Oct 22, 2016


1.  郵局  post office = PO
例:郵政總局  main post office
        郵政信箱  post office box (= PO Box)
2.  郵件;郵遞、郵政  mail = post
例:郵寄某樣東西  send sth by mail/post = mail/post sth = put sth in the mail/post =
send sth through the mail/post
        掛號郵寄某樣東西  send sth (by) registered mail/post =
send sth (by) certified mail/post = send sth (by) recorded delivery
        (補充:簽收掛號信  sign for a registered letter)
快遞郵寄某樣東西  send sth (by) express (mail) = send sth (by) special delivery
        某樣東西在郵寄中  sth is in the mail/post
        某樣東西被寄丟了  sth gets lost in the mail/post
        郵購某樣東西  order sth by mail/post = buy/purchase sth by mail order
        (補充:郵購目錄  mail-order catalog(ue))
        航空郵件;航空郵遞  airmail  (例:空郵某樣東西  send  sth (by/via) airmail)
        (比較:(經由陸路或水路所運送的) 平信  surface mail)
        直接郵寄的廣告、DM  direct mail
        電子郵件  e(-)mail  (= electronic mail)
         (例:寄送電子郵件給某人  send sb an email (= send an email to sb) = (e)mail sb
                   轉寄電子郵件  forward an email)
        垃圾郵件  junk mail = spam
        恐嚇信  hate mail
3.  郵政局長  postmaster
4.  郵政人員、郵務人員  postal worker
5.  郵差、郵遞員、郵務士  mail carrier = mailman = postman = postie
比較:快遞 ()、宅配員  courier = messenger
6.  郵局行員  (postal) clerk = (post office) clerk
7.  窗口  window
8.  磅秤  scale(s)
9.  郵務車  mail truck/lorry/van
10.  郵件袋  mailbag = postbag
11.  (郵局設立的) 郵筒  mailbox = postbox = letter/pillar box
比較:(住家的) 信箱  mailbox = letterbox
12.  (公司等地的) 郵件收發室  mailroom = post room 
13.  存局候領 ()  general delivery = poste restante
14.  ()  letter = epistle (其尤指「重要、正式或長篇的書信」= missive)
例:收到某人的來信  get/receive a letter from sb
        商業信函  business letters = correspondence
        公開信  open letter
        感謝信  thank-you letter = a letter of thanks
        抱怨/道歉/吊唁/推薦/辭職信  a letter of complaint/apology/condolence/
        匿名毀謗信  poison pen letter
        通知信、通知單  reminder
        情書  love letter = billet-doux
        航空郵簡 (其由一張薄紙所摺成,作為航空信寄出)  air letter = aerogram(me)
        附函 (其指隨所寄的東西 (如包裹等) 所附上的信函) cover letter =
covering letter/note        
        (比較:(隨函附上的) 附件 (如照片等) enclosure (如指「隨電子郵件附上的
附件」,則用  attachment)
                     隨函附上某樣東西  enclose sth 
(例:茲隨函附上某樣東西  Please find enclosed sth))        
15.  信封  envelope
例:預付郵資信封  prepaid envelope
         回郵信封  self-addressed stamped envelope (= SASE) = stamped addressed envelope
(= sae) = self-addressed envelope (= sae)
         自黏信封  self-adhesive envelope
         馬尼拉紙信封 (由粗牛皮紙做成的信封)  manil(l)a envelope
16.  信紙  notepaper = writing paper
例:印有信頭的信紙  headed (note)paper = letterhead
比較:配有信封的信紙  stationery
17.  印刷品  printed matter
比較:(大量寄送的) 廣告印刷品、廣告信函  circular
18.  明信片  postcard
19.  賀卡  greeting(s) card
20.  邀請 ()、請帖  invitation
例:喜帖  wedding invitation
補充:敬請回覆 (是否要來參加)  RSVP (= répondez s'il vous plaît)
21.  包裹、小包  package = parcel
補充:此面向上  this way up
            易碎  fragile
            小心輕放、小心搬運  handle with care
            貨到付款方式  cash/collect on delivery (= COD)
            (比較:某樣東西貨到時付款  pay for sth on delivery =
payment is due on delivery of sth)
22.  地址;在 (郵件) 上寫上收件人的地址和姓名  address
例:郵寄地址、收件人地址  mailing/postal address
        寄件人地址  return address
        電子郵件地址  email address
        通訊錄  address book
23.  收件人  addressee = consignee
比較:寄件人  sender  (例:退回寄件人  return to sender)
24.  郵遞區號  zip code (= ZIP code) = postcode = postal code
25.  郵資  postage
補充:郵資已付、免付郵資  post-paid = post-free 
            回郵郵資已付  reply-paid
26.  郵票;在 (郵件) 上貼上郵票  stamp  (表「郵票」時,也可用  postage stamp)
例:她在信封上黏了一枚49分的郵票。 She stuck a 49-cent stamp on the envelope.
        集郵  collect stamps
        集郵冊  stamp album
27.  郵戳;在 (郵件) 上蓋上郵戳  postmark
28.  郵政匯票  money/postal order
例:可用郵政匯票付款。  Payments can be made by money order.