Dec 21, 2016


1.  建築物、建物  building = construction = structure  (其尤指「大型建築物,此外,其也可指 「結構體」) = erection
例:宏偉或雄偉的建築物  grand/imposing/impressive/magnificent/splendid building 
        破舊的建築物  dilapidated/derelict/run-down building
        (補充:倒塌  collapse = give way = fall down
                      整修、翻修、翻新  renovate = refurbish
                    修復  (成原來的樣子)  restore
                      改建  convert)
         歷史建築物、古蹟  historic building
         列為保護的建築物  (heritage-)listed building = landmarked building
補充:地標 (建築)  landmark
            摩天大樓  skyscraper
            高樓  high-rise (building) = tower block
            辦公大樓  office building/block
            (例:這棟辦公大樓有25層樓高。  The office building is 25 stories/storeys high.)
            公寓大樓、華廈  apartment building/block = apartment house = block of flats = condo(minium)  (其中  apartment building/blockapartment house    block of flats  一般指「出租公寓大樓」,而  condo(minium)  則指「公寓產權自有、公設共有的公寓大樓」或「這樣公寓大樓中的一間公寓」(見下))
            (比較:(尤指貧民區的) 公寓大樓  tenement
             補充:(一間) 公寓  apartment = flat = condo(minium)  (其中  apartment    flat  一般指「出租公寓」,而  condo(minium)  則指「公寓產權自有、公設共有的公寓」)
                        (由工廠、倉庫、閣樓等所改建的) 公寓  loft
                        頂樓豪華公寓、空中別墅  penthouse
                       小套房  studio (apartment/flat) = flatlet)
             住宅  house = home = dwelling (house) = residence (其尤指「大間、舒適氣派或官員的房子」,如  official residence (官邸  des res (其為  desirable residence「理想住宅、合宜宅」的縮寫;此外,若表「住宅的統稱」,可用  housing,如  public/council housing (國宅  congregate/collective housing (集合住宅))
             (鄉間、農場等地的) 小屋  cottage
              (比較:(尤指給從事戶外活動者住的鄉間小屋  lodge
                           (簡陋的) 小屋  hut = shack)
                           小木屋  cabin 
                            (例:原木小木屋  log cabin)
                             比較:(尤指瑞士山區的) 小木屋  chalet))
              (一層樓的) 平房  bungalow
              獨棟房屋  detached house = single-family (detached) home = single-detached dwelling = separate house
              半獨棟房屋、雙併屋  semi-detached (house) (= semi) = duplex  (其也可指「佔上下兩層樓的公寓」)
              (一整排相連房屋中的其中一棟連棟房屋  row/town house = terrace(d) house  (其中   town house  常指「豪華或高級的連棟房屋」)
             別墅  villa
             豪宅、公館、宅邸  mansion
              (例:豪宅稅  mansion tax)
             莊園宅邸  manor (house)
             (尤指由富裕或貴族世家所擁有的) 鄉間宅邸  country house
             城堡  castle
              (比較:(法國) 城堡  chateau)
             宮殿、官邸  palace  
              (例:總統官邸   presidential palace)
             工寮  bunkhouse
             營房、兵營  barracks
             貧民窟 (房子)  slum
             組合屋  prefabricated house (= prefab)
             改建的房屋  conversion
             擴建部分、增建部分、加蓋部分  extension = addition
             (建築物) 側翼部份  wing
             樓中樓、夾層  mezzanine
             公設  common area
             (一群外觀構造相似的) 建築群、群樓  complex
             (四面臨街的) 街區、大樓、群樓;(兩條平行街道間的) 一段街區  block
             (城市建築物在天空背景映襯下所形成的) 天際線  skyline
2.  建造、建設  construction = building = erection  (若要表 (道路、橋樑等的) 建造、施工」,也可用  works,例如  public works (公共建設);此外,「建造、建設」的動詞表達方式為  construct = build = put up = erect  「拆毀、拆除」  demolish = tear/knock/pull down)
例:建造中  under construction = being built
3.  建築學、建築風格  architecture  (其形容詞為  architectural,例如  architectural feature (建築特色);此外,表「建築風格」,也可用  architectural style)
補充:哥德式 ()  Gothic
             (例:哥德式大教堂  Gothic cathedral)
            文藝復興式 ()  Renaissance
            巴洛克式 ()  baroque
            洛可可式 ()  rococo
            新古典主義  neoclassicism
            新藝術  art nouveau
            裝飾派藝術  art deco
            後現代主義  postmodernism
4.  建築業、營造業  construction (industry/sector) = building industry/trade/sector
例:他在建築業工作。  He works in construction = He works in the construction industry.
5.  建設公司、建商、營造商  construction/building   company/firm = builder
比較:建築包商  building/construction contractor
6.  房地產開發商  property developer
補充:(房地產) 開發、開發區  development
           重新開發、重建  redevelopment = reconstruction
            (例:重劃區  redevelopment zone/area)
           都市更新、都更  urban renewal/regeneration
7.  建築師  architect
比較:土木工程師  civil engineer  (補充:土木工程 ()  civil engineering)
            結構工程師  structural engineer  (補充:結構工程 ()  structural engineering)
8.  藍圖  blueprint
例:~ 的藍圖  blueprint for ~
比較:平面圖  plans 
            (例:繪製 的平面圖  draw up plans for ~)
                     樓層平面圖  floor/ground plan  (其中  ground plan  也可指「一樓平面圖」)     
           立面 ()  elevation
補充:(建築物的) 格局  layout
           風水  feng shui  
            (例:風水師、風水顧問  feng shui consultant)
9.  建材  building/construction materials
補充:建材商、建材店  builder's merchant
           (估算建材用量和費用的) 估算師、估價師  quantity surveyor
           木材  timber = lumber
           ()  brick
           (砌磚等用的) 砂漿、灰漿  mortar
           水泥  cement
           混凝土  concrete
            (例:(強化) 鋼筋混凝土  reinforced concrete
             補充:強化鋼筋  reinforced steel)
            隔音/隔熱/絕緣材料  insulator = insulation
            防火材料  fire-resistant material = fireproof material
            石棉  asbestos
            磁磚、瓦片  tile
            大理石  marble
            花崗岩、花崗石  granite
            ()   beam
            大樑  girder
            ()、墩  pillar = column
10.  建築許可證  building/construction permit = planning permission
補充:建築法規  building regulations/code
           違章建築、違建  illegal building/construction
11.  建築工地、建地  (construction/building) site
補充:給 打地基  lay/dig the foundations of ~
           挖土機、開挖機、怪手  excavator
           壓路機  (road) roller
           堆高機  forklift (truck)
           起重機、吊車  crane
           混凝土攪拌機、混凝土車  concrete/cement mixer
           砂石車  dump/tip truck = dumper truck        
           鷹架  scaffolding
           工地帽  hard hat
           建築工  construction worker = builder
           工頭、領班  foreman/forewoman (= foreperson)
           水泥工  (cement) plasterer = cementer = cement worker
           砌磚工、瓦工  bricklayer = brickie
           貼磚工  tiler
           屋頂工  roofer         
12.  樣品屋  show house = show/model/display home
補充:預售屋  off-plan property
            新成屋  newbuild (property)
13.  (房屋) 鑑定師、驗屋師  surveyor = inspector = structural engineer (其中surveyor  也可指「土地測量師」,structural engineer 也可指 「結構工程師」(見上))
補充:交屋  closing (on a house)
            所有權狀  certificate of ownership
14.  裝潢  decorate  (其名詞為  decoration)
補充:室內裝潢、室內設計  interior decoration/design
            室內裝潢師、室內設計師  interior decorator/designer
           裝潢工、油漆工  decorator
           油漆工  painter
           木工  carpenter
            (比較:細木工  joiner)  
           (房屋或房間) 配備或佈置家具  furnish
           (例:() 有配備家具的公寓  (un)furnished apartment
            補充:家具  furniture
                        家具和家飾  furnishings)
15.  房地產、不動產  real estate = (real) property = realty
例:投資房地產  invest in real estate = invest in the property market
補充:房地產仲介員  (real) estate agent = real estate broker = realtor
           房地產仲介公司、房仲店  (real) estate agent(’s) = (real) estate agency/office = realty agency/office = realtor('s)
16.  都市規劃  city/town/urban planning
補充:都市規劃師  city/town/urban planner
              A 地劃作  B  用途  zone A for B 
            (例:這塊地目前被劃為住宅/商業/工業用途。  The land is currently zoned for residential/commercial/industrial use.)
            造景、給  做景觀美化  landscape ~