Jan 25, 2011


表達 想哭,可透過 feel like crying,表達 快要哭了,可透過 be about to crybe close to tearsbe near to tearsbe on the verge of tears,表達 哽咽,快哭了出來,可透過 choke upget choked upget all choked uphave a lump in one’s throat 等,表達 忍住不哭、忍住淚水,可透過 fight back the tearsfight back tearshold back the tearshold back tearschoke back the tearschoke back tears 等,表達 藉由眨眼來忍住淚水,可透過 blink back the tearsblink back tearsblink away the tearsblink away tears 等,表達 一個人眼眶泛淚、紅了眼眶,可透過 there are tears in one’s eyes,表達 一個人熱淚盈眶,可透過 one’s eyes fill with tears (= one’s eyes are filled with tears )tears fill one’s eyestears well up in one’s eyes 等,表達 使某人哽咽,可透過 choke someone up bring a lump to someone’s throat,表達 使某人紅了眼框、哭了起來,可透過 bring tears to someone’s eyes,表達 把某人弄哭、使某人落淚,可透過 make someone cry reduce someone to tears,表達 使某人感動得落淚,可透過 move someone to tears,表達 突然哭了起來,可透過 burst into tearsbreak into tearsbust into tears (美式、非正式)burst out cryingbreak out cryingbust out crying (美式、非正式) 等,表達 忍不住、情不自禁、情緒失控地哭了起來,可透過 can't help but crycan't help cryingbreak down in tearsbreak down and crydissolve into tearsdissolve in tears ,表達 未了博取同情或注意力而哭了起來、開始裝哭,可透過 turn on the waterworks [ˋwɔtə͵wɝks] (非正式),表達 正在哭、正在流淚,可透過 be in tears,表達 為某人事物而哭,可透過 cry over someone/something cry about someone/something,表達 哭著要找某人或哭著要某樣東西,可透過 cry for someone/something,表達 一直哭,哭個不停,可透過 cry and crycan’t stop cryingcan’t stop the tears 等,表達 一個人哭得很傷心、哭得很慘,可透過 cry one’s eyes outcry one’s heart outcry bitterly [ˋbɪtɚlɪ]cry like a babybe in floods of tearscry buckets [ˋbʌkɪts] (非正式) 等,表達 一個人哭到睡著,可透過 cry oneself to sleep,表達 一個人把眼淚擦乾,可透過 dry one’s eyesdry one’s tearswipe the tears from one’s eyeswipe one’s tears 等;此外,表達 哭、流淚,除了可用 cry,還可透過 shed tears (偏文學或正式用語) weep (偏文學或正式用語),表達 啜泣、嗚咽,可透過 sob [sɑb],表達 輕聲哭泣,可透過 whimper [ˋwɪmpɚ],表達 嚎啕大哭、慟哭,可透過 bawl [bɔl] wail [wel];另外,表達 不知該哭還是該笑、哭笑不得、啼笑皆非,可透過 not know whether to laugh or cry,表達 高興得流淚、流著喜悅的淚、喜極而泣,可透過 cry with joy [dʒɔɪ]cry with happiness [ˋhæpɪnɪs]weep with joyweep with happinesscry tears of joycry tears of happinessshed tears of joyshed tears of happinessweep tears of joyweep tears of happiness 等。