1. 辦公室 office
例: 總部、總公司 head/main/home office = headquarters (= HQ)=
home base
(比較: 分公司、分部/支/行/店 branch)
辦公大樓 office building/block
辦公時間 office hours
(例: 在辦公時間內 during office hours
在辦公時間外 outside/ out of office hours)
辦公設備 office equipment
辦公用品 office supplies
2. 辦公桌、書桌、服務台 desk
例: 辦公室工作、文職工作 desk job
3. 旋轉椅、辦公椅、電腦椅 swivel/revolving chair
4. 桌上型電腦 desktop (computer)
5. 筆記型電腦 laptop (computer) = notebook (computer)
6. 硬碟 hard drive/disk
例: 外接硬碟 external hard drive
7. 光碟機 CD-ROM drive
8. 光碟燒錄機 CD burner/writer
9. 隨身碟 (USB) flash drive = USB (drive/stick)
例: 把隨身碟插入電腦 plug the flash drive into the computer
10. (電腦) 週邊設備 peripheral
11. 顯示器、螢幕 monitor = display
12. 喇叭 speaker
13. 鍵盤 keyboard
例: 藍芽鍵盤 Bluetooth keyboard
14. 滑鼠 mouse
例: 滑鼠墊 mouse pad/mat
按滑鼠右鍵。 Click (on) the right mouse button.
15. 印表機 printer
例: 雷射印表機 laser printer
噴墨印表機 ink-jet printer
補充: 一包A4的紙 a ream of A4 paper (ream (令) 是紙張的計量單位,現為 500 張,
16. 墨水匣 ink cartridge
17. 碳粉匣 toner cartridge
18. 影印機 (photo)copier = (photo)copying machine
19. 裁/切紙機 paper cutter = guillotine
20. 掃描器 scanner
21. 傳真機 fax (machine)
22. 電話 (聽筒) (tele)phone
(做聽筒解時,還可用 handset
或 receiver)
例: 打電話 make a (telep)hone call
接電話 pick up the (tele)phone = answer/get the
電話中 on the (tele)phone
掛電話 put down the (tele)phone = hang up the
(tele)phone = replace the (tele)phone
(因生氣等原因) 掛某人電話 put the phone down on sb = hang up on sb
無線電話 cordless/wireless (tele)phone
補充: 市內電話 landline
23. 分機 (號碼) extension = ext.
例: 可以請你幫我接666號分機嗎? Can
I have extension 666 please?
24. 電話答錄機 answering machine = answerphone
25. 打字機 typewriter
26. 計算機 calculator
27. 投影機 projector
28. 文具、(配有信封的) 信紙/箋 stationery
29. 筆筒、筆插、筆座 penholder
30. 多功能筆筒 desk organizer/tidy
31. 用墨水的筆、鋼筆 pen
例: 自來水筆、鋼筆 fountain pen
圓珠筆、原子筆 ballpoint (pen) = Biro
麥克筆 marker (pen)
白板筆 whiteboard marker
簽字筆 felt-tip(ped) pen = felt-tip = fibre-tip
螢光筆 highlighter (pen)
32. (墨水筆或鋼筆的) 筆芯 cartridge = refill
33. 鋼筆筆尖 nib
34. 墨水 ink
例: 用墨水寫的 written in ink
沒 (墨) 水了 out of ink
墨水台 inkstand
35. 修正液、立可白 correction fluid = Wite-Out = Tipp-Ex = Liquid Paper
36. 立可帶 correction tape
37. 蠟筆 crayon
38. 鉛筆 pencil
例: 削鉛筆機 pencil sharpener
自動鉛筆 mechanical/propelling pencil
39. (鉛筆) 筆芯 lead
40. 橡皮擦 eraser = rubber
41. 橡皮筋 rubber/elastic band
42. 迴紋針 paper clip
43. 鋼夾、鐵夾 (bulldog) clip
44. 訂書機 stapler
45. 訂書針、用訂書針訂 staple
46. 圖釘 (thumb)tack = drawing pin
47. 佈告欄 bulletin board = noticeboard
48. 佈告、通知、啟事 notice
例: 張貼佈告 put up/ post a notice
49. 文件夾 (file) folder
50. (可像六角手風琴一樣折起的) 文件夾、風琴夾 concertina file
51. 文件格 tray
例: 收件格/匣 in-tray/box
寄件格/匣 out-tray/box
52. 文件櫃、檔案櫃 file/filing cabinet
53. 卡片索引或目錄 card catalog/index
54. 活頁夾 ring binder = loose leaf binder = file
55. 打洞機 hole punch
56. 複寫紙 carbon (paper)
57. 複寫本、副本 carbon (copy) (= cc)
58. 吸墨紙 blotting paper
59. 描圖紙 tracing paper
60. (繪圖用的) 方格紙、坐標紙 graph paper
61. 包裝紙 wrapping paper
62. 牛皮紙 kraft (paper) = brown paper
63. 羊皮紙 parchment
64. 瓦楞紙 (板) corrugated paper
65. (硬) 紙板、厚紙板 card(board) = paperboard
66. 再生紙 recycled paper
67. 廢紙 waste paper
比較: (一面或部分寫過、可再次利用的) 廢紙 scrap/scratch paper
68. 廢紙簍 waste-paper basket = wastebasket
69. 碎紙機 (paper) shredder
70. 紙條、紙片 slip/strip (of paper)
71. 附夾子的寫字板、電腦剪貼簿 clipboard
72. 筆記本 notebook
73. 便條本 notepad = pad of paper = scratchpad
74. 便利貼 Post-it (note) = sticky note = yellow sticky
75. 行事曆、日程表 datebook = calendar (其也可指日曆) =
diary (其也可指日記) =
(day) planner
76. 活頁記事本、萬用手冊 personal organizer (= personal organiser) =
77. 通訊錄 address book
78. 名片 (business) card
79. 信封 envelope
例: 預付郵資信封 prepaid envelope
回郵信封 self-addressed stamped envelope (= SASE) =
stamped addressed envelope
(= sae) =
self-addressed envelope (= sae)
自黏信封 self-adhesive envelope
馬尼拉紙信封 (由粗牛皮紙做成的信封) manil(l)a envelope
薪水袋 pay envelope/packet = wage packet
突破自我/極限 push the envelope
80. 拆信刀 letter opener = paper knife
81. 信紙 notepaper = writing paper
例: 印有信頭的信紙 headed (note)paper = letterhead
比較: 配有信封的信紙 stationery
82. 信頭 (印於信紙上端的個人或公司的名稱和地址)
83. (商業) 信函、公函 correspondence
84. 附函 cover(ing) letter
85. 隨函/信附上的 enclosed
例: 隨函附上一張500元支票。
Please find enclosed a check for $500.
86. (信中的) 附件 enclosure
87. (電子郵件中的) 附件 attachment
88. 郵票、印章、圖章 stamp
例: 橡皮圖章 rubber stamp
89. 印台、印泥 ink pad
90. 膠 (水) glue
例: 口紅膠 glue stick = Pritt Stick
快乾膠、三秒膠、強力膠 superglue
白膠 white glue = Elmer’s glue
91. 膠帶 adhesive tape
92. 透明膠帶 Scotch/sticky tape = Sellotape
例: 一卷透明膠帶 a roll of Scotch tape.
93. 膠臺 tape dispenser
94. 紙鎮、壓紙器 paperweight