Oct 31, 2010


表達 控告、指控某人 (X) (做了) 某事 (Y),可用 accuse X of (doing) Y,表達 某人 (X) 被控告、指控 (做了) 某事 (Y),可用 X is accused of (doing) Y X stands accused of (doing) Y ( 其中有 stand 的用法為正式用法 ),表達 就某事 (Y) 對某人 (X) 提出控告,可用 make an accusation of Y against Xbring an accusation of Y against Xlevel an accusation of Y against Xlevel an accusation of Y at X等;此外,表達 在沒有提出證據情況下,指稱、指控某人 (X) 做了某事 (Y),可用 allege (that) X does Y,此處是透過 that 引導的名詞子句來表達 所指稱、指控的事,表達 某人 (X) 據稱、據指控做了某事 (Y),則可用 X is alleged to have done Y it is alleged (that) X does Y,表達 在沒有提出證據情況下,就某事 (Y) 對某人 (X) 做出指控,可用 make an allegation of Y against X make an allegation of Y about X;還有,表達 指責、指控某人 (X) 該為某事負責,可用 point the finger at X point a finger at X;另外,表達 正式控告、起訴某人 (X) 犯了某樣罪行 (Y),需受法院審判,可用 charge X with Ypress charges against X for Ybring charges against X for Yfile charges against X for Ylevel charges against X for Ylay charges against X for Yprosecute X for Yindict X for Yissue an indictment against X for Yfile an indictment against X for Ybring an indictment against X for Y 等,表達 正式控告、起訴某公職人員 (X) 或某政府官員 (X) 犯下某重大罪行 (Y),即彈劾,可用 impeach X for Y,表達 根據某條法律 (Y)、某個法案 (Y) 等控告、起訴某人 (X),可用 prosecute X under Y      A patient accused his family practitioner of medical negligence. (一名病患控告他的家醫科醫生醫療疏失。)  Two psychiatrists stand accused of prescribing excessive doses of high potency anti-anxiety medications. (兩名精神科醫生被控所開立的強效抗焦慮藥的劑量過高。)  A jewelry brand brought an accusation of plagiarism against its arch-rival. (一個珠寶品牌控告其主要勁敵抄襲。)  He was alleged to have operated a human trafficking ring and smuggled thousands of illegal immigrants across the border. (他據稱經營了一個人口販賣集團並越界走私了成千上萬的非法移民。)  He was prosecuted for 3 counts of attempted murder, arson and perjury. (他因三項殺人未遂罪、縱火罪和偽證罪被起訴。)