏歡笑,可透過 force a smile manage a smile,表達 微笑,可透過 smile,表達 露齒而笑,可透過 grin [grɪn],表達 笑容滿面、眉開眼笑、笑得合不攏嘴,可透過 grin from ear to earsmile from ear to earbeam from ear to earbe all smiles等,表達 放聲大笑、哈哈大笑,可透過 laugh loudlylaugh aloudlaugh out loudlaugh like a drain (英式)roar with laughterhowl with laughterguffaw [gəˋfɔ] 等,表達 笑得又大聲又難聽,可透過 cackle [ˋkækḷ],表達 開懷大笑、捧腹大笑、狂笑、笑破肚皮、笑得前仰後合、笑翻等,可透過 laugh hardlaugh heartily [ˋhɑrtɪlɪ]laugh one’s head offbe in hysterics [hɪsˋtɛrɪks] (非正式)be in stitches [ˋstɪtʃɪz] (非正式)be in fits (英式、非正式)laugh oneself silly (非正式)laugh oneself sick (非正式)fall about laughing (英式、非正式)have a belly laugh (非正式) 等等,表達 笑到停不下來,可透過 can’t stop laughinglaugh uncontrollably [͵ʌnkənˋtroləblɪ]laugh helplessly [ˋhɛlplɪslɪ] 等,表達 笑到流淚,可透過 laugh till one crieslaugh until one crieslaugh till the tears run down one’s facelaugh until the tears run down one’s face 等,表達 笑到發抖,可透過 shake with laughter convulse with laughter ( 常用作 be convulsed with laughter ),表達 笑到快要死掉、快笑死,可透過 almost die laughingnearly die laughing almost laugh oneself to deathnearly laugh oneself to death;此外,表達 嘲笑、譏笑、取笑、奚落、揶揄某人事物,可透過 laugh at someone/somethingmake fun of someone/somethingpoke fun at someone/somethingmock someone/something ( 尤指藉由模仿來嘲弄某人事物 )ridicule someone/somethingscoff at someone/somethingjeer at someone/somethingsend someone/something up (= send up someone/something ) (英式、非正式) ( 指藉由模仿來嘲弄某人事物 )take the piss out of someone/something (英式、非正式、不禮貌) 等等,表達 當面嘲笑某人、蔑視某人,可透過 laugh in someone’s face,表達 對某人事物一笑置之、付之一笑,可透過 laugh someone/something out of town (美式、非正式)laugh someone/something out of business (美式、非正式)laugh someone/something out of court (英式、非正式) 等,而表達 對某事物一笑置之、付之一笑,則還可透過 laugh something off (= laugh off something );另外,表達 不知該哭還是該笑、哭笑不得、啼笑皆非,可透過 not know whether to laugh or cry