Aug 27, 2010


表達 債務人或借方 ( debtor [ˋdɛtɚ] ) 還債給債權人或貸方 ( creditor [ˋkrɛdɪtɚ] ) 時,我們可用 payrepaypay back meet 等,比如說: He has repaid most of his debts, but there’s still $800 owing.(他已還了大部分的債,但還有800元沒還。)表達 完全還清或償清債務,我們可用 pay off clear,比如: It took him eight years to pay off all his debts.(他花了八年還清了所有的債務。)表達 法律上負有償付責任的,我們可用 liable [ˋlaɪəbḷ],例如: She was held liable for her husband’s overdraft.(她負有償還先生的透支債務的責任。)liquidate [ˋlɪkwɪ͵det] 除指還債外,還可指停業後將資產變賣出售,以償還債務,譬如: He plans to liquidate his company to pay off his liabilities.(他計畫清算公司來還清債務。)表達 債務一筆勾消或免除,不需還債了,可用 write offcancel forgive,如: His creditors agreed to write off his debts.(他的債主同意讓他的債一筆勾消。)