Jan 22, 2011


表達 X ZX Z 相似或相像,可透過 X is like ZX is not unlike ZX and Z are alikeX is similar to ZX and Z are similarX is not dissimilar to ZX and Z are not dissimilarX resembles Z ( 尤指在外觀、外貌上相似 )X bears a resemblance to Z ( 尤指在外觀、外貌上相似 )X bears a likeness to Z ( 尤指在外觀、外貌上相似 )X bears a similarity to ZX is akin to Z (正式) 等等,表達 X Z 因相似、類似,所以可用來做比較,可透過 X is comparable to ZX is comparable with ZX and Z are comparable 等,表達 X Z 大致上類似、大致雷同,可透過 X is (pretty) much the same as Z (= X and Z are (pretty) much the same )X is broadly similar to ZX is roughly similar to Z,表達 X Z 非常相似、幾乎一樣好或一樣差、相差無幾、不相上下,可透過 there is nothing to choose between X and Zthere is not much to choose between X and Zthere is little to choose between X and ZX and Z are much of a muchness [ˋmʌtʃnəs] (英式、非正式) 等,表達 X Z 非常類似、屬於同類型的人事物,可透過 X and Z are two of a kind,表達 X Z 有諸多共同點、相同之處,可透過 X and Z have a lot in common [ˋkɑmən] (= X has a lot in common with Z ) X and Z have so much in common (= X has so much in common with Z ),表達 X Z 的思考方式雷同、兩者所見略同,彼此可以互相了解、溝通,可透過 X and Z are like-minded [͵laɪkˋmaɪndɪd]X and Z speak the same language [ˋlæŋgwɪdʒ]X and Z are on the same wavelength [ˋwev͵lɛŋθ] (非正式) (= X is on Z’s wavelength )X is in tune with Z 等;另外,表達 X 使某人 (Y) 想起 Z,因 X Z 相似、類似,可透過 X reminds Y of ZX is reminiscent of ZX echoes Z 等,表達 長得非常像 Z、酷似 Z,可透過 look just like Zlook exactly like Zbear a striking resemblance to Zbear a close resemblance to Zbear a strong resemblance to Zbear an uncanny resemblance to Zbe the spitting image of Z (非正式)be the living image of Z (英式、非正式)be the image of Z (英式、非正式)be the double of Zcould easily pass for Zcould pass for Zcould easily be mistaken for Zcould be mistaken for Z 等等,表達 長得很像另一個人 (Z) 的人,可透過 Z look-alike [ˋluk ə͵laɪk]Z’s doubleZ’s doppelganger [ˋdɑpəl͵gæŋɚ] (= doppelgänger ) 等,表達 在相貌或個性上很像其家族中的某位長輩 (Z) ( 尤其是其父親或母親 ),可透過 take after Z,表達 某人 (X) 在相貌或個性上很像其父親或母親,可透過 X is a chip off the old block [blɑk] (非正式)