Oct 11, 2016


1.  道路、馬路、公路  road (= Rd.)
例:在 () 路上  in/on the road  (其中 on the road 也可指「在途中 (尤指在長途旅行的途中))
        在路邊  by the roadside = by the side of the road
        沿著馬路、沿路  along/up/down a road
        在馬路對面  on the other/opposite side of the road
        過馬路、穿越馬路  cross a road
比較:主要道路、幹道  main/high road = artery = thoroughfare
            (林蔭) 大道、大街  avenue (= Ave. = Av.) = boulevard (= Blvd.)
            (中央有分割帶的) 道路  divided highway = dual carriageway
            () street (= St.)
            (例:(城鎮中大部分商店或銀行位處的) 大街  main/high street
                     在街角  on a street corner
                     上街頭抗議  take to the streets
                     流落街頭、無家可歸  live on the street(s) )
            (匯入主要道路的) 支線  feeder road
            小路  side road/street = back road/street/lane = backstreet
            (偏僻或僻靜的) 小路  byway = byroad
            (鄉間) 小路  lane (其亦常用於街道名稱中,一般翻譯為「巷」,例如 
Maple  Lane (楓樹/木巷);此外,lane還可指 「車道」,見下。)
            (位在建築物間或後、且一般不給車通行的) 小巷  alley(way)  (例:正合某人的
胃口  be right up sb's alley/street)
            (繞過城鎮或市區的) 旁道  bypass
            環狀道路、環城公路  beltway = ring road = orbital
            圓環  traffic circle = roundabout = rotary
            (像新月一樣彎曲的) 新月形街道  crescent (= Cres.)
            之字形山路  switchback
            上坡 ()  ascent   下坡 ()  descent
            橋樑  bridge 
            (例:吊橋  suspension bridge
                     開合橋  drawbridge
                     過橋  go over/across a bridge)
            高架道路、高架橋  overpass = flyover      
            地下道、下穿通道  underpass (其也可指「行人地下道」,見下)
            隧道  tunnel
            堤道  causeway
            替代道路、替代路線  alternative route
            (道路封閉後的) 改行道路  detour = diversion  (例:改道、繞道  make/take a
            (為了舒緩主要幹道壅塞情況而興建的) 疏通道路  relief road
            (和主要道路平行、方便用路人通往主要道路上的商店或住宅的) 輔助道路 
service/frontage road
            近路、捷徑  short cut (= shortcut)  (例:走近路、抄捷徑  take a short cut)
            (往某處的道)   approach
            單行道  one-way street
            死路、死巷子、死胡同  dead end = cul-de-sac = no through road = blind alley =
close (其尤用於街道名稱中)
            (從街道通往私人住宅的) 車道  drive(way)  (drive 一字亦常用於街道名城中,縮
寫為 Dr.,例如 200  Park Drive (公園路200))  (例:在私人車道上  in/on the
            柏油路  blacktop = bitumen
            泥巴路  dirt track/road 
            (供人行走的) 小徑、步道  path(way) = footpath (其尤指「鄉間或林中小徑」) =
trail (其尤指「鄉間或林中小徑」) = track (其尤指「因人或動物經常行走而
踩踏出來的小徑」) = walk = walkway (其尤指「高於地面的步道」)
            濱海步道  prom(enade) = esplanade (其也可指供車子通行的「濱海大道、濱海公
            (尤指海邊或沼澤地的) 棧道  boardwalk
2.  高速公路  freeway = motorway = highway = expressway = throughway (= thruway) (其常用於某些州際高速公路的名稱中)
比較:(美國) 州際高速公路  interstate (highway)
            收費 (高速) 公路、收費道路  tollway = toll road = (turn)pike
            (補充:收費站、收費亭  tollbooth = tollgate)
            快速道路  expressway
補充:入口匝道  on-ramp = slip road
            出口匝道  off-ramp = slip road = exit (ramp) = turn-off = junction
            立體交流道、立體交叉道  interchange
            休息站、服務區  rest/service area = service station              
3.  車道  lane
例:北上/南下車道  northbound/southbound lane
        //外線道  inside/middle(=center)/outside lane
        /慢車道  fast/slow lane
        超車道  overtaking/passing lane
        高乘載車道  HOV (= high-occupancy vehicle) lane
        公車/自行車專用道  bus/cycle lane
        換車道  change lanes
補充:路肩  (hard) shoulder = breakdown lane
            避車道  turnout = lay-by = pull-off
4.  彎道、轉彎處  curve = bend = turn = twist
例:S形彎道  S-curve/bend
        髮夾彎  hairpin (curve/bend/turn)
        蜿蜒曲折的山路  a mountain road with many twists and turns
5.  易肇事路段  black spot
補充:車禍  car/road/traffic accident
            (駕駛視線的) 盲點、死角  blind spot
            煞車痕  skid marks
6.  中央分隔帶  median (strip) = central reservation = divider
比較:中央安全島  (traffic/safety) island = refuge
7.  防撞護欄  guard rail = crash barrier
8.  (防止車輛進入的) 短柱、安全柱  bollard
9.  減速丘  speed bump/hump = sleeping policeman
10.  貓眼、道路反光裝置  Catseye = reflector
11.  路燈、街燈  street light/lamp
例:燈柱  lamp post
        (比較:電線桿  utility/telegraph/telephone pole)
12.  紅綠燈、交通號誌燈  (traffic) light(s) = stoplight(s)
例:現在是綠//紅燈。 The lights are (on) green/yellow(=amber)/red.
        綠燈了。 The lights turn/go green. = The lights turn to green.
        在紅綠燈處右轉。  Turn right at the traffic lights.
        闖紅燈  run/jump the lights = run/jump a red light = go/drive through a red light
13.  交叉 () 口、(十字) 路口  intersection = junction = crossroads = crossing
例:下個路口右轉。  Turn right at the next intersection.
T形路口、丁字路口  T-intersection = T-junction
        三叉路口  Y-intersection = Y-junction = fork
比較:鐵路平交道  railroad/level/grade crossing
14.  行人穿越道、斑馬線  pedestrian/zebra crossing = crosswalk
比較:(由行人自行控制紅綠燈的) 行人穿越道  pelican crossing
            人行天橋、陸橋  footbridge
            行人地下道  underpass = subway
            人行道  sidewalk = pavement (其也可指「路面」)
             (補充:人行道邊緣、路緣  curb = kerb)
補充:優先通行權、優先路權  right of way
            (例:行人永遠有優先通行權。 Pedestrians always have the right of way.)
            讓路  yield = give way
            (例:車輛必須讓路給行人。 Cars must yield to pedestrians.)
15.   (路邊) 排水溝  gutter
補充:人孔蓋  manhole cover
16.  (路面上的) 標線、標示  (road) marking
補充:黃/紅線  yellow/red line
           (紅線停車  park on red lines)
           (重點) 拖吊區  towaway zone/area
17.  路標、交通標誌  sign(post) = road/traffic sign
例:路標上寫著「芝加哥 20 英里」。 The signpost says 'Chicago 20 miles'.
補充:禁止左轉/右轉  No Left/Right Turn
            紅燈禁止右轉  No Right Turn on Red Signal
            禁止迴轉  No U-turn (補充:迴轉  do/make a U-turn)
            禁止超車  No overtaking/Passing
            速限標誌  speed limit sign
            (補充:速限50公里  a 50 kph speed limit
                         超速  break/exceed the speed limit = go over the speed limit = be speeding
                         測速照相機  speed (enforcement) camera)
            天雨路滑標誌  slippery-when-wet sign = slippery road sign
            此路不通標誌  no through road sign
18.  (尤指警方臨檢所設置的) 路障  roadblock
例:設置路障  put/set up roadblocks
19.  道路封閉  road closure
20.  道路施工  roadwork(s)
補充:(路面) 坑洞  pothole  (形容詞為 potholed  (坑坑洞洞的))
            ...重新鋪路  resurface
21.  交通錐  traffic cone = pylon
22.  塞車、堵車、交通阻塞  (traffic) jam/congestion = hold-up = snarl(-up)
例:塞在車陣中、卡在車陣/流中  be stuck/caught in a traffic jam
比較:交通 (全面) 癱瘓  gridlock
補充:交通打結  traffic is tied up
            車流回堵  traffic backs up = traffic is backed up
            (塞車時) 前車貼後車  Cars are bumper-to-bumper. = Cars are nose to tail.
            塞車長龍  tailback
            (容易塞車的) 瓶頸路段  bottleneck
            尖峰時刻  rush hour
            (例:在尖峰時刻時  at rush hour = in the rush hour)
23.  停車位、停車格  parking space/place/spot  (也可用 parking 這個字,但其不可數,例如disabled/handicapped parking  (殘障停車位) )
比較:停車場  parking lot = car park
            立體停車場  (parking) garage = multi-storey (car park)  (其中  garage  一字還可指
補充:停車收費表  (parking) meter
            停車場柵欄機  parking barrier
24.  拖吊場  pound
補充:某人違規停車  sb('s car) is parked illegally (= sb('s car) is illegally parked)
            某人並排停車  sb('s car) is double-parked
25.  地磅  weighbridge
26.  路線  route  (其也用於連通美國城市間的幹道名稱中,例如  Route 54 (54 號公路))
例:走某條路線  take/follow a route
        走那條路線最好? Which is the best route to take?

27.  道路安全意識、路感  road sense