Jan 5, 2011

表達打電話相關用語 (上)

表達 打電話給對方 (X),可透過 call X (on the phone)phone X (英式為主)ring X (英式)call X up (= call up X )phone X up (= phone up X ) (英式為主)ring X up (= ring up X ) (英式)telephone X (英式、正式)make a (phone) call to Xplace a (phone) call to Xgive X a call (非正式)give X a ring (英式、非正式)give X a buzz (非正式)give X a bell (英式、非正式) 等等,表達 打對方 (X) 的手機,可透過 call X’s cell (phone) (美式為主) ( 其中的 cell phone 也可寫成 cellphone )call X’s mobile (phone) (英式為主) ( 其中的 mobile 可唸 [ˋmobḷ][ˋmobaɪl] [ˋmobɪl] ) call X on X’s cell (phone) (美式為主)call X on X’s mobile (phone) (英式為主) 等,表達 透過 Skype 打給對方 (X),可用 Skype [skaɪp] X,表達 打由對方 (X) 付費的電話,可透過 call X collect [kəˋlɛkt] (美式)make a collect call to X (美式)make a reverse charge(s) call to X (英式)call X and reverse the charges (英式) 等,表達 打對方 (X) 的免付費電話號碼 (Y),可透過 call X toll-free at Y (美式)call X toll-free at on Y (美式)call X free at Y (英式)call X free on Y (英式) 等,表達 打電話請病假,可透過 call in sickphone in sick (英式為主)ring in sick (英式) 等,表達 打錯電話,可用 get the wrong number have the wrong number,表達 打不通對方 (X) 的電話、無法透過電話聯絡上對方 (X),可透過 can’t get through to X,表達 電話忙線中、佔線中,可透過 the phone is busy (美式)the line is busy (美式)the number is busy (美式)the phone is engaged [ɪnˋgedʒd] (英式)the line is engaged (英式)the number is engaged (英式) 等,另外,表達 撥號,可透過 dial [ˋdaɪəl],表達 重撥,可用 redial,表達 回撥、回電,可透過 call backphone back (英式為主)ring back (英式)dial backreturn a (phone) call 等;此外,表達 (電話) 響,可透過 ringgo offgo (英式為主) 等,表達 電話因為一直有人打來而持續響個不停,可透過 the phone is ringing off the hook,表達 接電話,可透過 answer the phoneanswer the callpick up the phonetake the callget the phone (非正式)grab the phone (非正式) 等,表達 把電話轉給第三方 (Z),可透過 transfer the call to Z put the call through to Z 等,表達 讓對方 (X) 在電話線上等待,可透過 put X on hold,表達 和對方 (X) 在講電話,可透過 be on the phone to Xbe on the phone with Xtalk to X on the phonespeak to X on the phonetalk with X on the phonespeak with X on the phone (偏美式) 等,表達 講電話講到一半突然斷線,可透過 get cut off get disconnected [͵dɪskəˋnɛktɪd],表達 掛電話,可透過 hang up (the phone)put the phone down (= put down the phone ) (英式為主)ring off (英式) 等,表達 在對方 (X) 還沒講完時便掛斷對方 (X) 的電話,可透過 hang up on X put the phone down on X (= put down the phone on X ) (英式為主),表達 因為生氣,所以在對方 (X) 還沒講完時便掛斷對方的 (X) 電話,可透過 slam the phone down on X (= slam down the phone on X ),表達 未了讓人打不進來而刻意把話筒拿起來或不掛上話筒,可透過 take the phone off the hook leave the phone off the hook ................ ( 未完,續「表達打電話相關用語 ())