Oct 15, 2016


1.  旅館、旅社、飯店、賓館  hotel
例:住旅館  stay at/in a hotel
        入住旅館、辦理住房手續  check/book into a hotel = check in (=register) (at a hotel)
        (補充:入住時間  check-in (time))
        (離開酒店前) 退房、辦理退房手續  check out (of a hotel)
        (補充:退房時間  checkout (time))
2.  渡假飯店  resort hotel
比較:渡假別墅  villa
3.  精品旅館  boutique hotel
4.  汽車旅館  motel = motor inn/lodge
5.  膠囊旅館  capsule hotel
6.  青年旅館  (youth) hostel
7.  (有提供早餐的) 民宿、小旅館  bed and breakfast (= B and B = B & B)
比較:民宿、小旅館  guest house
8.  (尤指鄉下的) 小旅館、客棧、(可夜宿的) 酒館  inn (其也常用於旅館的名稱中,如知名的  Holiday Inn (假日酒店))
9.  (骯髒簡陋的) 廉價旅社  fleabag hotel
比較:(供無家可歸者或流浪漢投宿的) 廉價旅社  flophouse = dosshouse
10.  連鎖旅館  hotel chain
11.  旅館老闆或經營者  hotelier
12.  大門迎賓員  doorman = doorkeeper = commissionaire
13.  代客停車員  valet (其也可指「旅館洗衣工」)
例:代客停車服務  valet parking/service
14.  (負責搬運行李的) 行李員  porter = bellhop = bellboy  
補充:行李  baggage = luggage
            行李推車  baggage cart/trolley
15.  大廳  lobby = foyer
16.  接待處、接待櫃台、服務台、前台  reception (desk) = front desk
補充:旅館櫃檯接待人員  (hotel) receptionist = (desk) clerk
17.  (旅館中負責幫客人處理各項事務,如訂票、訂位、安排交通或旅遊事宜、收發郵件等的) 服務中心人員  concierge
18.  客房  (guest) (bed)room
例:單人房  single (room)
        雙人房  double (room)
        (比較:有兩張單人床的雙人房  twin(-bedded) room)
        有附浴室的客房  an en suite (room) = a room with an en suite bathroom = a room with a private bathroom = a room with en suite facilities
補充:蜜月套房  honeymoon/bridal suite
            總統套房  presidential suite
            (房門) 門卡  key card
            保險櫃、保險箱  safe
            (客房中的) 小冰箱、迷你吧  minibar
            客房服務  room service
            (早晨) 叫醒房客的電話  wake-up call = alarm call
            (客房) 清潔員、房務員  housekeeper (表「女客房清潔員」時,也可用  (chamber)maid)
17. 空房  vacancy
補充:訂房  book/reserve a room = make a booking/reservation (for a room)
            確認預定  confirm a booking/reservation
            取消預訂、退訂  cancel a booking/reservation          
            含三餐的住宿、全食宿  full board = American plan
            (比較:含早晚餐的住宿、半食宿  half board = European plan =  modified American plan)
18. 便利設施  amenity (常用複數  amenities)
19. 會議設施  conference facilities
補充:會議室  conference/meeting room
            視訊會議  video conference = teleconference (其也可指「電話會議」,此時等於  conference call)
20. 宴會廳  banqueting hall = banquet room
21. 健身房  gym(nasium) = fitness center/club
22. 三溫暖 ()、蒸氣浴 ()  sauna
例:洗三溫暖  have/take a sauna
23. 游泳池  (swimming) pool
24. 酒吧、吧台  bar
例:高級酒吧  lounge/saloon (bar)