Jan 8, 2017


1.牲畜、家畜  (live)stock
補充:頭 (計算牲畜數量用的單位)  head
              (例:30頭牛  30 head of cattle)
            (尤指有蹄的哺乳動物所形成的) 牧群、獸群  herd  (若要表「(羊、鳥或鵝)
             群」,可用  flock)
              (例:一群牛  a herd of cattle)
            (給牲畜) 烙印  brand
2.   cattle
例:乳牛/肉牛  dairy/beef cattle
補充: 牛肉  beef
              (例:烤牛肉  roast beef
                        碎牛肉、牛絞肉  ground/minced beef = mince
               比較:小牛肉  veal
               補充:(指牛肉、羊肉等) 紅肉  red meat
                           (比較:(指禽肉、小牛肉、兔肉等) 白肉  white meat)
            牛皮 ()  cowhide
              (比較:小牛皮 ()  calfskin)
             () 牛的  bovine
              (例:牛腦海綿狀病變、狂牛症  bovine spongiform encephalopathy (= BSE )
                                                                     = mad cow disease)
比較:(未閹割過的) 公牛 bull
               (例:(就像對著公牛揮舞的紅布或紅旗,意指) 令人火冒三丈的事物  
                          (like) a red rag to a bull = like waving a red flag in front of a bull)
            比較:(閹割過的) 公牛、牛  ox  (其複數為  oxen)
                             (閹割過的) 小公牛  bullock = steer)
            () 牛、乳牛  cow
              (例:給乳牛擠奶  milk a cow
               比較:(尤指未生過小牛的)母牛  heifer
                           黑白花牛、荷蘭牛  Holstein = Friesian
補充:牛痘  cowpox)
            小牛、牛犢  calf  (其複數為  calves)
            氂牛  yak
水牛;北美野牛  buffalo  (其指「北美野牛」時,等於  bison)
              (比較:( 在亞洲地區用於耕種的) 水牛  (water) buffalo)
3.   pig = swine  (其表「豬」時,複數也是  swine) = piggy (其為兒童用語,例  piggy bank (豬形存錢筒、撲滿))
例:沙 () 豬、大男人主義者  male chauvinist (pig)
補充:豬肉 pork
            豬皮 ()  pigskin
            豬流感  pig/swine influenza (= pig/swine flu)
            () 豬的  porcine
比較:(尤指閹割過的) 公豬、(供屠宰食用的) 家豬  hog
           野豬;(未閹割過的) 公豬  boar  (其表「野豬」時等於  wild boar)
           母豬  sow
           小豬  pig(let)
           (產於非洲、嘴上長有一對獠牙的) 疣豬  warthog
           豪豬  porcupine
4. (綿)   sheep  (其複數也是 sheep)
例:(為幫助入眠而) 數羊  count sheep
         披著羊皮的狼  a wolf in sheep's clothing
         (群體中的「黑色綿羊」,意指害群之馬  black sheep
          separate the sheep from the goats (= sort out the sheep from the goats) =
          separate the wheat from the chaff (= sort out the wheat from the chaff)
補充:羊肉  mutton
羊毛  wool
  (比較:喀什米爾羊毛  cashmere
               小羊毛  lambswool)
(帶毛) 羊皮  sheepskin
  (比較: 山羊皮 ()  goatskin
   補充:( () 羊皮、羚羊皮等製成的) 麂皮 () chamois (leather) =
                shammy (leather))
綿羊油  lanolin = wool wax/grease
() (綿) 羊的  ovine
比較:公羊  ram
            母羊  ewe
            羔羊 ()、小羊 ()  lamb
              (例:猶如待宰的羔羊  (like) a lamb to the slaughter (= (like) lambs to
                        the slaughter)
            美麗諾 (綿)   merino (sheep)
山羊  goat
              (例:羊奶  goat('s) milk
                       羊起司、羊乳酪  goat('s) cheese
               比較:公山羊  billy goat
                           母山羊  nanny goat
小山羊 ()  kid
安哥拉山羊 ()  angora  (其也可指「安哥拉兔 ()、安哥拉貓」)
羚羊  antelope
               補充:山羊鬍  goatee
                           代罪羔羊、替死鬼  (scape)goat = fall guy)
5.   horse = gee-gee (其為兒童或賭馬用語)
例:() 上馬  mount a horse
        騎馬  ride a horse
        (四輪) 載客馬車  (horse-drawn) carriage/coach  (其中  horse-drawn  的意思為
                                                                                      () 馬拉的」)
          (比較:(兩輪或四輪的) 運貨馬車  cart
                       (四輪) 運貨馬車  wagon)
        (給小孩騎的、可前後搖動的) 木馬  rocking horse
        特洛伊木馬  (病毒)  Trojan horse
        鞍馬  pommel horse
          (比較:跳馬  (vaulting) horse)
        (競賽中的) 黑馬、深藏不露的人dark horse
        (把馬車放到馬前面,意指本末倒置  put the cart before the horse
        (牽馬到水邊容易,但要逼馬喝水難,意指) 不要強迫別人做他不願意做的事 
          You can lead/take a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
        (馬跑了才去關馬房門,意指) 亡羊補牢,爲時晚矣 
          close/shut/bolt/lock  the  stable/barn  door after the horse has  bolted/escaped
       吃得很多、食量很大  eat like a horse
          (比較:吃得很少、食量很小  eat like a bird
           補充:我餓爆了。  (I'm so hungry,) I could eat a horse.)
補充:() 馬的  equine
              (例:() ()   equine face)
            馬術  equestrianism
              (補充:馬術的  equestrian)
比較:(未閹割過的) () 馬、牡馬  stallion = stud (horse) = sire
              (比較:(閹割過的) 公馬  gelding)
母馬  mare  (其也可指「母驢」)
   (例:母種馬  brood mare)
純種馬、良種馬;(指馬) 純種的、良種的  thoroughbred
   (比較:(為賽馬特地培育的) 純種馬  bloodstock
                   (補充:賽馬用的馬、賽馬  racehorse))
小型馬、矮種馬  pony
小馬、馬駒  foal  (其也可指「小驢子」)
  (比較:(尤指四歲以下的) 小公馬、雄馬駒  colt
               (尤指四歲以下的) 小母馬、小牝馬  filly)
斑馬  zebra
  (例:斑馬線、行人穿越道  zebra crossing = crosswalk = pedestrian crossing)
北美野馬  mustang
6. ()  donkey = ass
比較:騾 ()  mule
              (例:跟騾子一樣固執、非常固執  (as) stubborn as a mule)
補充:馱畜、役畜  pack animal = beast of burden
7. 家禽 ()  poultry = fowl
補充:禽流感  bird/chicken flu = avian flu (= avian influenza) (其中  avian 的意思為
          「鳥 () 的」)
比較:水禽 (尤指鴨或鵝)、水鳥  waterfowl
(尤指生活在水邊被人獵食的) 野禽、獵鳥  wildfowl
8. ()  chicken = chook(ie)
例:炸雞/烤雞  fried/roast(ed) chicken
        雞湯/雞高湯  chicken soup/stock
        先有雞還是先有蛋?  Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
        (別在小雞還沒孵化前就先數有幾隻,意指別太早打如意算盤  Don't count
          your chickens (before they're hatched). (= Don't count your chickens (before they
比較:公雞  cock = rooster  (其也可指「公禽、雄禽」)
            母雞  hen  (其也可指「母禽、雌禽」)
            小雞、雛雞  chick  (其也可指「雛鳥、幼鳥」)
 (比較:小公雞  cockerel)
火雞 ()  turkey 
松雞 ()  grouse  (其複數也是  grouse)
珍珠雞 ()  guinea fowl
野雞 ()、雉  pheasant
鵪鶉 ()  quail
9. () 、母鴨  duck
例:跛腳鴨 (指遭遇困難需要幫助的人或物)  lame duck
        (像鴨子入水般容易,意指) (學會) 做某事輕而易舉  take to sth like a duck (to
比較:公鴨  drake
            小鴨 ()  duckling
               (例:醜小鴨  ugly duckling)
綠頭鴨  mallard
水鴨、短頸野鴨  teal
10. ()、母鵝  goose (其表「鵝、母鵝」時,複數為  geese)
例:(殺了下金蛋的鵝,意指) 殺雞取卵、竭澤而漁  kill the goose that lays the
         golden egg
皮疙瘩  goose bumps/pimples = gooseflesh = gooseskin
   (例:起雞皮疙瘩  get/have goose bumps)
比較:公鵝  gander
小鵝  gosling
天鵝  swan