Oct 6, 2016

表達汽車相關用語 (2)

1.  方向盤  steering wheel = the wheel
例:開車  take the (steering) wheel = drive
在開車、開車中  at/behind the wheel = at the controls =  driving
開車時睡著  fall asleep at the wheel
手不要離開方向盤!  Keep your hands on the wheel!
補充:安全氣囊  airbag (= air bag)
2.  喇叭  horn = hooter
例:按喇叭  honk/blow/sound/toot/hoot/beep your horn = honk/toot/hoot/beep
3.  儀表板  dash(board) = fascia = (instrument) panel
補充:車速表  speedometer
            轉速表  tachometer = rev counter
            里程表  odometer = mil(e)ometer = the clock
            油表  gas/petrol/fuel ga(u)ge
            (例:油表顯示油仍是滿的。 The gas gauge is still on full.)
            水溫表、水箱表  temperature gauge
4.  點火裝置  ignition
例:把鑰匙插入點火裝置  put the key in the ignition
        發動車子  turn/switch the ignition on (= turn/switch on the ignition) = start (up) the car
        把車子熄火  turn/switch the ignition off (= turn/switch off the ignition)
        (補充:(車開到一半) 突然熄火  stall)
5.  變速桿、排檔桿、換檔桿  stick (shift) = gear shift/stick/lever
補充:(變速桿上的字母) P/R/N/D/S/L 分別代表  Park/Reverse/Neutral(= No gear)/Drive/Second/Low
            倒車檔 reverse (gear)
            空檔  neutral
            ///高速/低速檔  first/second/third/high/low gear
            升檔  shift/change up
            降檔  shift/change down
            換檔  shift/change gear
            換一檔、排入一檔  shift/change (in)to first gear = put the car (in)to first gear =
engage first gear
            () 入空檔  shift/change (in)to neutral = put the car in(to) neutral =
take the car out of gear
            () 入倒車檔  shift/change (in)to reverse = put the car in(to) reverse
            (補充:倒車  back/reserve the car)
            你是掛在哪一檔?  What gear are you in?
補充:變速箱  gearbox (例:四檔變速箱  four-speed gearbox)
            傳動裝置、排檔系統  transmission
            (例:自動/手動排檔系統  automatic/manual transmission)
6.  油門  accelerator = gas pedal
例:踩油門  hit/press the accelerator = step on the accelerator =
put your foot (down) on the accelerator = put your foot down
        鬆油門  take your foot off the accelerator
7.  煞車  brake
例:踩煞車  put on the brake(s) = apply the brake(s) = put your foot on the brake(s) = brake
        猛踩煞車  slam/jam  on the brake(s) = slam your foot on the brake(s)
        放煞車  release the brake(s) = let off the brake(s) = take your foot off the brake(s)
        煞車踏板  brake pedal
        煞車油、制動液  brake fluid
        煞車皮、來令片  brake pad/block
        腳煞車  footbrake
        手煞車  handbrake = emergency/parking brake
        空氣煞車  air brake
        碟煞  disc brake
        鼓煞  drum brake
        防鎖死煞車系統  anti-lock braking system (= ABS)
        煞車失靈  brake failure
        尖銳刺耳的煞車聲  screech/squeal of brakes
8.  離合器 (踏板)  clutch
例:踩離合器 (踏板)  press the clutch (pedal) = step on the clutch (pedal) =
push in the clutch (pedal) = put your foot on the clutch (pedal)
        鬆離合器 (踏板)  release the clutch (pedal) = let out the clutch (pedal) =
take your foot off the clutch (pedal)
9.  中控台  center console
補充:汽車音響  car stereo
            空調 (系統) 控制  air conditioning (= air con = AC = ac = a/c) controls
10.  手套箱、(副駕駛座前的) 置物箱  glove compartment/box
11.  座位  seat
例:駕駛座  driver's/driving seat
        副駕駛座  passenger seat
        後座  back seat  (例:喜歡在後座指揮駕駛如何開車的乘客  back-seat driver)
        兒童座椅  child/car seat
        兒童加高座椅  booster seat/chair/cushion
        安全帶  seat/safety belt
        (例:繫安全帶  fasten/wear/buckle a seat belt = put on a seat belt = buckle/belt up
                 解開安全帶  unfasten/unbuckle/undo a seat belt = take off a seat belt)
補充:頭靠  headrest       
12.  門把  door handle
13.  門鎖  door lock
比較:中央門鎖  central locking
            方向盤鎖  steering lock
            防盜鎖或裝置  anti-theft lock/device
           (當有人竊車時可使汽車發不動的) 防盜裝置  immobilizer (= immobiliser)
補充:汽車警報器  car alarm
14.  定速裝置  cruise control
15.  開車者、汽車駕駛  driver = motorist
例:酒駕者  drunk(en) driver = drink-driver
        (補充:酒駕  drink and drive = drive over the limit
                     酒駕行為  drunk(en)/drink driving
酒駕罪 ()  driving under the influence (of alcohol) (= DUI) =
driving while intoxicated (= DWI))
        指定駕駛  designated driver
        肇事逃逸駕駛  hit-and-run driver
補充:危險駕駛  road hog  (比較:危險駕駛行為  dangerous/reckless driving)
16.  駕照  driver's/driving license(=licence)
例:換發駕照  renew a driver's license
        他的駕照被吊銷。  His driver's license was revoked.
比較:行照  vehicle license(=licence)
17.  讓路  yield = give way
例:車輛必須讓路給行人。 Cars must yield to pedestrians.
18.  超速  break/exceed the speed limit = go over the speed limit = be speeding
補充:測速照相機  speed (enforcement) camera
            超速罰單  speeding ticket
19.  闖紅燈  run/jump a red light = go/drive through a red light = run/jump the lights
20.  某人違規停車  sb('s car) is parked illegally (= sb('s car) is illegally parked)
補充:某人並排停車  sb('s car) is double-parked
            拖吊場  pound
21.  停車場  parking lot = car park
比較:立體停車場  (parking) garage = multi-storey (car park)
            停車位、停車格  parking space/place/spot  (也可用 parking 這個字,但其不可
數,例如  disabled/handicapped parking  (殘障停車位))
            車庫  garage
補充:停車場柵欄機  parking barrier
            停車收費表  (parking) meter
22.  汽車展示場  car showroom
補充:汽車製造商、車商  car manufacturer/maker/producer     
           (汽車等的) 品牌  make
           (例:他開的是什麼牌子的車? What make of car does he drive?)
           (汽車等的) 款式、型號  model 
           (例:最新車款  the latest model)
23.  汽車修理廠  garage
例:汽車修理工  garage/car/motor/auto mechanic
補充:維修、檢修、保養  service
           (例:我車子明天要檢修。 I'm having my car serviced tomorrow.)
24.  加油站  gas/petrol/filling/service station = garage
例:加油站員工  gas station attendant
補充:加油  refuel a car
            請加滿。 Fill the car up, please. = Fill it/her up, please. = Fill (up) the tank, please.
            加油機  gas/petrol pump = fuel dispenser
            (例:自助加油機  self-service gas pump)
            油槍  nozzle
            無鉛汽油  unleaded (gas/petrol)
            (例:95無鉛汽油  95-octane unleaded (gas))
            柴油  diesel (oil/fuel)
            (例:我的車加的是柴油。  My car runs on diesel. )

25.  洗車場  car wash