Aug 18, 2016


1.  客廳、起居室  living room = sitting room = lounge (room)
2.  (兩人以上坐的) 長沙發  sofa = couch = settee
: 雙人沙發  two-seater (sofa) = loveseat (sofa)
3.  (無靠背或扶手的) 長沙發  divan
補充: 靠背  back(rest)
          扶手  arm(rest)
4.  扶椅、單人沙發  armchair
5.  (由一張長沙發和兩張單人沙發所組成的) 三件式沙發組  three-piece suite =
 living room suite
6.  (靠背可調、常附有靠腳處的) 扶椅、躺椅  recliner (chair)
比較: (戶外用躺椅  (sun) lounger
補充: 靠腳處  footrest
7.  按摩椅  massage chair
8.  懶骨頭  beanbag (chair)
9.  貴妃椅  chaise (longue/lounge)
10.  沙發床  sofa bed
11.  搖椅  rocking chair = rocker (其也可指搖椅底部的弧形搖板)
12.  藤椅  wicker chair
13.  板凳  stool
: 三角凳  three-legged stool
14.  腳凳  footstool
15.  靠墊、坐墊  cushion
16.  抱枕  throw/toss pillow = (scatter) cushion
17.  茶几  coffee table
18.  桌燈、檯燈  table lamp
補充: 燈罩  lampshade
19.  落地燈  floor lamp = standard lamp
20.  水晶吊燈  chandelier
21.  壁燈  wall light
22.  壁爐  fireplace
23.  壁爐台  mantel(piece)/mantle(piece) = mantelshelf/mantleshelf
24.  裝飾品  decoration = ornament
25.  相框  photo frame
26.  小雕像  statuette
27.   (人或動物的) 小雕像、小塑像  figurine
28.  花瓶  vase
29.  花盆  (plant) pot = flowerpot = planter
30.  (尤指室内的) 盆栽植物  pot(ted) plant = house plant
31.  盆景、盆栽  bonsai
32.  布穀鳥鐘、咕咕鐘  cuckoo clock
33.  擺鐘  pendulum clock
34.  落地鐘、老爺鐘  grandfather clock = longcase clock
35.  儲藏櫃、陳列櫃  cabinet = cupboard
: 嵌入牆內的儲藏櫃、壁櫥  built-in cabinet
36.  書櫃  bookcase
37.  書架  bookshelf
38.  屏風  screen
39.  窗簾  curtain
: 拉開窗簾  draw/pull/open the curtains = draw/pull back the curtains
      拉上窗簾  draw/pull/close/shut  the curtains
40.  厚窗簾、帷幕  drapes = draperies
41.  百葉窗、(一整塊布或其他材質做成的) 捲簾  blind = (window) shade
(做百葉窗解時,還可用 venetian blind)
: 拉起百葉窗  open/raise the blinds = pull up the blinds
      拉下百葉窗  close/draw/lower/shut  the blinds = pull down the blinds
42.  (裝在窗戶外、木製或金屬製的) 百葉窗、窗板  shutter
43.  地毯  carpet
: 鋪地毯  lay/fit/install a carpet
      (把東西掃到地毯下,意指) 試圖掩蓋某事  sweep/brush sth under the carpet =
       sweep sth under the rug
44.  小地毯、毛毯  rug
45.  榻榻米  tatami
46.  門墊  doormat
47.  門鈴  doorbell
: 按門鈴  ring the doorbell
48.  對講機  intercom
比較: 無線電對講機  walkie-talkie
49.  電話 (聽筒)  (tele)phone
(做聽筒解時,還可用  handset  receiver)
: 打電話  make a (telep)hone call
      接電話  pick up the (tele)phone = answer/get the (tele)phone
      電話中  on the (tele)phone
      掛電話  put down the (tele)phone = hang up the (tele)phone =  replace the (tele)phone
      (因生氣等原因) 掛某人電話  put the phone down on sb = hang up on sb
      無線電話  cordless/wireless (tele)phone
補充: 市內電話  landline
50.  電話答錄機   answering machine = answerphone
51.  電視機  television (set) = TV = telly =  the tube
: 平面電視  flat screen TV
      電漿電視  plasma screen TV
      液晶電視  LCD TV = liquid-crystal-display television
      寬螢幕電視  widescreen TV
      高解析度電視、HD電視  high definition television
52.  遙控器  remote (control) = zapper
53.  機上盒  set-top box
54.  藍光播放機  Blu-ray player
55.  立體聲 (音響 (系統))  stereo
補充: 環繞立體聲  surround sound
           家庭劇院   home theater/cinema
           高傳真喇叭  hi-fi (= high fidelity) speaker
           重低音喇叭  subwoofer
           揚聲器、放大器  amp(lifier)
56.  遊戲機  game console
補充: 搖桿  joystick
          遊戲手把  gamepad
57.  小耳朵  satellite dish
58.  收音機、廣播、無線電 (設備/通訊)  radio
: 把收音機調到某一台  tune a radio to a station
補充: 調台器、調諧器  tuner