Nov 10, 2016


1.  太空  space
例:在太空中  in space
        外太空  outer space
        太空探險、太空探索  space exploration
2.  太空船、太空飛行器、航天器  (space)craft = spaceship
例:無人駕駛的太空船  unmanned spacecraft
比較:太空梭  (space) shuttle
            火箭  rocket
            (例:助推火箭  booster (rocket)
                     發射火箭  launch a rocket
                     火箭發射升空  a rocket blasts/lifts/takes off
                     這並不難。 It's not rocket science. = It doesn't take a rocket scientist. =
It's not brain surgery.)
(科幻小說中常見的) 星際飛船、星艦  starship
            不明飛行物、幽浮、飛碟  UFO (= unidentified flying object) = flying saucer
            (無人) 太空探測器  (space) probe
            人造衛星  satellite (其也可指「衛星」,見下)
            太空站  space station
補充:太空艙  (space) capsule
            (比較:(可分離的) 太空艙、分離艙  (space) pod)
            (太空船、火箭等的) 發射台  launch(ing) pad
3.  太空人  spaceman/spacewoman = astronaut
(比較:(前蘇聯或俄國的) 太空人  cosmonaut)
補充:太空衣  spacesuit
            太空漫步  spacewalk
4.  宇宙  universe = cosmos (其尤指「被視為有序一體的宇宙」)
例:在宇宙中  in the universe
        宇宙的起源  the origin(s) of the universe
補充:(宇宙起源的) 大爆炸  the big bang
            (宇宙未形成前的) 混沌狀態或無形物質  chaos
            暗黑物質  dark matter
            黑洞  black hole
            宇宙學、宇宙起源論  cosmology
5.  星系、銀河 ()  galaxy  (其表「銀河 ()」時,用作  the Galaxy,等於  the Milky Way)
補充:星系的  galactic
            星系間的  intergalactic
6.  天體  celestial body/object = heavenly body/object = orb (其尤指「太陽」或「月亮」)
7.  (  star  (表「恆星」時,也可用  fixed star   sun)
例:星星一閃一閃  a star twinkles
        在星空下、在星光下  under the stars
比較:流星  meteor = falling/shooting star   
            (例:流星雨  meteor shower
              比較:隕石  meteorite
                          隕鐵  meteoric iron)
            新星  nova
            (比較:超新星  supernova)
            紅巨星  red giant
            白矮星  white dwarf
            脈衝星  pulsar
            類星體  quasar
            彗星、掃帚星  comet
            (例:哈雷彗星  Halley's comet
             補充:(彗星) 尾巴  tail)
補充:星座  constellation
             (比較:星團  a cluster of stars
                          星雲  nebula)
            獵戶星座  Orion = the Hunter
            大熊星座  Ursa Major = the Great Bear 
             (補充:北斗七星  the Big Dipper = the Plough)       
            小熊星座  Ursa Minor =  the Little Bear
             (補充:北極星  the Pole/North Star = Polaris = lodestar (= loadstar))
             () 星的  stellar
             () 星之間的、星際的  interstellar
             繁星點點的  starry
8.  行星;地球  planet  (其表「地球」時,用作  the planet,等於  (the) earth  (見下),一般用於強調「地球的環境」,如  pollute the planet (污染地球);此外,表「地球」時,還可用  the globe,但其一般用於強調「地球之大或來自世界各地」,等於  the world,如  from every corner of the globe/world = from all over the globe/world = from all quarters/parts of the globe/world (來自世界各地))
例:在行星上  on a planet
比較:小行星  asteroid = planetoid
            (如木星、土星等的) 大行星、氣體巨星、類木行星  gas giant
補充:行星的  planetary
            行星間的  interplanetary
            九大行星  the nine planets
            水星  Mercury
金星  Venus = the morning star  (日出前出現於東方天空的金星) =
the evening star (日落後出現於西方天空的金星)
(例:金星凌日  transit of Venus)
            火星  Mars = the Red Planet
             (補充:火星的;火星人  Martian)
            木星  Jupiter
            土星  Saturn
            天王星  Uranus
            海王星  Neptune
            冥王星  Pluto
9.  地球;泥土、土壤;陸地、地面  earth   (其表 「地球」時,也可用作  the earth     (the) Earth,等於  the planet/globe  (見上);表「泥土、土壤」時,等於  soil;表「陸地、地面」時,等於  land    ground)
例:地球上  on earth
        地表  the earth's surface
        地殼  the earth's crust
        地函  the earth’s mantle
        地核、地心  the earth's core
        地球繞著太陽旋轉。  The earth revolves/rotates/goes around the sun.
        從幻想中回到現實  come back (down) to earth
        地球科學  earth science
補充:地心引力、重力  (the force of) gravity
            大氣 ();氣氛  atmosphere
            臭氧層  ozone layer
            (科幻小說中,相對於外星人的) 地球人  earthling
            (比較:外星人、異形  extraterrestrial (being) (= ET) = alien (being/ creature))
10.  太陽;太陽的光和熱、陽光;恆星  sun  (其表「太陽」時常用作  the sun/Sun;表「太陽的光和熱」時,等於  sunshine;表「陽光」時,等於 sunlight) 
例:太陽升起  the sun rises/climbs = the sun comes up
        (補充:在日出時  at sunrise/dawn/daybreak)
        太陽落下、太陽下山  the sun sets/sinks/drops/dips = the sun goes down
        (補充:在日落時  at sunset/dusk)
        太陽從東方升起,西方落下。  The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
        在陽光下  in the sun(light)
        避免陽光照射、避開陽光  keep out of the sun
補充:做日光浴  sunbathe
            把皮膚曬黑  get a (sun)tan
            曬傷  get sunburned/sunburnt = get a sunburn
            防曬霜  sunscreen = sunblock = sun cream = suntan lotion
            (例:高係數防曬霜  high factor sunscreen)
            紫外線  ultraviolet ray/light = UV
            太陽黑子  sunspot
            一道陽光、一束陽光  sunbeam = sunray = a beam/ray/shaft of sunlight
            一片陽光  a pool of sunlight
            陽光普照的  sunny
            太陽的  solar
            (例:() 太陽系  solar system
                     太陽能  solar energy/power
                     太陽能板  solar panel
                     日蝕  solar eclipse
                     (補充:日冕;月華  corona = halo)
                     太陽耀斑  solar flare)        
11.  月球、月亮;衛星  moon  (其表「月球」時常用作  the moon/Moon)
例:月球表面  the surface of the moon = the lunar surface
        登陸月球  land on the moon  (名詞為  moon landing)
        月亮升起  the moon rises = the moon comes up
        月亮落下  the moon sets
        月盈  the moon waxes
        月虧、月缺  the moon wanes
        月相、月亮盈虧  (lunar) phase
        新月  new moon
        眉形新月、眉月  crescent moon
        弦月  quarter moon
        (例:上弦月  first quarter moon
                 下弦月  third/last quarter moon)
        半月  half-moon
        滿月  full moon
        中秋節  Moon Festival = Mid-Autumn Festival
補充:月光  moonlight
            (例:在月光下  in the moonlight = by moonlight)
            一道月光、一縷月光  moonbeam
            () 月球表面景象、月球地貌  moonscape = lunar landscape
            月球的、月亮的  lunar
            (例:月蝕  lunar eclipse
                      陰曆、農曆  lunar calendar)
12.  衛星;人造衛星
例:月球是地球的衞星。 The moon is a satellite of the earth.
        透過衛星  via/by satellite
        通訊衛星  communications satellite
        間諜衛星  spy/reconnaissance satellite
        小耳朵  satellite dish
13.  軌道  orbit
例:進入軌道、上軌道  go into orbit
        在軌道上  in orbit
        (例:地球在軌道上繞著太陽旋轉。  The earth is in orbit around the sun.)
14.  天文學  astronomy
比較:占星學、占星術  astrology
補充:天文學家  astronomer = stargazer (其也可指「占星學家」= astrologer)
            天文單位  astronomical unit (= AU)     
            天文台;氣象台  observatory
            望遠鏡  telescope
            (例:透過望遠鏡  through a telescope
             比較:雙筒望遠鏡  (a pair of) binoculars = field glasses)         
15.  航太工業、航太技術  aerospace

補充:(美國) 太空總署  NASA (= National Aeronautics and Space Administration)