Oct 28, 2016

表達學校相關用語 (2)

1.  ()  class (其也可指「課」,見下)
例:同班  be in the same class
        在班上名列前茅  come top of the class
補充:同班同學  classmate
            (比較:同校同學  schoolmate)
2.    class = lesson = period
例:我九點有一堂地理課。  I have a geography class at 9 o'clock.
        連兩堂地理課  a double geography class
        自習課  study/free period
        翹課、曠課  skip/cut class = play truant/hooky = skive (off) = bunk off
        (補充:(經常性無故的) 曠課行為  absenteeism = truancy = truanting)
        上課遲到  be late for (a) class
        在課堂中、上課時  in/during class
        下課  Class is dismissed.
        下課後  after class
補充:下課時間  break (time) = recess
            (例:下課時  at break (time))
            (課後) 被留校察看  be/get put in detention
3.  課程  course = class
例:開課  run a course
        修課  take/do a course
        (例:修一門英文課  take a course in English)
        註冊一門課  enroll in/on/for a course = sign up for a course
        旁聽一門課  audit a course = sit in on a course
        一門課被當  flunk a course
        必修課程  required/compulsory/mandatory course
        選修課程  elective/optional course = elective
        通識課程  general education course
        入門課程、基礎課程  introductory/beginners'/foundation course
        進階課程  advanced course
        速成課程  crash course
        密集課程  intensive course
        進修課程  refresher course
        自修課程  self-study course
        函授課程  correspondence course
比較:(某校的) 全部課程  curriculum
補充:課程大綱、教學大綱  syllabus
            (例:在課程大綱裡  on the syllabus)
            學分  credit
            (例:這門課三學分。  This class is worth three credits.)
4.  主修 ()、主修科目  major
例:我主修歷史。  I major in history = I am a history major = My major is history.
        雙主修 ()  double major
比較:副/輔修 ()、副/輔修科目  minor
            (例:我副/輔修生物學 I minor in biology.)
補充:科系  department
            (例:英文系  the English department)
5.  註冊  enrol(l) (其名詞為  enrol(l)ment)
例:註冊 enroll in/on/for = sign up for
6.  學費  school/student fees = tuition (fees) (其尤指「大學學費」)
7.  學生貸款、助學貸款  student loan
8.  助學金  student grant
9.  獎學金  scholarship
例:獲得獎學金  win/get a scholarship
        靠獎學金上大學  attend college on a scholarship
補充:獎學金獲獎者  scholar  (其也可指「學者」,見下)
比較:研究生獎學金  fellowship
10.  成績  grade
例:獲得好成績  get good grades
        歷史成績得B   get a grade B in history
補充:(在校的) 平均成績  GPA (= grade point average)
            (大學的) 成績單  transcript
            (比較:(中小學的) 成績單  report (card))
比較:分數  score
            (例:滿分 perfect score = full marks)
11.  考試、測驗  exam(ination) (其一般指「較為重要或正式的考試或測驗」) = test
例:期中考  midterm (exam)
        期末考  final (exam) = end-of-semester/term exam
        模擬考、練習考  mock (exam) = practice test
        入學考  entrance/admission(s) exam
        分級考、分班考  placement exam
        筆試  written exam
        口試  oral (exam)
        術科考試  practical exam
        智力測驗  IQ (= intelligence quotient) test = intelligence test
        性向測驗  aptitude test
       參加考試  take/do an exam = sit (for) an exam
       考試作弊  cheat on/in an exam
       (補充:小抄  cheat sheet = crib (sheet/ notes))
       考好/考差  do well/badly on an exam = do well/badly in an exam
       通過考試  pass an exam = get through an exam
       考試沒過、考不及格  fail/flunk an exam
       補考、重考  take a makeup exam (表「重考」時,也可用  retake/resit an exam)
       試卷  exam (paper)  (其也可指「答卷 」,等於  answer sheet)
       () 改考卷、閱卷  grade/mark an exam = do the grading/marking
比較:小考、隨堂考  quiz  (例:(未預先告知的) 臨時小考  pop quiz)          
12.  家庭作業、功課  homework = (homework) assignment
例:寫作業  do one's homework
比較:課堂作業  classwork      
補充:作業本、練習本、習作  exercise book = workbook
            () 改作業;() 改考卷  do the grading/marking
13.  ()  transfer
例:轉學到 (某校)  transfer to
        抵免 (原先學校的) 學分  transfer one's credits from
        轉學生  transfer student
14.  休學  take (a) leave of absence
15.  輟學、肄業  drop out (of school/college) = quit school/college
補充:中輟生、肄業生  dropout
16.  被暫時停學  be suspended from school
比較:(因行為不良而) 被退學  be expelled /excluded from school
            (因成績不及格而) 被退學  flunk out
17.  畢業 ()  graduate (其名詞為  graduation)
例:從 (某校) 畢業  graduate from ~ (例:從哈佛畢業  graduate from Harvard)
        (某科系) 畢業的  graduate in ~ (例:唸物理畢業的  graduate in physics)
         以最優異成績畢業  graduate summa cum laude
         (比較:以優異成績畢業  graduate magna cum laude
                      以次優異成績畢業  graduate cum laude)
補充:畢業典禮  graduation (ceremony) = commencement
            (致告別辭的) 畢業生代表  valedictorian
            (尤指高中的) 畢業舞會  senior prom
            畢業紀念冊  yearbook = annual
(畢業/學位) 論文  thesis
            (例:碩士論文  master's thesis
                     博士論文  doctoral thesis/dissertation)
             實習工作  (work) placement = internship
             (例:實習中  on placement)
             (補充:實習生  intern)
18.  學位  degree
例:學士學位  bachelor's degree
        碩士學位  master's (degree)
        博士學位  doctoral degree = doctorate = Ph.D. (= PhD)
         (比較:榮譽博士學位  honorary doctorate)
         雙學位  joint degree
比較:文憑、畢業證書、結業證書  diploma (= dip.)
            (例:高中文憑  high school diploma)
補充:學歷  academic qualifications
            學位服  academic(al) dress
19.  男校友  alumnus (其複數為  alumni) = old boy
比較:女校友  alumna  (其複數為  alumnae)
20.  老師、教師  teacher = educator (其也可指「教育 () 家」,等於  education(al)ist)
例:導師  class/homeroom teacher
        代課老師  sub(stitute teacher) = supply/relief teacher
        實習教師  student/trainee teacher
        師資培訓  teacher training
比較:(大學中某院、系或科的) 全體教師、全體教職人員  faculty
補充:在學校教書  teach school (= teach in/at a school)
            點名  take attendance = keep a record of students' attendances
            體罰  corporal punishment
母姐會  parent-teacher conference/interview = parents' evening
家教  tutor
21.  () 教授  (full) prof(essor)
例:副教授  associate professor
        助理教授  assistant professor
        客座教授  visiting professor
        榮譽退休教授  emeritus professor
比較:講師  lecturer = instructor
            助教  teaching assistant/fellow
補充:指導教授  supervisor = adviser(=advisor)
            學者  scholar = academic (其也可指「大學老師」)
            做研究  do/conduct/perform/undertake research = carry out research
            研究助理  research assistant
            田野調查、野外考察  fieldwork
22.  校長  principal  ( 「中小學校長」時,也可用 head (teacher) headmaster/headmistress)
比較:(學院) 院長、系主任  dean
23.  教育  education
例:受教育  get/have/receive an education
        學齡前教育  pre(-)school education
        義務教育  compulsory education/schooling
        高等教育  higher/tertiary education
        進修教育、成人教育  continuing/adult/further education
        通才教育、全能教育  well-rounded education
        體育教育、體育課  physical education (= P.E. = PE)
        雙語教育、雙語教學  bilingual education