Oct 28, 2016

表達學校相關用語 (1)

1.  學校;上學時間  school
例:上學  go to school = attend school
        (例:你是唸那間學校? Which school do you go to)
        上學中  be at/in school
        放學後  after school
        課後活動  after-school activities
        學校制服、校服  school uniform
        書包  school/book bag
        學區  school district
        學齡  school age
        (例:學齡兒童  children of school age = school-age children
                 學齡前兒童  children below school age)
2.  幼稚園、托兒所  kindergarten = nursery school = preschool
3.  小學  elementary/primary/grade/junior school
4.  中學  high (school) = secondary school
例:國中  junior high (school)
        高中  senior high (school) 
5.  大學  university (= Univ = uni) = college (其也可指「學院」,見下) = school = varsity (其也可指「校隊」,見下)
例:上大學  go to university
        念大學中  be at university
補充:大學的、學院的  collegiate
            大學校際的  intercollegiate
            (比較:校內的  intramural  (例:校內籃球賽  intramural basketball competition))
            申請進入 (某大學)  apply for admission to ~
            (某大學) 錄取  matriculate at ~ = gain admission to ~
            (補充:錄取人數、招生人數  admissions = intake)
6.  (大學) 學院  college = school
例:(提供兩年學程的) 社區學院、兩年制專科學院  community/junior college
        醫學院  medical school
        法學院  law school
        商學院  business school
7.  研究所  grad(uate) school
8.  寄宿學校  boarding/residential school
補充:住宿生  boarder
9.  男女合校的學校  co-educational school (= co-ed school) = mixed(-sex) school
比較:男校  all-boys school = boys' school = all-male school = single-sex school
            女校  all-girls school = girls' school = all-female school = single-sex school
10.  教會學校  church/parochial school
11.  神學院  (theological) seminary = divinity school = theological college
12.  職業學校、技職學校  trade/vocational/technical school
13.  音樂學校、戲劇學校  conservatory = conservatoire
14.  護校  nursing school
15.  軍校  military/service academy = military school
16.  警校  police academy = law enforcement academy
17.  特殊教育學校  special (education) school
18.  夜校  night school = evening classes
19.  進修部  extension
補充:進修教育、成人教育  continuing/adult/ further education
            補習班  cram school = crammer
            語言學校  language school
20.  校園  campus
例:在校園裡、校內  on campus 在校園外、校外  off campus
       (例:住校  live on campus)
       校園風雲人物、校園紅人  Big Man on Campus (= BMOC)
21.  校舍  school building
22.  教室  classroom = schoolroom
比較:階梯教室、講堂、演講廳  lecture theater(=theatre) = lecture hall
            電腦教室  computer lab(oratory)
            視聽教室  language lab(oratory)
補充:黑板  blackboard = chalkboard
            白板  whiteboard
            粉筆  chalk(s)
            (例:一根粉筆  a piece/stick of chalk
                     黑板上的粉筆字  writing in chalk on the blackboard)
             白板筆  whiteboard marker
             板擦  eraser = rubber
             書桌  desk
             投影機  projector
             佈告欄、公佈欄  (bulletin) board = noticeboard
             教科書、課本  textbook = coursebook = schoolbook
             參考書、工具書  reference book
             講義  handout
             (例:在講義第三頁  On page three of the handout)
             講課  give/deliver/do a lecture = lecture 
             (例:講授現代藝術  give/deliver/do a lecture on modern art =
lecture on/in modern art)
              筆記  notes  (例:做筆記  take/make notes)
23.  實驗室  lab(oratory)
補充:做實驗  do/perform/conduct an experiment = carry out an experiment
24.  圖書館  library
例:從圖書館借出某樣東西  check/take sth out of the library = borrow sth from the library
        把某樣東西歸還給圖書館  return sth to the library = take sth back to the library
補充:續借某樣東西  renew sth
            還書日  return date
            逾期書  overdue book
            (某堂科所指定的) 閱讀書單  reading list
            (尤指學術或專業) 期刊  periodical = journal
            閱覽室  reading room
            圖書館館員、圖書館館長  librarian
25.  學生餐廳  cafeteria = refectory = canteen
26.  學生宿舍  dorm(itory) = hall of residence
27.  學生活動中心  student union (= students' union)  (其也可指「學生 (自治) 會」,此時等於  student council/government) = guild 
補充:社團  club = society
            兄弟會  fraternity
            姐妹會 sorority
28.  醫護室、保健室  infirmary (其也常用於醫院的名稱中)
29.  操場、運動場  playing/sports field = recreation ground
比較:(學校或公園裡設有遊戲器材供孩童玩耍的) 遊戲場  playground
補充:校隊  varsity (其也可指「大學」,見上)
30.  校車  school bus
31.  課外活動  extracurricular activities = extracurriculars
補充:戶外教學  field trip
32.  學生  student
例:留學生  overseas/international student
        (補充:留學  study abroad)
        交換生  exchange student
        研究生  (post)graduate student = postgrad(uate) (其也可指「博士後的」,等於
post doctoral,如  post doctoral research (博士後研究);此外,
表「博士候選人」可用  doctoral candidate)
        大學生  undergraduate (student) = undergrad
        (大學或研究所中,非應屆入學或就業後重回學校唸書的) 超齡生  mature (age)
student = older student
比較:(中小學的) 學生、學童  schoolchild = schoolkid = schoolboy/schoolgirl
             (尤指小) 學生、學童  pupil
補充:軍校生、警校生  cadet
            (為其他同學所討厭的) 老師的愛徒  teacher's pet
33.  年級  grade  (其也可指「成績」,見下)
例:讀二年級  be in (the) second grade
        年級生  -grader (例:八年級生  eighth grader)
         跳級  skip a grade/year
         教一年級  teach first grade     
補充:低年級學生  underclassman
            高年級學生  upperclassman
            大一生、高一生  freshman = fresher = frosh
            (補充:新生訓練、迎新  (freshman) orientation (period/session))
            大二生、高二生  sophomore
            大三生  junior
            大四生、高三生  senior    
            延畢生  super senior   
34.  學年  school/academic year = session
比較:(一學年兩學期中的其中一個) 學期  semester
            (例:上/下學期  first/second semester = fall/spring semester) 
            (一學年三學期中的其中一個) 學期  term = trimester
            (例:開學日/結業日  the first/last day of (the) term 
                     期末時、期終時  at the end of (the) term
                     學期報告  term paper)

             (一學年四學期中的其中一個) 學期  quarter