1. 眼睛;眼神、目光;眼光;視力、眼力 eye (其還可指很多眼狀物,如「扣眼」、「針眼」、「芽眼」、「(颱/颶/暴) 風眼」等」)
例:張眼 open one's eyes = one's eyes open
閉眼、合眼 close/shut one's eyes = one's eyes close/shut
閉著眼睛都能做某事、做某事易如反掌 can/could do sth with one's eyes closed/shut
視若無睹 close/shut one's eyes to ~
眼不見為淨 what the eye doesn't see (, the heart doesn't
grieve over) = out of sight, out of mind
~) 睜一隻眼閉一隻眼 turn a blind eye (to ~)
眯眼睛 narrow/squint one's eyes = one's eyes
揉眼睛 rub one's eyes
眨眼睛 blink (one's eyes) = (one's eyes) blink
眼睛/眼皮都不眨一下、面不改色 not bat an eye(lid)
一眨眼的時間、轉眼之間 in the blink/twinkle/twinkling of an eye = in
a blink/twinkling = in an instant
翻白眼 roll one's eyes (upward(s)/heavenward(s))
眼睛往上看、抬起眼睛 lift/raise one's eyes = one's eyes lift/raise
眼睛往下看 drop/lower one's eyes = one's eyes
drop/lower/fall (補充:表「目光向下的、目光低垂的」,可用 downcast)
用 (眼角) 餘光瞥見
~ see ~ out of the corner of one's eye = see ~
at/on the edge of one's vision
把目光移開 avert one's eyes = look away
避免和某人目光相接、避免和某人對眼 avoid eye contact with sb
和某人目光相接、和某人對眼 make eye contact with sb = meet sb's
eye(s)/gaze/look = catch sb's eye (其也可指「吸引某人目光」,形容詞形式為 eye-catching (引人注目的、醒目的))
直視某人、正眼看某人;坦然面對某人 look sb (straight/right) in the eye(s)/face
眼睛亮了起來 one's eyes light up
向某人拋媚眼、向某人送秋波、向某人眉目傳情 make eyes at sb = give sb the (glad) eye =
make sheep's eyes at sb = eye sb up
眉目傳情、擠眉弄眼 bat one's eyes/eyelashes
~ have
one's eye on ~
只看得上某人、眼裡只有某人 only have eyes for sb = have eyes only for sb
某人的掌上明珠、心肝寶貝 be the apple of sb's eye
情人眼裡出西施 beauty is in the eye of the beholder
看了賞心悅目或順眼、是視覺饗宴 be easy on the eye(s) = be a feast for the
eyes = be a sight for sore eyes = be an eyeful = please the eye
中看不中用的人事物、華而不實的人事物 eye candy
看了礙眼的東西 (尤指醜陋的建築物) eyesore
目不轉睛 be all eyes
~ can't take/keep one's eyes off ~ = have/keep
one's eyes glued to ~ = fix one's eyes on ~
~ feast one's eyes on ~
(補充:色咪咪地看著某人、不懷好意地看著某人 leer at sb)
某人眼饞肚飽、某人眼大肚子小 sb has eyes bigger than their stomach/belly =
sb's eyes are bigger than their stomach/belly
張大或睜大眼睛看 (以便注意到或找到
~) keep/have
one's eyes open/out (for ~) =
keep/have an eye open/out (for ~)
~ keep/have one eye on ~ = keep/have half an
eye on ~
keep/have an eye on ~ = keep/have one's eye on ~
~ keep
a close/sharp/weather eye on ~ = keep close tabs on ~
在某人密切的關注或監視下 under the (watchful) eye of sb
所有人的目光都在某人身上 all eyes are (fixed) on sb = all eyes are
watching sb
所有人的目光都轉到了某人身上 all eyes are turned on sb
(因常出現在報章媒體中而) 受眾人關注 be in the public eye
(就) 當著某人面前 (right) before sb's (very) eyes = (right) in
front of sb's (very) eyes
把某人打到眼眶黑青 give sb a black eye
以眼還眼、以牙還牙、以其人之道還治其人之身 an eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth)
哭到眼睛都快掉出來了、痛哭 cry one's eyes out
不敢相信自己的眼睛 can't believe one's eyes
使某人大開眼界 (認識
~)、使某人看清 (~) open one's eyes (to
~) (補充:表「令人大開眼界的事物」,可用 eye-opener;表「令人大開眼界的」,可用 eye-opening)
腦後長眼、能察覺身邊一切事物、眼觀四方 have eyes in the back of one's head
的) 鳥瞰、俯視 a bird's-eye view (of ~)
、明察秋毫 have (got) eyes like a hawk
獨具慧眼 have a (good/keen/sharp) eye for ~
在某人眼裡看來 in sb's eyes/sight = in the eyes of sb = to
sb's eye(s) = in the sight of sb
和某人 (在某事上) 的看法不一 not see eye to eye with sb (on sth)
補充:眼睛的、視力的 ocular = optic
(例:眼部肌肉 ocular muscles
視神經 optic nerve)
眼睛的、眼疾的、眼科的 ophthalmic
(例:眼科手術 ophthalmic surgery)
樣的眼睛的 ~ -eyed
(例:獨眼的 one-eyed
鬥雞眼的 cross-eyed = boss-eyed
睜大眼睛的;天真的 wide-eyed
眼睛凸出的 bug-eyed)
視覺的、視力的 visual
(例:視覺藝術 visual arts)
光學的 optical
(例:光學儀器 optical instrument)
比較:(昆蟲等的) 單眼 simple eye
(若要表「單眼相機」,則用 single-lens reflex camera)
複眼 compound eye
2. 眼窩、眼眶 eye socket = orbit
3. 眼球、眼珠 eyeball
例:怒目相視、對峙 eyeball to eyeball
4. 眼白 the whites of one's eyes
5. 瞳孔 pupil
例:瞳孔收縮/放大 pupils contract/dilate
6. 水晶體 lens
7. 虹膜 iris
8. 角膜 cornea
補充:角膜移植 corneal transplant
9. 結膜 conjunctiva
10. 鞏膜 sclera
11. 視網膜 retina
12. 黃斑 (部) macula (lutea) = yellow spot
13. 視神經 optic nerve
14. 淚腺 tear gland
15. 眼皮、眼瞼 (eye)lid
例:單眼皮 single(-fold) eyelid
雙眼皮 double(-fold) eyelid
眼皮下垂 one's eyelids droop
眼皮上下跳動 one's eyelids flutter
補充:眼線 (筆) (eye)liner (pencil)
眼影 eyeshadow
16. 睫毛 (eye)lash
例:假睫毛 false eyelashes
(為吸引對方而) 閃動睫毛 flutter one's eyelashes
補充:睫毛膏 mascara = eyeblack
17. 眉 (毛) (eye)brow
例:濃眉 bushy/thick eyebrows
眉筆 eyebrow pencil
拔眉毛 pluck one's eyebrows
(因驚訝、不贊成等而) 揚起眉毛、抬眉 raise one's eyebrows = raise an eyebrow
18. 魚尾紋 crow's-feet