Aug 19, 2016


1. 臥室  bedroom
例: 主卧

室  master/main bedroom
      客房  spare/guest bedroom
      有三間臥室的房子、三房  a three-bedroom(ed) house = a house with three bedrooms

2  bed
:  (有蓋被子) 躺在床上  lie in bed 
        (比較在床上時,躺在尚未掀開的被子上  lie on the bed)
       上床睡覺、就寢  go to bed = get into bed
        起床  get out of bed = get up
        (起床後) 整理床鋪、鋪床  make the bed
       雙層床、上下鋪  bunk (bed)  (補充: /下舖  the top/bottom bunk)
       四柱床  four-poster (bed)
       沙發床  sofa bed
       水床  waterbed
       病床  sickbed
       (臨終) 病榻  deathbed  (: 臨終時  on one's deathbed)
       花床  flower bed
補充: 嬰兒床  crib = cot
3.  床墊  mattress
: 彈簧床墊  spring mattress
      記憶床墊  memory-foam mattress
      充氣床墊  air mattress/bed
4.  床單  sheet
5.  枕頭  pillow
6.  長枕 ()  bolster
7.  抱枕  throw/toss pillow = (scatter) cushion
8.  枕頭套  pillowcase = pillowslip
9.  床單和枕頭套  bed linen
10.  被子、棉被  quilt
11.  羽絨被、 (羽絨或其他材質所填充的) 夾被  duvet = comforter = (continental) quilt
: 羽絨被套  duvet cover
12.  毯子、毛毯  blanket
13.  床罩  (bed)spread = bedcover = coverlet = counterpane
14.  床裙  bed skirt = valance = dust ruffle
15.   (含床單、被子、床罩等所有覆蓋在床上的) 床上用品  bedclothes = bedcovers = bedding
16.  床架  bed frame
17.  床頭 ()  bedhead = headboard
18.  床尾板  footboard
19.  床頭櫃  bedside/night table = nightstand
20.  鬧鐘  alarm (clock)
: 把鬧鐘設在七點鐘響  set the alarm clock for 7 o'clock
      我的鬧鐘八點半響了。 My alarm clock went off at 8:30.
21.  收音機鬧鐘、鬧鐘收音機  clock radio = radio alarm (clock)
22.  床頭燈  bedside lamp
23.  夜燈  nightlight
24.  梳妝台  dressing table = vanity (table)
25.  鏡子  mirror
: 穿衣鏡、全身鏡  full-length mirror = floor mirror
      照鏡子、看著鏡中的自己  look at oneself in the mirror =
      see one's reflection in the mirror
26.  五斗櫃  chest of drawers = bureau = dresser
27.  抽屜  drawer
: 在上//下層抽屜  in the top/middle/bottom drawer
      在左/右邊抽屜  in the left/right-hand drawer
28.  (尤指放衣服的) 壁櫥、儲藏櫃/  closet = cupboard
: 不可告人的秘密、不可外揚的家醜  a skeleton in the closet/cupboard
      (同性戀) 出櫃  come out (of the closet)
29.  衣櫃、衣櫥、(某人所擁有的) 所有衣服  wardrobe
: (嵌入牆內的) 嵌入式衣櫃   built-in wardrobe =  fitted wardrobe
       (可以直接走進去的) 步入式衣櫃  walk-in wardrobe
30.  衣架  (coat) hanger
31.  衣夾  clothespin = (clothes) peg
32.  樟腦丸  mothball
33.  衣物香氛袋  (scented) sachet
34.  衣帽架  coat rack
35.  熨衣板  ironing board
36.  ()  iron
: 蒸氣熨斗  steam iron
37.  熱水袋  hot-water bottle
38.  電熱毯  electric blanket
39.  電暖器/  electric heater
40.  暖氣 (設備/系統)  heat(ing)
: 暖氣開著嗎?  Is the heat(ing) on?
      把暖氣調強/  turn up/down the heat(ing)
41.  中央暖氣系統  central heating
42.  暖氣片、散熱器  radiator
43.  () 風扇、扇子  fan  ( () 風扇解時,也可用 electric fan)
 : 吊扇  ceiling fan
44.  () 風扇葉片  blade
45.  空調系統   air conditioning = air con = AC (= ac = a/c)
46.  空調機/設備、冷氣  air conditioner
47.  除濕機  dehumidifier
比較: 加濕機/  humidifier
48.  吸塵器  vacuum cleaner = hoover (= Hoover)
49.  掃地機  robotic vacuum cleaner = robovac
50.  掃把  broom
51.  畚箕  dustpan
52.  拖把  mop
例:拖把和水桶  mop and bucket