1. 懷孕 get/become pregnant = conceive (a
baby/child) (其中 pregnant 的名詞為 pregnancy (懷孕 (期間) =
gestation),例:during/in (a/the)
pregnancy (在懷孕期間);另外,conceive 的名詞為 conception (懷孕、受孕),例:from
the moment of conception (從受孕的那一刻起))
補充:使某人懷孕 get/make sb pregnant = impregnate sb
因某人而懷孕、懷有某人的小孩 be pregnant by sb
懷孕中、懷胎中、有身孕 be pregnant = be expecting (a baby/child) =
be carrying a baby/child = be with child = be in the family way = have a bun in
the oven
懷有 ~ be pregnant with ~
(例:她懷有雙胞胎。 She is pregnant with twins.)
個月 be ~ month(s) pregnant/gone
(補充:懷孕九個月可分為三個三個月的期間,其中一個三個月的期間稱作 trimester,例:the
first trimester of pregnancy (懷孕前三個月))
剛懷孕 be newly pregnant
臨產、大腹便便 be heavily pregnant = be heavy with child
2. 孕婦、準媽媽 expectant mother = mother-to-be (= mum-to-be)
= pregnant woman
比較:準爸爸 expectant father = father-to-be
(補充:成為某人的父親、(父親) 生下某人 father/beget/sire sb)
補充:孕婦裝 maternity clothes/wear/dress
害喜 morning sickness
胎教 f(o)etal education (其中 f(o)etal 為 f(o)etus
3. 避孕 (法)、
節育 (法) birth control = contraception = precautions (「避孕」的動詞表達方式為 prevent/avoid pregnancy)
補充:家庭計畫 family planning
安全期避孕法 rhythm method
避孕藥 pill (= Pill) = birth-control pill = (oral)
contraceptive (pill) (其中 contraceptive
(例:服用避孕藥中 be/go on the pill
比較:事後避孕藥 morning-after pill)
殺精劑 spermicide
體外射精避孕法 coitus interruptus
保險套 condom = rubber = prophylactic = johnny
(比較:女用保險套 Femidom
(= female condom)
子宮頸帽 cervical cap
子宮帽 diaphragm = (Dutch) cap
子宮內避孕器 intrauterine device (= IUD) = coil
女性結紮手術、輸卵管切除術 tubal ligation = tubectomy = salpingectomy
男性結紮手術、輸精管切除術 vasectomy
4. 驗孕 take/have a pregnancy test
補充:驗孕棒 pregnancy test
意外懷孕 unintended/unplanned pregnancy
未婚懷孕 unwed pregnancy = out-of-wedlock pregnancy
未婚媽媽 unwed mother = out-of-wedlock mother
婚前性行為 premarital sex
5. 不孕的、不能生的 infertile
(其名詞為 infertility) = sterile (若形容女性不孕的,還可用 barren 這個字)
比較:能孕的、能生的 fertile
(其名詞為 fertility)
(例:最佳受孕期 fertile window)
補充:不孕症治療 (in)fertility treatment
精子數 sperm count
精子/卵子銀行 sperm/egg bank
捐精/卵者 sperm/egg donor
體外受精、試管受精 in vitro fertilization (= IVF)
試管嬰兒 test-tube baby
受精卵 fertilized(=fertilised) egg/ovum =
某人接受人工受精 sb is artificially inseminated = sb has
artificial insemination (= AI)
代理孕母 surrogate (mother)
6. 胚胎、(受孕後8周內的) 胎兒 embryo
比較:(受孕8周後的) 胎兒 f(o)etus = unborn child/baby
補充:卵巢 ovary
(補充:排卵 ovulate)
輸卵管 Fallopian(=fallopian) tube
子宮 womb = uterus
子宮頸 cervix = the neck of the womb
陰道 vagina
羊水 amniotic fluid = water(s)
(某人的羊水破了。 Sb’s waters have broken.)
羊膜 amnion
(補充:(藉由抽取孕婦子宮的羊水以檢查胎兒是否健康的) 羊膜穿刺術 amniocentesis)
胎盤 placenta
胎盤及羊膜 afterbirth
臍帶 umbilical cord
(例:剪斷臍帶 cut the (umbilical) cord)
7. 產前的 prenatal = antenatal
例:產前篩檢 prenatal screening
產檢 prenatal exam(ination)
補充:超音波檢查 ultrasound (scan)
(例:超音波檢查顯示寶寶是個女的。 An ultrasound (scan) revealed that the baby
was a girl.)
婦產科 ob-gyn
(= obstetrics-gynecology) (其中 obstetrics 指「產科(學)」,gyn(a)ecology 則指 「婦科 (學)」)
婦產科醫師 ob-gyn
(= obstetrician- gyn(a)ecologist)
(其中 obstetrician 指「產科醫師」,gyn(a)ecologist 則指 「婦科醫師」)
(由參加者送禮物給準媽媽的) 產前派對 (baby) shower
比較:產後的 postpartum = postnatal
(例:產後憂鬱症 postpartum depression = baby blues)
妊娠紋 stretch mark
8. 預產期在 ~ be due ~
例:我寶寶的預產期在一月。 My baby is due in January. = I am due in
比較:超過預產期 be overdue
(例:我的寶寶超過預產期二週了。 My baby is two weeks overdue.)
9. 墮胎、人工流產 have an abortion/termination = abort a
child/f(o)etus/pregnancy = terminate/end a pregnancy
補充:支持孕婦有選擇是否要墮胎的權力的 pro-choice
反對孕婦有選擇是否要墮胎的權力的 anti-choice
反墮胎的 anti-abortion = pro-life
墮胎藥 abortion pill
(其尤指「美服錠」 mifepristone (= RU-486))
(尤指非法) 幫人墮胎者 abortionist
比較:流產 miscarry = have a miscarriage = lose a baby
(例:她懷孕15周時流產。 She miscarried at 15 weeks. = She miscarried
when she was 15 weeks pregnant. = She miscarried 15 weeks into the pregnancy. )
10. 陣痛 labo(u)r pains
補充:子宮收縮 contraction
硬膜外麻醉 (半身麻醉的一種) epidural
11. 助產、接生 deliver
(其名詞為 delivery;此外,deliver(y)
補充:助產士、接生婆 midwife
催生、引產 induce labo(u)r (其名詞形式為 the induction of labo(u)r)
給某人催生或引產 induce sb
12. 生產、分娩 (child)birth = delivery = labo(u)r (其中 birth 也可表「出生」,見下)
例:開始生產、開始分娩 go into labo(u)r
生產中、分娩中 be in labo(u)r
自然產 natural/vaginal birth
剖腹產 C(a)esarean/C(a)esarian (section) (birth) =
C-section (birth)
臀位生產 (胎兒的臀部或腳先出來的生產方式) breech birth
早產 premature/preterm birth
(補充:早產兒 premature/preterm baby/child/infant)
難產 difficult birth
(補充:(難產時施以的) 會陰切開術 episiotomy)
死產、胎死腹中 stillbirth
(胎兒) 出生時死亡 be born dead = be stillborn
(孕婦) 生小孩時死亡 die in childbirth/labo(u)r
產房 delivery room/ward = labo(u)r room/ward =
maternity ward
~ give birth to ~ = deliver ~ = be delivered of
~ = bear ~
~ bear sb ~
產假 maternity leave
(父親修的) 陪產假 paternity leave
13. 出生 birth
(其動詞形式為 be born (= arrive))
例:出生時 at birth
公克 weigh ~ gram(me)s at birth)
出生證明 (書) birth certificate
出生地 place of birth = birthplace
出生於 (某地) be born in ~
出生於 (某地) 的人 a native of ~ = a ~ native
在 (某地) 出生長大、在 (某地) 土生土長 be born and bred/raised in ~ = be born and
brought up in ~
~ be ~ by birth
(例:法國血統 be French by birth)
生於音樂/貴族世家 be born into a musical/aristocratic family
生於富裕之家、含銀湯匙出生 be born into a rich/wealthy family = be born
to riches/wealth = be born with a silver spoon in one's mouth
(字面義為「我又不是昨天才出生的」,意指) 我又不是三歲小孩,少騙我。 I wasn't born yesterday.
14. 先天性缺陷 birth defect
補充:生來便具有 (某種缺陷、疾病、性格等) be born with ~
先天失明 be blind from birth = be born blind
先天耳聾 be deaf from birth = be born deaf
15. 新生兒 newborn baby/child/infant = newly-born
補充:(放置體弱或早產嬰兒的) 保溫箱 incubator
16. 私生子/女 illegitimate son/daughter = son/daughter born
out of wedlock = son/daughter born outside (of) marriage
17. 母乳 breast milk
餵母乳或哺乳 breastfeed/nurse ~ = put ~ to one's breast
~ bottle-feed ~)
吸奶器 breast pump
奶瓶 (中的奶) bottle
奶嘴 pacifier = dummy