1(蔬) 菜 vegetable = veggie
例:根莖類蔬菜 root vegetable
綠色蔬菜、綠葉蔬菜 green vegetable = greens
生菜沙拉 salad of raw vegetables
菜園 vegetable garden
(比較:菜地 vegetable patch/plot)
補充:(某些蔬菜,如萵苣、高麗菜等的) 菜心 heart
蔬菜可食部分;果肉 flesh
葉 (子) leaf
莖、柄、梗 stalk = stem
(比較:(馬鈴薯、芋頭等植物的) 塊莖 tuber)
根 (塊) root
素菜 vegetarian dish
素食餐廳、素菜館 vegetarian restaurant
素食者、吃素的人 vegetarian = veggie = veggy
(比較:(不吃肉、奶、蛋等,且不用動物性產品的) 純素者、嚴格素食主
義者 vegan)
(蔬菜、水果等) 當令的、當季的 in season
(比較:(蔬菜、水果等) 非當令的、非當季的 out of season)
2. 豆芽 (菜) bean sprout
例:黃豆芽 (菜) soybean sprout
綠豆芽 (菜) mung bean sprout
比較:碗豆芽 (菜) pea sprout
苜蓿芽 (菜) alfalfa sprout
3. 萵苣、生菜 lettuce
例:一整顆萵苣 a head of lettuce
結球萵苣、美生菜 iceberg lettuce
長葉萵苣、蘿蔓 (萵苣)、蘿美生菜 romaine = cos (lettuce)
臺灣萵苣、本島萵苣、A (仔) 菜 Taiwan(ese) lettuce = A choy
4. 菊苣、苦苣 chicory = endive (其中 chicory
5. 西洋菜、水田芥 watercress
6. 芝麻菜、火箭菜 rocket = arugula
7. 芹菜、西洋芹 celery
例:一根芹菜 a stick/stalk of celery
比較:根芹 (菜)、塊根芹 celeriac
8. 菠菜 spinach
9. 瑞士甜菜、牛皮菜 (Swiss) chard
10. 空心菜、應菜 water spinach = water convolvulus = Chinese
spinach (其也可指「莧菜」)
11. 油菜 rape(seed)
12. 芥菜、刈菜、長年菜 mustard greens = mustard leaf = Chinese
mustard = Jie Cai
13. 茼蒿 garland chrysanthemum = chrysanthemum greens
= crown daisy
14. 高麗菜、包心菜、洋白菜、結球甘藍 cabbage
比較:羽衣甘藍、無頭甘藍 kale = collard greens
抱子甘藍、球芽甘藍 (Brussel(s)) sprout
芥藍、芥蘭 Chinese kale = Chinese broccoli
15. (大) 白菜 Chinese cabbage = Chinese leaves/leaf (表「大白菜」時,也可用 napa cabbage)
比較:小白菜 bok choy = pak choi
上海白菜、青江菜、湯匙菜 Shanghai bok choy
微型大白菜、娃娃菜 baby (Chinese) cabbage
16. 綠花椰菜、青花椰菜 broccoli
比較:白花椰菜 cauliflower (= cauli)
17. 朝鮮薊、洋薊 (globe) artichoke
比較:菊芋、洋薑 (Jerusalem) artichoke
18. 甜椒、彩椒 (bell) pepper = sweet pepper
例:青椒/紅椒/黃椒 green/red/yellow pepper
19. 茄子 eggplant = aubergine
20. 番茄、西紅柿 tomato
例:番茄切片 sliced tomato
牛番茄 beef tomato = beefsteak tomato
櫻桃番茄、聖女番茄 cherry tomato
21. (小) 黃瓜、胡瓜 cucumber
例:醃黃瓜 pickled cucumber = pickle = gherkin
(和 (小) 黃瓜一樣清涼,意指) 涼快的、冷靜的、泰然自若的
(as) cool as a cucumber
比較:絲瓜 loofah (= luffa) (其也可指絲瓜布)
櫛瓜、小胡瓜、密生西葫蘆 zucchini = courgetti
苦瓜 bitter melon = bitter gourd = bitter squash
冬瓜 winter melon = ash/winter/wax gourd
南瓜 pumpkin
(例:南瓜派 pumpkin pie
補充:南瓜燈籠 jack-o'-lantern)
冬南瓜 butternut squash
22. 四季豆、敏豆 green bean = French bean = string bean (其也可指「紅花菜豆」(見下)) =
snap bean
比較:(豆莢外型似四季豆、長在開紅花的攀緣植物上的) 紅花菜豆 runner bean =
scarlet runner =
string bean = pole bean
23. 豌豆、青豆 pea
例:(豆莢飽滿、莢和豆一起吃的) 甜 (豌) 豆 sugar snap (pea) = sugar pea
(比較:(豆莢扁、莢和豆一起吃的) 嫩豌豆、荷蘭豆、雪豆 snow
pea =
(像是一個豆莢裡的兩顆豌豆,意指兩者) 一模一樣 like (two) peas in a pod
比較:鷹嘴豆 (外型似豌豆的一種淺棕色硬圓豆) chickpea = garbanzo (bean)
24. 秋葵 okra = ladies' fingers = gumbo
25. 金針 golden needle = (citron) daylily
26. 蘆筍、龍鬚菜 asparagus
27. 竹筍 bamboo shoot
例:筍乾、筍干、筍絲 dried bamboo shoot = menma
比較:筊白筍 water bamboo = (Manchurian) wild rice stem
28. 玉米 (粒)、玉蜀黍 corn = maize = mealie (其中 corn
也可指「穀物、穀粒」或「甜玉米 (粒) =
例:玉米棒、一根玉米 corn on the cob (其中 cob 指的是「玉米芯、玉米穗
軸」,也可稱作 corncob)
canned/tinned corn
玉米筍 baby corn = young corn
29. 紅蘿蔔、胡蘿蔔 carrot
例:紅蘿蔔絲 grated carrot
(紅蘿蔔和棒棍雙管齊下,意指) 軟硬兼施、威逼利誘、恩威並重
the carrot and (the) stick (approach)
= mooli
小蘿蔔、櫻桃蘿蔔 radish
歐洲蘿蔔、芹菜蘿蔔、歐 (洲) 防風 parsnip
30. 蕪菁 turnip
比較:蕪菁甘藍、瑞典蕪菁 rutabaga = swede
31. 辣根、西洋山葵 horseradish
比較:山葵、山嵛菜、哇沙米、(綠) 芥末 wasabi
黃芥末、洋芥末 mustard
32. 甜菜 (根) beet(root)
例:(臉因尷尬而變得跟甜菜 (根) 一樣紅,意指) 臉紅 go/turn beetroot (red) =
go as red as a beet(root) = go beet
33. 馬鈴薯、洋芋 potato = spud = tattie = tater
例:馬鈴薯泥 mashed potato(es) (= mash)
帶皮 (焗) 烤的馬鈴薯 baked potato = jacket potato
洋芋片 (potato) chip = (potato) crisp
(肉和馬鈴薯,意指) 最基本的東西或部分 meat and potatoes (其形容詞形式為
(躺在沙發上的馬鈴薯,意指) 老是窩在沙發上看電視的人 couch potato
(很燙的馬鈴薯,意指) 燙手山芋、棘手的問題 hot potato
(小顆的馬鈴薯,意指) 無足輕重的人或事物 small potatoes = small beer
34. 番薯、地瓜、甘薯、紅薯sweet
potato = yam (其也可指「山藥、薯蕷」(見下))
補充:番薯葉、地瓜葉 sweet potato leaves
35. 山藥、薯蕷 yam
36. 木薯 (澱粉)、樹薯 (澱粉) cassava = manioc (表「木薯澱粉」時,也可用 tapioca)
例:(由木薯澱粉做成的) 珍珠 tapioca pearl
37. 芋頭 taro
38. 蓮藕 lotus root
39. 牛蒡 burdock
40. 荸薺 (Chinese) water chestnut (其中 water chestnut 也可指「菱角」,此時等於
water caltrop)
41. (生) 薑 ginger
例:薑粉 ground ginger
薑汁汽水 ginger (ale) = dry ginger
薑汁啤酒 ginger beer
42. (大) 蒜 (頭) garlic
例:一瓣大蒜 a clove of garlic
蒜末 minced garlic = crushed garlic
43. 洋蔥 onion
例:把洋蔥切細。 Chop
the onion finely.
洋蔥圈 onion ring
比較:(青) 蔥 spring onion = green onion = scallion
(細) 香蔥、小蔥、蝦夷蔥 chives
韭蔥 leek
(比較:韭菜 Chinese leek = Chinese chives
(補充:韭黃 hotbed chives
韭菜花 chives flower))
紅蔥頭、油蔥 shallot
44. 蘑菇 mushroom
例:可食用蘑菇 edible mushroom
(比較:有毒蘑菇 poisonous mushroom)
奶油蘑菇湯 cream of mushroom soup
比較:香菇 shiitake (mushroom) (= shitake (mushroom))
杏鮑菇 king oyster mushroom = king trumpet mushroom
金針菇 golden needle mushroom = lily mushroom =
enoki(take) (mushroom)
松露 truffle
45. 黑木耳 Jew's ear = wood ear = jelly ear
比較:白木耳、銀耳 snow fungus = silver ear fungus = white jelly
46. 海帶、昆布 kombu
補充:紫菜、海苔 nori
髮菜 fat choy = black moss = hair weed