Aug 3, 2016


1.  (家裡) 浴室、廁所  bathroom = toilet = loo
 比較: (公共場所的) 廁所、洗手間、盥洗室  bathroom = restroom = washroom =     
            ladies'/men's room = the ladies/gents = toilet = lav(atory) = WC (water closet) = loo =
            the john = the facilities = public convenience = comfort station
           殘障廁所  accessible toilet
           流動廁所  portable/mobile toilet
           屋外/戶外廁所  outhouse = privy
  1.  (家裡) 浴室、廁所  bathroom = toilet = loo
 比較: (公共場所的) 廁所、洗手間、盥洗室  bathroom = restroom = washroom =     
            ladies'/men's room = the ladies/gents = toilet = lav(atory) = WC (water closet) = loo =
            the john = the facilities = public convenience = comfort station
           殘障廁所  accessible toilet
           流動廁所  portable/mobile toilet
           屋外/戶外廁所  outhouse = privy
           茅坑  latrine
2.  洗臉盆、洗手台  (wash)basin = sink = washbowl = handbasin
3.  浴缸  (bath)tub = bath
: 放浴缸水  fill the tub = run/draw a bath
4.  浴缸防滑墊、浴室腳墊  bath mat
5.  按摩浴缸  Jacuzzi = spa
6.  坐浴盆  bidet = hip bath
7.  淋浴 ()、淋浴間  shower
: 淋浴、沖澡  take/have a shower
      ( 比較: 盆浴、泡澡  take/have a bath )
      浴簾  shower curtain
      浴帽  shower cap     
      蓮蓬頭  showerhead
8.  () 龍頭  faucet = tap
: /冷水龍頭  hot/cold faucet
      /關水龍頭  turn on/off a faucet
9.  排水孔  drain = plughole = gurgler
: 付諸東流  go down the drain
10.  (排水孔) 塞子  plug
: 塞上塞子  put in the plug
      拔起塞子  pull (out) the plug
11.  馬桶  toilet
: 沖馬桶  flush the toilet
      沖水馬桶、抽水馬桶  flush toilet
      蹲式馬桶  squat toilet
      馬桶座  toilet seat
      馬桶蓋  toilet lid
      馬桶缸  toilet bowl/pan
      馬桶刷  toilet brush
      ( 比較: 通馬桶或水管用的吸把、馬桶疏通器  plunger )
12.  (馬桶的) 沖水裝置  flush
: 按沖水裝置/把手  press the flush
      沖水裝置壞了。  The flush isn't working properly.
13.  (馬桶等的) 水箱  tank = cistern
: 水箱蓋  tank lid
14.  免治馬桶  washlet ( wash toilet 所縮合而成 )
15.  幼兒用便盆  pot(ty)
: (兒童用語) 噓噓、便便/嗯嗯  go potty
16.  (臥床病人用的) 便盆  bedpan
17.  夜壺  chamber pot
18.  小便池  urinal
19.   (換尿布用的) 尿布台  changing table
20.  洗手乳  hand wash/soap
21.  乾洗手劑  hand sanitizer/antiseptic
22.  乾手機、烘手機  hand dryer
23.  擦手紙機  paper towel dispenser
24.  面紙  (facial) tissue = paper handkerchief = Kleenex
25.  衛生紙  toilet paper/tissue = bathroom tissue = bog roll
: /三層衛生紙  two/three-ply toilet paper
26.  捲筒衛生紙  toilet roll
27.  厚紙巾、廚房紙巾  paper towel ( 做廚房紙巾時 = kitchen paper/roll/towel ) 
28.  濕紙巾  (wet) wipe = wet towel
29.  尿布  diaper = nappy
: 換尿布  change a diaper
      拋棄式尿布、一次性尿布  disposable diaper
      成人紙尿布  adult diaper
      尿布疹  diaper rash
30.  衛生棉  sanitary napkin/towel/pad = pad
31.  衛生棉條  tampon = Tampax
32.  盥洗用品  toiletries
33.  洗髮精  shampoo
: 抗頭皮屑洗髮精  (anti-)dandruff shampoo
      //乾性洗髮精  shampoo for oily(greasy)/normal/dry hair
34.  潤髮乳、護髮乳  conditioner
35.  吹風機  hairdryer/hairdrier
補充: 吹頭髮  blow-dry one's hair
36.  (平坦的) 梳子  comb
比較: (有把手、像刷子的) 梳子、髮刷  (hair)brush
37.  髮膠  (hair) gel = jell
38.  定型噴霧  hairspray = lacquer
39.  定性慕斯  styling mousse
40.  洗面乳  cleanser = face wash
41.  化妝水  toner = toning lotion
42.  收斂水  astringent
43.  保濕乳液  moisturizer/moisturiser = moisturizing cream
44.  面霜  face cream
45.  精華液  essence
46.  面膜  (face) mask = face pack
47.  泥漿面膜  mudpack
48.  去角質 ()   exfoliant = exfoliator

49.  肥皂 soap
: 一塊肥皂  a bar/cake of soap
      肥皂盒  soap dish
      給皂器  soap dispenser
      肥皂泡沫  (soap)suds = lather
50.  沐浴乳  shower gel/cream = body wash
51.  泡泡浴 ()  bubble bath
52.  浴鹽  bath salts
53.  海綿  sponge
54.  絲瓜布  loofah
55.  浮石  pumice (stone)
56.  背刷  back brush
57.  浴巾  bath towel
比較: (洗臉或洗手用的) 毛巾、方巾  washcloth = facecloth = flannel
           擦手巾  hand towel
58.  毛巾架  towel rack/rail
59.  洗衣籃  laundry basket/hamper
60.  待洗衣物  dirty laundry
61.  浴袍  (bath)robe = dressing gown
62.  爽身粉  talcum powder = talc
63.  身體乳液  body lotion
64.  防曬乳液  sunblock = sunscreen = sun cream = suntan lotion/oil
補充: 防曬係數  SPF ( = sun protection factor )
65.  “仿曬乳/  self-tanning lotion/cream =self-tan(ner)
66.  護手霜  hand lotion/cream
67.  護唇膏  lip balm/salve = ChapStick
68.  牙刷  toothbrush
: 牙刷架  toothbrush holder
69.  牙膏  toothpaste
: 一條牙膏  a tube of toothpaste
70.  牙線  (dental) floss 
補充: 用牙線剔牙 floss (one's teeth)
比較: 牙籤  toothpick  ( 補充: 剔牙 pick one's teeth )
71.  漱口水  mouthwash = gargle = rinse 
補充: 漱口  gargle = rinse one's mouth (out)
72.  刮鬍刀  razor
: 電動刮鬍刀  electric razor = shaver
      拋棄式刮鬍刀、輕便型刮鬍刀  disposable razor
      刮鬍刀片  razor blade
73.  刮鬍膏、刮鬍泡  shaving cream/foam
74.  鬍後水  aftershave
75.  /制汗劑  antiperspirant
: 滾珠式止汗劑  roll-on antiperspirant
76.  體香劑  deodorant
77.  香水  perfume = fragrance = scent
: 你擦什麼香水? What perfume are you wearing?
78.  古龍水  cologne = eau de cologne
79.  空氣芳香劑  air freshener
80.  精油  essential oil
81.  (浴廁等的) 清潔劑/產品  cleaner (= cleanser) = cleaning product
82.  漂白劑/  bleach
83.  馬桶刷  toilet brush
84.  地板刷、硬毛刷  scrub(bing) brush
85.  浴室磁磚  bathroom tiles