Dec 16, 2016



1.  耳朵、辨音力  ear  (表「耳朵」時,也可用  lug(hole),其為幽默用法)
例:某人招風耳  sb's ears stick out
        某人尖耳   sb has pointed/pointy ears
        對某人耳語 ()、在某人耳邊低語 ()  whisper/say (~) in(to) sb's ear
        (為建議、告誡某人等而) 和某人咬耳朵  have a word in sb's ear
        (同情地) 傾聽 (某人)   lend (sb) a (sympathetic) ear = lend a (sympathetic) ear (to sb)
        ( ) 耳聽八方  keep one's ears open (for ~) (= keep an ear open (for ~))
        豎起耳朵聽 ()  prick (up) one's ears (at ~) (= one's ears prick (up) (at ~)) = cock an/one's ear (at ~)
         (比較:正豎起耳朵偷聽  one's ears are flapping
          補充:偷聽 ~、竊聽 listen in on ~ = eavesdrop on ~)
        隔牆有耳  walls have ears
        洗耳恭聽  be all ears
        說的話某人聽得進去  have sb's ear (= have the ear of sb)
        心不在焉地聽  listen with half an ear
        左耳進右耳出、當耳邊風  go in (at) one ear and out (at) the other
        充耳不聞  turn a deaf ear (to ~) = shut/close one's ears (to ~)
        被置若罔聞  ~ fall on deaf/unresponsive ears
        用雙手捂住耳朵  cover/block one's ears = put/hold one's hands over one's ears 
        用手指頭塞住耳朵  plug one's ears = stick one's fingers in one's ears
        (搭飛機起降或電梯上下時因耳壓變化而感到耳悶、耳塞、耳脹或耳痛  one’s ears pop
        耳朵發紅  one's ears redden
        (感覺有人在說自己的閒話而) 耳根發熱、耳朵癢癢的  one's ears are burning = feel one's ears burning
        不敢相信自己的耳朵  can't believe one's ears
        傳到某人耳裡  come to sb's ears = reach sb's ears
        在某人聽來  to sb's ears
        悅耳的、聽起來很舒服的  easy on the ear
        中聽的話、佳音  music to one's ears
        在耳邊迴響  ring/echo in one's ears
        不用看譜演奏  ()   play (~) by ear 
         (比較:play it by ear (隨機應變、見機行事))
        擅長學習  (音樂、語言等)、有  (音樂、語言等) 天賦   have a (good) ear for ~
        音痴  have a tin ear = be tone-deaf
        打某人耳光  give sb a thick ear = box sb's ears = slap sb's face
        咧著嘴笑、笑到合不攏嘴、眉開眼笑  smile/grin/beam from ear to ear
        化腐朽為神奇  make a silk purse out of a sow's ear
        深陷於 ~、埋頭於 ~、忙於   be up to one's ears in ~
        (例:他深陷債務之中/忙於工作。   He's up to his ears in debt/work.)
        擁有太多    have ~ coming out (of) one's ears
        乳臭未乾  be wet behind the ears
補充:有 樣的耳朵的  ~ -eared
            (例:長/短耳的  long/short-eared
                     耳朵靈敏的  sharp-eared)
            耳朵的;聽覺的  aural
            (例:耳朵構造  aural anatomy)
2.  //內耳  outer/middle/inner ear  (表「外耳」時,也可用  external ear    pinna (其也可指「耳廓」,見下))
補充:耳廓  auricle = pinna
            耳垂  earlobe (= (ear) lobe)
            軟骨  cartilage
            耳道  ear canal
           耳膜、鼓膜  eardrum
           耳咽管  Eustachian tube
           半規管  semicircular canals/ducts
           前庭  vestibule
           耳蝸  cochlea
           聽覺神經  auditory nerve
3.  耳屎、耳垢  (ear)wax = cerumen
補充:清耳屎  have one's ears cleaned (out)
            棉花棒  cotton bud = Q-Tip
            耳掏、耳扒  ear pick/scoop/spoon
4.  耳朵痛  earache  (其動詞形式為  have (an) earache)
補充:耳朵感染  ear infection 
            中耳炎  middle ear infection = otitis media
            中耳積水  middle ear effusion = otitis media with effusion (= OME)
            滴耳劑、耳藥水  ear drops
            梅尼爾氏症、耳水不平衡  Ménière's disease
            耳鳴  tinnitus = ringing in the ears
            幻聽  auditory hallucination = paracusia
5.  耳環  earring
例:夾式耳環  clip-on earring
        垂墜式耳環  dangly/dangling earring
        圈狀耳環  hoop(ed) earring
        耳釘  stud (earring)
補充:穿耳洞  have one's ears pierced
            有穿洞的耳朵  pierced ear
6.  耳塞  (ear)plugs
比較:(禦寒或隔音用的) 耳罩  earmuffs
            (附在帽子上的) 耳罩  earflaps
7.  耳機  earphones
例:一副耳機  a pair/set of earphones
比較:迷你耳機  earbuds
            頭戴式耳機  headphones
            (尤指帶麥克風的) 耳機  headset
8.  聽力、聽覺  hearing
例:在聽力範圍內、在耳朵聽得見的範圍內  (with)in hearing/earshot
         (補充:聽得見的  audible)
        在聽力範圍外、在耳朵聽得見的範圍外  out of hearing/earshot
         (補充:聽不見的  inaudible)
        聽力受損的、聽障的  hearing-impaired  (其名詞表達方式為  hearing impairment)
        某人聽力差、重聽、耳背  sb is hard of hearing = sb's hearing is poor = sb has bad hearing
        助聽器  hearing/deaf aid
補充:聽力的、聽覺的  auditory
            (例:聽覺刺激  auditory stimulus)
9.  耳聾的、失聰的  deaf  (其名詞為  deafness;此外,現今常用  hearing-impaired  (見上) 來代替  deaf  一字)
例:全聾的  stone/totally/completely/profoundly deaf = (as) deaf as a post
        部分耳聾的、半聾的  partially deaf
        /右耳聾的  deaf in one's left/right ear
        聾啞的  deaf and dumb = deaf mute (其常帶有冒犯之意; 此外,其也可指「聾啞者」)
        天生耳聾  be born deaf = be deaf since birth
        變聾  become/go deaf = lose one's hearing
        (所有的) 耳聾人士、失聰人士  the deaf
補充:使某人耳聾  deafen sb = leave/make sb deaf
            震耳欲聾的  deafening
            手語  sign language
            讀唇語  lip-read = read lips
