Nov 16, 2016


1.  天然災害、天災  natural disaster/catastrophe/calamity
補充:災區  disaster area
            (例:某處被宣布為災區  ~ be declared a disaster area)
            緊急狀態  state of emergency
            (例:政府宣布進入緊急狀態。  The government declared a state of emergency.)
2.  地震  (earth)quake = temblor = tremor (其一般指「小地震、輕微地震」)
例:發生地震  an earthquake happens/occurs/strikes/hits
        某處地震  an earthquake strikes/hits ~
        地震帶  earthquake zone     
補充:震源 (地震在地底下的起源)  focus
            (例:淺/深層地震  shallow/deep-focus earthquake)
            震央 (震源投射到地表上的相對位置) epicenter (= epicentre)
            規模  magnitude
            芮氏規模  the Richter scale
             (例:芮氏規模 的地震  an earthquake measuring ~ on the Richter scale)
             ((例:台灣中部於921 日發生了一場芮氏規模7.3的地震。An earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale struck  Central Taiwan on September  21.))
             前震  foreshock
             主震  mainshock
             餘震  aftershock
             (例:一連串餘震  a series of aftershocks)
             斷層  fault
             (例:盲斷層  blind thrust fault
                      斷層帶  fault zone)
             板塊運動  plate tectonics
             地震學  seismology
             地震學家  seismologist
             地震儀  seismograph
             地震的  seismic
             (例:震波  seismic wave)
3.  山崩、坍方  (land)slide = landfall
比較:(小規模) 山崩、坍方  landslip
            土石流  mudslide = mudflow
            雪崩、山崩  avalanche
補充:落石  falling rock
4.  火山爆發  volcanic/volcano  eruption/explosion  (動詞則為:a volcano erupts/explodes)
補充:活//死火山  active/dormant/extinct volcano
            火山口;隕石坑  crater
            火山灰  volcanic ash
            (火山噴出的) 岩漿、熔岩;火山岩  lava
            (比較:(地表下) 岩漿  magma)
5.  海嘯  tsunami = tidal wave
6.  水災、洪水  flood
例:被淹沒、氾濫  be in flood = be flooded
比較:旱災、乾旱  drought 
            (例:解除旱災  break/end a drought
             補充:缺水  water shortage (= shortage of water)
                         野火、森林大火  wildfire =  wildland fire)
7.  () /雪、風暴  storm  (表「大暴 () /雪、大風暴」時,可用  tempest,其偏文言或正式)
例:暴 ()   (rain)storm  (表「暴雨、豪雨」時,還可用  heavy/torrential/driving rain)
        (比較:伴隨閃電和打雷的暴 () 雨、雷電交加的暴 ()   thunderstorm
                      伴隨閃電的暴 ()   electric(al) storm)
        下冰雹的暴 ()   hailstorm
        暴風雪  snowstorm = blizzard (其一般程度比  snowstorm  嚴重)
        風暴  windstorm
        沙塵暴  dust storm
        (比較:(尤指沙漠的) 沙塵暴  sandstorm)
        暴風雨前的寧靜  the calm before the storm
        小題大作、大驚小怪  a storm/tempest in a teacup
補充:暴風雨的  stormy
           (暴風雨的夜晚  stormy night)
           閃電  lightning
           (例:一道閃電  a flash/bolt of lightning
                    被閃電擊中  be struck/hit by lightning
                    閃電不會擊中同一個地方兩次、倒楣事不過二  lightning never strikes twice (in the same place) = lightning never strikes (the same place) twice)
            ();打雷  thunder
            (例:雷聲轟轟、雷聲隆隆  the rumble/roll of thunder
                     一聲巨雷  a crash/crack/clap of thunder
                     雷電  thunder and lightning)
8.  龍捲風  tornado = twister = whirlwind = cyclone (其也可指「氣旋」或「熱帶風暴」,見下)
9.  (生成於西北太平洋的熱帶氣旋,稱作) 颱風  typhoon
例:颱風侵襲 (某地)  a typhoon strikes/hits (~)
        颱風眼  the eye of a typhoon
        颱風警報  typhoon warning/advisory
        (例:發佈颱風警報  issue a typhoon warning)
比較: (生成於大西洋或東北/中太平洋的熱帶氣旋,稱作颶風  hurricane
             (生成於印度洋或南太平洋的熱帶氣旋,一般稱作) 氣旋  cyclone
             熱帶風暴  tropical storm
             熱帶性低氣壓  tropical depression
10.  熱浪  heat wave
比較:寒流  cold wave/spell/snap
            (補充:寒害  chilling injury/damage)
11.  饑荒  famine
補充:歉收  crop/harvest failure
12.  隕石/彗星/小行星撞擊  meteorite/comet/asteroid impact
補充:太陽耀斑  solar flare