Dec 11, 2016


1.  攝影 ()  photography
例:黑白攝影  black-and-white photography
        彩色攝影  colo(u)r photography
       人像攝影、人物攝影  portrait photography = portraiture
        靜物攝影  still(s) photography
        紀實攝影  documentary photography
        空中攝影、空拍攝影  aerial photography
        水中攝影  underwater photography
        數位攝影  digital photography
        紅外線攝影  infrared photography
        長時間曝光攝影  long-exposure photography = time-exposure photography = slow shutter photography
        縮時攝影、延時攝影  time-lapse photography
        攝影展  photography exhibit(ion)
        參加攝影比賽  enter a photography competition
2.  (平面) 攝影師  photographer
例:擺姿勢給攝影師拍照  pose for a photographer
比較:(電視或電影的) 攝影師  cameraman/camerawoman (= cameraperson) = camera operator
            攝影導演  director of photography
            攝影記者  press/news photographer = photojournalist
            狗仔隊  paparazzi
補充:攝影工作室、相館  photo(graphy)/portrait studio = photographer's studio  (此外,studio  一字也可表「攝影棚」)
            (比較:自助快照亭  photo booth)
3.  照片、相片  photo(graph) = pic(ture) = shot = snap(shot) (其一般指「快照」) = photographic image
例:全景照片  panoramic photograph
        空拍照片  aerial photograph
        衛星照片  satellite photograph
        (用亮光紙沖印的) 亮面照片 glossy (photograph)
        霧面照片  matt(e)/mat photograph
        泛黃的照片  sepia photograph
        褪色的照片  faded photograph
        模糊 (不清) 的照片  blurred/blurry/fuzzy photograph
        失焦的照片  out-of-focus photograph
        清晰的照片  clear/sharp/focus(s)ed photograph
        高解析度照片  high-resolution photograph
        (補充:解析度  resolution)
        特寫照、近照  close-up (photograph)  (此外,close-up  也可指「特寫鏡頭」)
        放大照  enlarged photograph = enlargement = blow-up
        護照尺寸的照片  passport-sized photograph
        團體照  group/team photograph
        某人的照片  a photograph of sb
        (補充:自拍照  selfie (= self-portrait photograph
                     自拍桿  selfie stick
                     大頭貼  photo sticker)
         肖像照、半身照、人物照、人像照  portrait (photograph)
         (補充:犯人照  mug shot)
         簽名照  signed photograph
         (比較:親筆簽名照  autographed photograph)
         封面照  cover photograph
         宣傳照  publicity photograph
         (尤指電影或影片的) 定格照、劇照  still (photograph)
         (釘在或掛在牆上的) 養眼照、清涼照  pin-up
         裸照  nude photograph
         不雅照、淫照、色情照片  indecent/pornographic photograph
         合成照片  composite photograph = photomontage = Photoshopped(=photoshopped) photograph
         修照、修圖  touch up a photograph = retouch a photograph = Photoshop(=photoshop) a photograph
         沖洗照片、沖印照片  develop a photograph
比較:(用底片沖洗或沖印出來的) 照片  print
            幻燈片  slide = transparency
            (例:幻燈片秀  slide show)
            縮微膠卷  microfilm
補充:相簿、相冊、相本  (photograph) album   
            相框  photo frame
            (補充:裝框或表框的照片  framed photograph)
4.  照相、拍照  take a photo(graph)/pic(ture) = shoot
比較:給某人照相、給某人拍照  take a photo(graph)/pic(ture) of sb = photo(graph) sb
            拍攝  (影片)  film/shoot ~ = record/capture ~ on film
補充:某人很上相  sb photographs well = sb is photogenic
5.  攝影器材  photographic equipment
6.  () 相機、攝影機  camera  (表達「攝影機」時,也可用  video camera;另外,表達  (便攜式) 攝錄影機」,可用  camcorder,表「掌上型攝錄影機」,可用  palmcorder,表「視訊攝影機」,可用  webcam,表「視訊電話」,可用  videophone)
例:數位相機  digital camera = digicam
        單眼相機  SLR (= single-lens reflex) camera
        數位單眼相機  DSLR (= digital single-lens reflex) camera
        微單相機  mirrorless (interchangeable lens) camera
        萊卡相機  Leica camera
        LOMO  相機   LOMO camera
        傻瓜相機  point-and-shoot camera = compact camera
         即可拍相機、立可拍相機、一次性相機  disposable camera
         拍立得相機  Polaroid (camera) = instant camera
         針孔攝影機  hidden/secret/spy camera
         (比較:監視器  security/surveillance camera = closed-circuit camera = CCTV (=closed-circuit television) camera)
         相機包  camera bag
         把相機 (焦距) 對準 focus the camera on ~ = point/aim the camera at ~ 
         /不在拍攝中、在/不在鏡頭中  on/off camera
          被拍了下來   ~ be caught on camera = be recorded/captured on film
          不喜歡拍照或上鏡頭的  camera-shy
補充:觀景窗、取景器  viewfinder
            焦點、焦距、對焦  focus  (表「焦距 」時,也可用  focal length)
            (例:自動對焦  autofocus
                     有對焦、清晰  in focus
                     失焦、模糊不清  out of focus
                     把相機對焦在  上、把相機焦距對準 focus the camera on ~
              補充:景深  depth of field/focus)
            快門  shutter
            (例:快門按鈕  shutter release
                     按快門 (按鈕)  press/click the shutter (release)
                     快門速度  (shutter) speed  (此外,speed  也可指「感光速度」)
                     快門優先  shutter priority)
           閃光燈  flash
           (例:內建閃光燈  built-in flash
                    閃光燈沒亮。  The flash didn't go off.
            比較:閃光槍  flashgun
            補充:紅眼  red-eye)
            光圈、孔徑  aperture
            (例:光圈優先  aperture priority)
            測光表  light meter
            曝光 (時間/)  exposure  (其動詞為  expose (使曝光))
            (例:長時間曝光  long exposure
                     多重曝光  multiple exposure
              補充:曝光不足的  underexposed
                          曝光過度的  overexposed)
           感光元件  image/imaging sensor
           感光度  ISO (= International Organization for Standardization)
           亮度  brightness
           對比度  contrast
           飽和度  saturation
           白平衡  white balance
           畫素  pixel
           (例:八百萬畫素相機  8-megapixel camera)
           三腳架  tripod
7.  鏡頭  lens
例:長 (焦距) 鏡頭  telephoto (lens)
        變焦鏡頭  zoom (lens)
        廣角鏡頭  wide-angle (lens)
        魚眼鏡頭、超廣角鏡頭  fish-eye (lens)
        鏡頭蓋  lens cap/cover
        (鏡頭) 遮光罩  lens hood/shade
補充:濾 ()   filter
            (鏡頭) 拉近/拉遠  zoom in/out
8.  底片、膠片  (photographic) film
例:給相機裝上底片  put a film in a camera
        沖洗底片  have/get  a film  developed/processed
        一卷底片  a roll of film
        可拍  24  張照片的底片  a 24 exposure film
        35  毫米底片  35mm film
        感光或曝光快/慢的底片  fast/slow film
補充:底片中的一格照片  exposure  (其也可指「曝光 (時間/)」,見上)
            (比較:用底片沖洗出來的一張照片  print) 
            負片  negative
            (比較:正片  positive)
            感光乳劑  emulsion
            顯影劑  developer
            (沖洗照片的) 暗房  darkroom