1. 銀行 bank
例:去銀行、上銀行 go to the bank
在銀行工作 work in/at a bank
銀行擠兌 a run on a bank
投資銀行 investment/merchant bank
儲蓄銀行 savings bank
(中) 央 (銀) 行 central bank
(補充:美國央行、聯準會 the Federal Reserve (System) = the Fed)
補充:信用合作社 credit union
票據交換所 clearing house
2. 銀行家 banker
3. (銀行) 行員 (bank) clerk
4. 出納員 teller = cashier
5. 理 (財) 專 (員)、理財顧問 financial adviser(=advisor)
~ invest in ~ = make an investment in ~
(例:投資股市 invest in the stock market = make an
investment in the stock market)
投資組合 portfolio
6. 銀行業 (務) banking
例:電子銀行業務 electronic banking (= e-banking)
網 (路) 銀 (行) 業務 Internet/online banking
7. 帳戶 、戶頭 (bank) account
例:活存帳戶、支票帳戶 checking/current account
定存帳戶 savings/deposit account
聯合帳戶 joint account
開立/結清帳戶 open/close an account
補充:對帳單 (bank) statement
8. 存摺 passbook
9. 存 (錢)、存款 deposit
例:存500元 deposit $500 = make a deposit of $500 = pay $500 in(to one's
account) (= pay in $500)
存款單 deposit slip = paying-in slip
存款人、存戶、儲戶 depositor
(公司將薪水直接存入員工戶頭中的) 薪轉 direct deposit
比較:(一個人全部的) 存款、積蓄 savings
(例:動用存款 draw on one's savings)
10. 利息 interest
例:賺利息 earn interest
付貸款利息 pay interest on a loan
每個月的利息支出 monthly interest payments/charges
單利 simple interest ⇔ 複利 compound interest
利率 interest/bank rate
(例:調降/調升利率 (又稱「降息/升息」) cut/raise
interest rates)
(補充:貼現率 discount rate)
11. 提 (錢)、領 (錢) withdraw
例:提領500元 withdraw $500 = make a withdrawal of $500 =
draw $500 out (of one's account) (= draw out $500)
提款單 withdrawal slip
補充:提款機 ATM (= automated/automatic teller machine) =
cash machine/dispenser = cashpoint = hole in the wall
提款卡 ATM/cash(point)/bank card
(提款機等的) 插卡處 card slot
(提款機等的) 操作鍵盤 keypad
(提款機) 密碼、個人身分辨識碼 PIN (= personal identification number)
銀行代碼 routing number = sort(ing) code
12. 帳戶餘額 (bank) balance
補充:(帳戶裡) 有錢 in credit = in the black
(帳戶) 負債、赤字 in debit = in the red
13. 透支額 overdraft
例:透支 have an overdraft = be/go overdrawn
14. 匯 (款) remit
(其名詞為 remittance (匯款 (金額))
例:用支票匯款支付 remit payment by check
補充:匯票、匯款單 money/postal order
電匯 wire transfer
轉帳 transfer
(例:轉500元到某人的帳戶中 transfer $500 to sb's account)
自動轉帳、自動扣繳 direct debit
(例:自動扣繳電費帳單 pay one's electricity bill by direct debit)
15. 支票 check = cheque
例:開 (金額為~的) 支票 write a check (for ~) = make out a check (for
開支票給某人 write sb a check = make out a check to sb
(在支票背面上) 簽名背書 endorse a check
用支票付款 pay by check = pay with a check
兌現支票 (en)cash a check
支票跳票 a check bounces
空頭支票 bad/dud check
保兌支票 certified check
旅行支票 traveler's check (= traveller's cheque)
支票簿 checkbook (= chequebook)
支票票根、支票存根 (check) stub = counterfoil
補充:支票是要付給某人的 a check is made payable to sb
(尤指支票上的) 受款人、收款人 payee
本票 promissory note
(比較:銀行本票 cashier's check)
16. 信用卡 credit card = plastic
補充:刷卡 charge it (to/on my credit card) = pay by
credit card
你們接受刷卡嗎?、你們收信用卡嗎? Do you accept/ take credit cards?
持卡人 cardholder
(信用卡) 到期日、有效期限 expiry/expiration date
(信用卡背面的三或四位數) 安全碼 (card) security code
盜刷 credit card fraud
信用額度 credit line/limit = line of credit
預借現金 cash advance
分期付款 instal(l)ment plan = hire purchase (= HP)
~ buy ~ on the instal(l)ment plan = pay for ~
by/in instal(l)ments)
信用卡對帳單 (credit card) statement
最低應繳金額 minimum payment
欠下數千元的卡債 run up credit card debts of thousands of
未償還的債務 outstanding debt
債務協商 debt settlement/negotiation
紅利點數 reward(s) point
現金回饋 cashback
感應式信用卡 contactless credit card
聯名卡 co-branded card
慈善信用卡、愛心信用卡、認同卡 affinity card
比較:(刷卡時,直接從銀行存款帳戶裡扣款的) 金融卡 debit/check card
17. 貸款 loan
例:申請貸款 apply for a loan
發放貸款、放款 make a loan
取得貸款 take out a loan
清償貸款、還清貸款 repay a loan = pay off/back a loan
學貸/車貸/房貸 student/car/home loan
無息貸款 interest-free loan
比較:抵押貸款 mortgage
(補充:抵押品、擔保品 collateral = security (例:抵押房子 put up one's home as collateral))
信 (用) 貸 (款) credit
(例:用信用貸款買某樣東西 buy sth on credit
六個月的免息信貸 six months' interest-free credit)
補充:貸款利率、放款利率 lending/interest rate
(貸款或信用卡的) 年利率 APR (= annual percentage rate)
放款人、貸方 lender
借款人、借方 borrower
18. 外匯 (交易所) foreign exchange
例:透過出口所賺取的外匯 foreign exchange earned through exports
外匯市場 foreign exchange markets
(例:在外匯市場上 on the foreign exchange markets = on the
foreign exchanges)
補充:匯率 exchange rate = rate of exchange
(例:較好的匯率 more favorable exchange rate
匯率波動 fluctuations in the exchange rate
穩定匯率 stabilize the exchange rate)
外幣兌換處 bureau de change
(紙鈔、硬幣等的) 面額 denomination
紙鈔、鈔票 bill = (bank)note
(例:大鈔 high/large-denomination bill)
硬幣、錢幣 coin
19. 黃金儲備 gold reserve
20. (尤指銀行的) 金庫、保險庫 vault = strongroom
比較:保險箱 safe(ty) deposit box