Jul 24, 2016


1.  衣服、服裝  clothing = clothes = apparel = dress = wear = attire
一套換洗的衣服  a change of clothing/clothes
       休閒服、便裝  casual clothing/clothes/dress/wear
       便衣警察  plain-clothes police officers = police officers in plain clothes
       衣著規範、穿著規定  dress code
2.  一件衣服  a piece of clothing = an item/article of clothing = a garment
3.  (特殊場合穿的) 全套服裝  outfit
: 超人裝  Superman outfit
      牛仔裝  cowboy outfit
4.  戲服、某地或某歷史時期的服裝  costume
: 古裝劇  costume drama
      化妝舞會  costume party
5.  制服  uniform
: 穿制服的阿兵哥  soldiers in uniform
6.  (一個人所擁有的) 所有衣物、衣櫃、衣櫥  wardrobe
7.  衣領、領子 collar
豎起衣領  turn up one's collar
8.  翻領  lapel
9.  領口、開領  neckline
低領洋裝  a dress with a low neckline
10.  圓領  crew/round neck
11.  V  V-neck
12.  高領 (針織衫)  turtleneck
13.  衣服的褶邊或捲邊  hem
: 把褶邊改短  take the hem up
      把褶邊改長  let the hem down
14.  接縫 ()  seam
15.  襯裡、內裡  lining
16.  袖子、袖套  sleeve
短袖的  short-sleeved
       長袖的  long-sleeved
       無袖的  sleeveless
       捲起袖子 roll up one's sleeves
17.  袖口  cuff
18.  (西服裝飾用的) 袖扣  cufflink
19.  鈕扣孔、釦眼  buttonhole
20.  襯衫  shirt
: 法蘭絨襯衫  flannel shirt
      牛仔襯衫  denim shirt
      牛津襯衫  oxford shirt
      西裝襯衫  dress shirt
21.  女用襯衫 blouse
22.  墊肩  shoulder pad
23.   西裝、套裝、成套服裝  suit
 訂做的西裝  tailor-/custom-made suit = made-to-measure suit = tailored/bespoke suit
        ( 比較: 現成的西裝  off-the-rack/peg/hook suit = ready-to-wear suit )
        /三件式西裝  two/three-piece suit
         suit延伸用法: 運動套裝、運動服  sweatsuit = tracksuit = sweats
                                     泳裝  swimsuit = swimming/bathing suit = swimming costume
                                     連身泳裝  one-piece (swimsuit)    比基尼、三點式泳裝  bikini
                                                                                              (比基尼上身/下身  top/bottomsbriefs)
                                     潛水服  wetsuit = diving suit
                                     太空裝  spacesuit
24.  西裝外套、西裝上衣  jacket
: 單排扣西裝外套  single-breasted jacket
      雙排扣西裝外套  double-breasted jacket
25.  休閒西裝外套  blazer
26.  西裝背心  waistcoat = vest
27.  背心  vest 
: 防彈背心  bullet-proof vest
28.  汗衫、貼身背心  vest  = undershirt = tank top
29.  小可愛  tube top = boob tube
30.  (頸部有繫帶的) 露背裝  halter (top) = halterneck
31.  T   T-shirt = tee shirt
32.  polo 衫、馬球衫  polo shirt
33.  運動衫  sweatshirt
34.  球衣  jersey
35.  T  hooded top/sweater = hoodie
36.  開襟羊毛衫  cardigan (sweater) = cardy = cardie
37.  毛衣  sweater = jumper = pullover = jersey
38.  針織毛衣  knitted sweater/jumper/pullover
39.  喀什米爾毛衣  cashmere sweater
40.  (有收腰、收袖口且一般為皮製的短夾克、飛行員夾克  bomber jacket
41.  擋風夾克或外套、風衣  windbreaker  = windcheater
42.  可兩面穿、可反穿的夾克  reversible jacket
43.  英式風衣  trench coat
44.  毛皮大衣 fur coat
45.  貂皮大衣  mink/sable coat
46.  羽絨外套  down jacket
47.  禦寒外套  (一般有連帽)  parka = anorak
48.   (外套或大衣上的) 栓扣  toggle
49.  內衣  underwear = underclothes = underclothing = undies = undergarment
: 保暖內衣、發熱衣  thermal underwear = thermals
50.  內褲  underpants
51.  三角內褲  briefs
52.  四角內褲  boxer briefs
53.  寬鬆的四角內褲、平口褲  boxer shorts = boxers
54.  丁字褲  thong
55.  衛生褲  long johns
56.  女性內褲  panties = knickers
57.  女性內衣或睡衣  lingerie
58.  胸罩  bra = brassière
: 無肩帶胸罩  strapless bra
      無鋼圈胸罩  no-wire bra = wireless/wirefree bra = soft-cup bra
      運動胸罩 sports bra
      集中托高型胸罩  push-up bra = uplift bra
59.  馬甲  corset
60.  襯裙  slip = petticoat
61.  睡衣加睡褲  pajamas = pyjamas = p.j.’s
62.  女睡袍  nightgown = nightdress = nightie
63.  晨袍、浴袍  dressing gown = (bath)robe
64.  晚禮服  evening gown/dress = ballgown
65.  小禮服  cocktail dress
66.  燕尾服  tails = tailcoat = swallow-tailed coat
67.  無尾服  tux(edo) = dinner jacket
68.  學士服  academic gown/dress
69.  結婚禮服、婚紗  wedding dress/gown = bridal gown
70.  洋裝、連身裙  dress
71.  露背洋裝  backless dress
72.  (頸部有繫帶的) 露背洋裝  halter(neck) dress
73.  (套在襯衫或毛衣上的) 無袖洋裝  jumper = pinafore dress
74.  圍裙  apron
75.  鉛筆裙、窄身直筒裙  pencil skirt
76.  A字裙  A-line skirt
77.  百褶裙  pleated skirt
78.  迷你裙  mini(skirt)
79.  開衩裙  slit skirt
80.  裙擺、裙長  hemline
81.  禮服拖在身後地上的部分、拖擺  train
82.  短褲  shorts
: 百慕達短褲  Bermuda shorts = Bermudas
83.  七、八分褲  crop(ped) pants = capri pants = capris = three quarter pants
84.  長褲  pants = trousers
85.   (女式) 緊身褲、內搭褲  leggings
86.  緊身衣褲  tights
87.  低腰褲  hip-huggers = hipsters
88.  AB  tapered pants
89.  喇叭褲 flares = bell-bottoms
90.  飛鼠褲  drop crotch pants
91.  垮褲  baggy pants = sagging pants
92.  (多口袋且寬鬆的) 工作褲  cargo pants = cargoes
93.  (厚棉) 運動長褲、棉褲  sweatpants = sweats
94.  牛仔褲  jeans = denims
: 緊身牛仔褲  (skin-)tight jeans = skinny (fit) jeans
      修身牛仔褲  slim (fit) jeans
      直筒牛仔褲  straight (fit) jeans
      低腰牛仔褲  low-rise jeans
      靴型牛仔褲  boot-cut jeans
95.  卡其褲  khaki pants
96.  斜紋布褲  chinos
97.  燈芯絨褲  cords = corduroys
98.  褲裝  pantsuit = trouser suit = slack suit
99.  (女式) 連身褲  jumpsuit
100.  吊帶褲  overalls = dungarees
101.  (覆蓋全身的) 連身工作服  coveralls = overalls
102.  馬褲  riding breeches/britches = jodhpurs
103.  泳褲  (swimming) trunks
104.  熱褲  hot pants
105.  褲襠  crotch = crutch
106.  (褲子的) 吊帶  suspenders = braces
107.  (褲子收腰用的) 拉繩  drawstring = drawcord
108.  (褲子或裙子的) 腰帶處  waistband
109.  拉鍊  zip(per) = zip fastener
         : 拉上拉鍊  do up a zipper = close a zipper
               拉開拉鍊  undo a zipper = open a zipper
110.  褲管  leg
         : 捲起褲管  roll up one's trouser legs
111.  (褲管的) 褶起處或褶邊  turn-up = cuff
112.  襪類的統稱  hosiery
113.  短襪  socks
         : 隱形襪  invisible socks = no show socks = liner socks
               船襪  ankle socks = anklets
               五指襪  toe socks
               西裝襪  dress socks
114.  長襪  stockings
         : 絲襪  silk stockings
               網襪  fishnet stockings = fishnets = mesh stockings
115.  褲襪  pantyhose (此為複數名詞) = tights
116.  吊襪帶  garter = suspender
117.  和服  kimono
118.  斗篷、披風  cloak
119.  套頭式斗篷或披風  poncho
120.  雨衣  raincoat = mac(kintosh)
121.  圍兜  bib